Wednesday, April 26, 2017

“Ben” is Responsible for “Frank”

“Ben” is Responsible for “Frank”
Note: Not all opinions expressed below are TCK's.  BXVI did not "resign" but only "renunciated" the active portion of the Petrine office and was run out.  He is still Pope.

Whoa! Back up the truck. What’s that you say? What about invincible ignorance? What about not judging others? What about impeccability in the Church?
C’mon folks, get real. This guy who went to Vatican II in a business suit and consorted with every manner of liberal theologian on the planet, both Catholic and non-Catholic – who told Archbishop Lefebvre that he could not give him a date-certain for a Bishop to lead the FSSPX and who presided over a Modernist takeover during his papacy – who authored “Summorum Pontificum” a motu-proprio without teeth – who resigned the “active ministry of the papacy” while retaining the trappings of the office – who took back the excommunications of the SSPX bishops but withheld “canonical jurisdiction” from the Society – who, in resigning the papacy left the door wide open for the election of “Frank” to the Chair of Peter- this man we are told by some may just be the victim of “invincible ignorance.”

On top of this ludicrous scenario we are told by a leader of the FSSP, an organization established to minimize the influence of the FSSPX, a fence-sitter committed to celebrating, if asked, the novus ordo missae of Paul VI and to distributing communion-in-the-hand to those desiring such an abomination and sacrilege…we are told it is we, the hardliners for Tradition, that are the problem? All of these men who followed the venerable Pius XII in the papacy, who had not only the 3rd Secret of Fatima in its entirety available to them but the entire Vatican archives as well, cannot be the “victims” of invincible ignorance. No, they bear responsibility for what has happened to the visible Church in the 20th and 21st centuries. And, yes, we simpletons are responsible for putting up with them and with those who insist on cutting them some slack.
Thank God there are still some traditional priests, and a few bishops, left to minister to us in these modern-day catacombs. Well, that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Endtime Prophecy (Sr. Jeanne): Vatican 2 False Religion