Tuesday, June 20, 2017

10 Things That Will Happen After the Imminent Economic Collapse 2017 Stock Market Crash and 30 Ways to Prepare! (Videos)

10 Things That Will Happen After the Imminent Economic Collapse 2017 Stock Market Crash and 30 Ways to Prepare! (Videos)
Global rejection of the US dollar yet another very clear and present danger. But hold on, there’s more. Much more:
Looking back at what happened during or our own Great Depression, I have come to realize that an economic collapse and stock market crash, if it were to happen, would have the compound effect of combining all woes we so diligently prepare for into one huge mess – a mess that may take decades to resolve.
I worry about this, because, as prepared as I may be, I find it difficult to wrap my head around a mega economic collapse that will result in food and water shortages, power outages, civil disobedience, medical crisis, and worse.
A global economic collapse, which, as tragic as it may be, is a short term event, will change our lives forever…

Today, millions of Americans say that they believe that the United States is on the verge of a major economic collapse and will soon be entering another big stock market crash and Great Depression.
The Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.
The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future. Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and stock market crash will occur at least some time in the next two years, It’s unavoidable, and no one can stop it.
Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.
The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis and market crash….

From the Economist
30 Things You Should Do To PREPARE For The Imminent Economic Collapse & Stock Market CRASH!
Today, millions of Americans say that they believe that the United States is on the verge of a major economic collapse and will soon be entering another big stock market crash and Great Depression. But only a small percentage of those same people are prepared for that to happen.  The sad truth is that the vast majority of Americans would last little more than a month on what they have stored up in their homes. Most of us are so used to running out to the supermarket or to Wall-Mart for whatever we need that we never even stop to consider what would happen if suddenly we were not able to do that when the economic collapse happen. Experts predict that the stock market crash will happen in this year and the economic collapse 2017 is inevitable.

When the economic collapse and stock market crash occurs, it will happen quickly. No one will predict it. That’s because the signs of the economic collapse are difficult to see.
For example, the U.S. economic collapse and stock market crash happened on September 17, 2008. That’s the day panicked investors withdrew a record $140 billion from money market accounts.  That’s where businesses keep the cash to fund day-to-day operations. If withdrawals had gone on for even a week, the entire economy would have halted.
If the economy collapses, you will not have access to credit.
Banks will close. That means high demand, and low supply, of food, gas and other necessities. If the economic collapse affects local governments and utilities, then water and electricity will no longer be available…
The Economic Doomsday is here. The second financial bubble is going to soon burst, and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.
The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis at some point in our future. Going so far as to intimate the financial collapse and market crash will occur at least some time in the next two years, “It’s unavoidable, and even Donald Trump can’t stop it.
Top economists predict that within the next 18-24 months, the imminent economic collapse will happen. The Federal Reserve has set up the American economy for financial collapse and market crash for printing trillions of dollars back in 2008 and 2009.
The Federal Reserve’s policies of printing trillions of dollars back in ’08-09 have locked into place a serious financial crisis….

Journalist Warns Of North Korean EMP Threat: Even “High-Profile National Security People Are Talking About It”

If you asked the average person about what threat North Korea poses to the United States, they’ll probably respond with a blank stare. The few who happen to pay attention to the news, will likely mention North Korea’s nuclear program, as well as their efforts to develop long range ballistic missiles that could one day reach the United States. That’s pretty much all most Americans know about North Korea’s capabilities, because that’s all they hear about from the media.
The truth however is much more frightening. There’s plenty of evidence to suggest that North Korea is either capable of, or is working on the ability to launch an EMP attack against the United States. Unlike the threat posed by a nuclear tipped missile, this wouldn’t just destroy a city or wipe out an overseas military base. It could destroy every city, and kill millions of people. Without a functional electrical grid, there’s simply no way that our society can feed and shelter the current population.
However, it should be noted that while most Americans are totally unaware of this threat, people in high places are taking it very seriously. Earlier this month, a columnist for the Toronto Sun named Anthony Furey released a book that details the threat of an EMP attack, called Pulse Attack: The Real Story Behind the Secret Weapon That Can Destroy North America. He was recently interviewed by Breitbart, and revealed that powerful people in our government are discussing North Korea’s EMP capabilities.
“I was inspired to write this book two years ago after I met with former CIA Director Jim Woolsey, who was in Canada, to talk about the Iran deal,” Furey said. “I had maybe just peripherally heard the phrase [EMP] once or twice, seen it on a science fiction show and didn’t think much of it. And then these high-profile national security people are talking about it, and I thought, ‘Wow, why aren’t more people talking about this?’”
“Right now the issue is more urgent than ever with North Korea on the rise and being emboldened,” Furey said. “While North Korea, as you know, doesn’t always succeed to the level they want – some of their tests aren’t overtly successful – they are still making progress.” He added, “Everything they do, even if it’s a failed launch, is them learning more information” about how to carry out an EMP attack.
To hammer home how seriously we should take this threat, Furey’s book talks about a now widely known attack against the grid that occurred in San Jose, California several years ago, and reveals a frightening detail that most people have never heard before.
In one chapter of his book, Pulse Attack, Furey described a 2013 incident that occurred at the Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s Metcalf transmission substation in California. A group of professional gunmen attacked the transformer station successfully shutting down access to the grid for millions of Californians. “They did it with military assault weapons, and they did it successfully,” Furey said. “They disabled all the cameras. It clearly wasn’t just a disgruntled employee. It wasn’t just a bunch of L.A. gang members. And to this day, a lot of national security experts wonder, ‘what was the point of that attack? Why were they going after the electricity grid? Was it a dry run for something greater?‘”
Furey pointed out that at the very same time, North Korea had a satellite going over the middle of the United States. And if it were armed with an EMP weapon, it could have been “a perfect confluence of events to take down the grid for all of North America.”
What’s frustrating however, is that even though the upper ranks of our government are aware of this threat, it seems like nothing is being done to stop it.
“One of the biggest points that I try to drive home in the book is that we know enough about EMP to know that our enemies have it or are working towards it,” Furey told Breitbart News. “We know enough about it and that it can cause catastrophic damage to our way of life in North America. But there are still too many unknowns about what to do about it, how bad it will be, and what it means for us.”
Protecting North American’s electrical grid against the most devastating consequences of an EMP disruption or attack is simple and would require, at its most basic, a minimal amount of resources. “The solutions are actually within reach, and they are easy,” Furey noted. As little as 8 cents per month (less than $1 per year) charged to each residential electricity consumer over the course of five years could be enough to provide the basic national safeguards for our electric grid.
Unfortunately, that’s the nature of our political system. Our government will bury itself under trillions of dollars of debt, but won’t force power companies to spend a relative pittance on safe guards that would prevent trillions of dollars in damages, and save millions of lives.
Since it doesn’t look our government is going to change its ways anytime soon, it would be wise to prepare for an EMP attack while you still can.

Read More:
The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster
US Navy Seals on Power Grid Attack: ‘A Carbon Copy’ of How We Would Do It
The Threat is Real and Imminent: “Two North Korean Satellites Orbiting Over U.S. May Be Armed With Miniaturized Super-EMP Weapon”
Northcomm Commander Warns: “North Korea Has the Capability of Hitting the U.S.” With EMP Capable Nuclear Missile
EMP Threat: ‘Within One Year 9 Out of 10 Americans Would Be Dead’
A Green Beret’s Guide to EMP: Practical Steps to Prepare for a “Lights Out” Scenario