Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Heretic Cardinal Tobin Blesses "Special Deformity"

Heretic Cardinal Tobin Blesses "Special Deformity"
The normalization of sodomy continues...
Newark Cardinal Joseph Tobin is blessing a so called pilgrimage of homosexualists at his cathedral on May 21. During the event, a homosex Mass will be presided by the Redemptorist Francis Gargani. Cardinal Tobin was among a handful of prelates who have publicly lauded the soon-to-be-released pro-homosex book by the Jesuit James Martin. Tobin is also among the few prelates to publicly criticize the dubia cardinals, calling the critics of Amoris Laetitia "naive at best." Both, Tobin and Gargani are Redemptorists whose founder, Alphonsus of Liguori, a famous moral theologian, said, "Sodomy involves a special deformity."