Friday, April 28, 2017

"Divine Mercy": A False Devotion Condemned by Two Popes

"Divine Mercy": A False Devotion Condemned by Two Popes
SOURCE- Traditio

Looking Like a Greenie New Age Extraterrestrial
Newchurch Pictures a Pseudo-Christ as "Divine Mercy"
Newchurch Replaced Sunday in White with This False Devotion
Which Proclaims the Heresies of Oecumenism ("All Religions Are Equal")
And "Universal Salvation" ("Everyone Goes to Heaven")
It Should Be Completely Shunned by Traditional Catholics

Ever since the Unsaint JPII-Wojtyla, the Newchurch of the New Order replaced with a phony "Divine Mercy Sunday" the traditional Sunday in White, the High Feast of the Octave Day of Easter (in 2017, April 23). It is a typically false Novus Ordo devotion that should be completely shunned by traditional Catholics. Here is its illegitimate history.

A local devotion under this title, which is associated with one Sr. Faustina and a chaplet of the Divine Mercy, was approved by the Ordinary of Vilnius, Poland, in 1936 and from there spread rapidly, especially after World War II in the United States. It appears that Sr. Faustina could not write, except for a few lines phonetically. Most of her "diary" was concocted by her sisters after her death.
Because of the incongruities of the dairy (different handwriting, different use of terms), the devotion was suppressed, and the book of her diary was placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum [Index of Forbidden Books]. This decision was upheld by Pope John XXIII on November 28, 1958. Moreover, after Pope John XXIII's suppression, deliberate mistranslations began to be circulated that "oecumenized" the original diary. For example, the confirmation of the Catholic doctrine that Jews need to convert to Christianity was eliminated. Prophecies warning of a new order were expunged.
In early 1978, a Polish cardinal petitioned the Vatican to remove the suppression of the devotion, which was being practiced without sanction in his diocese, and the Vatican replied in the negative, confirming the suppression. By this time the original devotional prayer that Sister Faustina composed in 1935 had been illegally replaced by an oecumenized version framed in New Order terminology -- with substantially changed prayers to promote non-Catholic beliefs and the heresy of universal salvation. Among other things, it omitted Sister Faustina's quotation of Our Lord's words condemning "pagans, heretics, and schismatics." Later in 1978 a Polish pope was elected, and the now modernized version, twice condemned, was now entered onto the Novus Ordo liturgical calendar on the Octave of Easter. The "Feast of Divine Mercy" is strictly Novus Ordo and has no basis in the traditional liturgy.
The Octave Day of a feast, particularly of the greatest feast, Easter, is a significant day in itself. The Divine Mercy cult is thus in contravention of the focus of the Catholic liturgy for that day, which is on the Resurrection of Our Lord and faith in His Divinity. As Dom Gueranger, the noted Benedictine liturgical scholar, commented in his fifteen-volume Liturgical Year: "Such is the solemnity of this Sunday that not only is it of greater double rite, but no feast, however great, can ever be kept upon it."

TradCatKnight Radio: "2016: The Year of Pseudo-Mercy"