Monday, May 29, 2017

Novus Ordo: Communion for divorced & remarried in Belgium

Novus Ordo: Communion for divorced & remarried in Belgium
The bishops of Belgium pose for a photo, above, around Card. Jozef de Kesel, first row center. On May 24, 2017, they released a collective pastoral letter allowing Catholics who are divorced and remarried under civil law to receive Communion.

The pastoral letter reads: “One cannot decree that all of the divorced and remarried can be admitted to communion. Nor can one decree that they are all excluded.” The final decision, the Bishops affirm, should fall to the conscience of each of those Catholics.

With this decision, the Belgian Bishops abolish the objective criteria of the need to be in the state of grace to receive Communion and install a relativist subjective criteria. Those who give public scandal by living in sin can now receive the Eucharist if they deem they deserve it.

Both the Catholic doctrine on the Sacraments and Catholic Morals vacillate with this decision...

The Belgian press cheers: "Belgian Bishops Are with Francis!"

These are bad fruits of Amoris laetitia; bad fruits of Francis' choice to make Jozef de Kesel Archbishop of Brussels.

Below first row, wearing a rainbow stole is the Bishop of Antwerp Johan Bonny (in the photo of the Bishops above, he is the second from the right, first row). Bonny also advocates a new ritual of the Church to bless homosexual "marriages." Let us not forget that Bonny was made Bishop of Antwerp by Benedict XVI, the holy.

Second and third rows, homosexual-friendly and pedophilia-complacent Josef de Kesel during the ceremony in which he was made a Cardinal by Francis.

Belgium Bishops 2