Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Francis meets President of Ireland To Discuss FreeMasonic Rights of Man

Francis meets President of Ireland To Discuss FreeMasonic Rights of Man
And also to get his "climate bell"....Conversion is never on the mind's of these heretics
Today Francis greeted Michael D. Higgins, the President of Ireland. The meeting lasted 15 minutes, and they discussed "the rights of humanity and its dignity in every stage and condition of life, the welcome of refugees and safeguarding the environment."

In fact, during the exchange of gifts, Pope Francis received a "climate bell” by Irish artist Vivienne Roche. 

"This is Vivienne Roche... it suggests that a bell is a very important symbol."

Francis then gave the president a medallion, and the three main documents he has released during his papacy. 

The president's wife was also present for this exchange, and at the conclusion of the meeting was very moved. 

"This is so wonderful, I'm so thankful.”

"A pleasure. God Bless you.”

Francis selected Ireland to host the upcoming World Meetings of Families in Summer 2018. Though he hasn't officially confirmed he will go, his aides are working to prepare the trip.