Monday, May 29, 2017

Evidence These 100 Secret Societies Really Rule America (Video)

Evidence These 100 Secret Societies Really Rule America (Video)
Behind the veil is a who’s who of the power elite, linked together like a chain to their founding institutions, to a secret bond, sealed in the particular rituals and mysteries of each chapter.
Skull and Bones is one of the well known organizations ruled by the super rich and evil, but are there more such societies that are lesser known?
The rabbit hole goes much deeper than many realize and this could be discussed for several hours without hitting the bottom.
Out of the customs of ancient organizations of occultic information comes a present day American theocracy, in the context of the oligarchy foundations of the country’s most established and most presumed institutions of higher learning.

The higher lessons do, indeed, uncover an alternate arrangement of lessons, a surrogate class of students, a different class of wealth and privilege, and a different leeway for insider facts, insight, and business operations.
Networking is the power of fraternities, and of successful and wealthy organizations alike; secret societies intensify this, and focus its power. These are repeated at campus after campus, and are interlocked with the halls of government and industry in each state and region.
Only a dedicated, and unaffiliated, historian could piece together the full story, but it is clear that We The People have been locked out and shut out of the real proceedings, and our perceived power as a constitutional Republic with democratic flairs proves to be more and more illusory.
So too, the explanations for wars, political movements and major historical events – which have been explained to American people as though from a parent to a small child.
In the video below, Truthstream Media exposes who these societies that are hidden beneath the veil of secrecy.