Monday, March 6, 2017

NWO AGENDA (Mandatory Vaccines): PA Senate Bill SB 217 Takes Away Parents’ Right To Object To Toxic Vaccinations

NWO AGENDA (Mandatory Vaccines): PA Senate Bill SB 217 Takes Away Parents’ Right To Object To Toxic Vaccinations
Pennsylvanians are facing a horrendous loss of freedom of healthcare choices together with interference in their constitutional rights relative to valid informed consent and the right to self-determination regarding vaccines/vaccinations, plus the deliberate and mandatory imposition of fraudulent vaccine information regarding pseudoscience in vaccinology from the unfortunate introduction of SB 217 in the current legislative session [2017-18] by four Pennsylvania Senators.

Pennsylvania State Senators Daylin Leach (D-17), Lawrence D Farnese (D-1), Sharif Street (D-3) and Bob Mensch (R-24) introduced into the Harrisburg bill hopper, a draconian bill similar to California’s SB 277, which would deny an individual child and parents their rights to refuse neurotoxic vaccines/vaccinations.  SB 217 amends P.L.30, No.14 known as the Public School Code of 1949 as follows:
Section 1303. Immunization Required; Penalty.–*
(e) Notwithstanding any rule or regulation to the contrary,
a strong moral or ethical conviction similar to a religious
belief may not qualify as an exemption from the immunization
requirements of this section.  [CJF emphasis added]
Once passed, the law would go into effect in 60 days!
Although the four Senators, who introduced SB 217, probably are totally ignorant about vaccine ingredients and adverse reactions or the over $3.6 Billion paid by the Vaccine Court for vaccine damages, they seem totally in the dark about how toxic vaccines ingredients are—see the CDC’s list of ingredients here which documents varied ingredients as: several diploid cell lines (human fetus cell lines); aluminum in any of four formulations; formaldehyde; polysorbate 80, which interferes with fertility; various antibiotics; monkey kidney cell lines; hydrocortisone; thimerosal (49.6% ethylmercury); monosodium glutamate; porcine (pig) gelatin; E.coli; chick embryo and chicken fibroblasts; [DNA from porcine circoviruses (PCV) 1 and 2 has been detected in RotaTeq. PCV-1 and PCV-2 are not known to cause disease in humans]; bovine calf serum; artificial colors – just to mention a few of the far-reaching chemicals and foreign DNA injected into infants, toddlers, teens and adults.
Do those four Senators think they are doing the correct thing in mandating every child must take every vaccination on the current vaccine schedule in order to attend school?  According to FOIA information and whistleblowers from within the CDC, who claim fraud occurs in vaccine ‘science’, it would behoove those Senators to do their due diligence in researching vaccines, the CDC’s VAERS reports and HHS/HRSA vaccine damage payouts, instead of probably kowtowing to vaccine manufacturers’ pseudoscience to get more vaccines mandated for Pennsylvania school children.
Glyphosate—think Monsanto’s Roundup®, has been confirmed in most children’s vaccines!  Merck’s MMR II vaccine registered 2.90 ppb!

Would any parent knowingly and willingly give glyphosate/Roundup® to his/her child?  However, vaccines do!
After reading some of the above vaccine ingredients, how do you think parents would be treated by the law and Child Protective Services if they gave the above chemicals and toxins to their children either to eat or to drink?  So now, how come those very same toxic chemicals should be mandated by law to be injected into children in order to attend day care, grade-middle-high school or college?  That should be illegal!  Isn’t that chemical child abuse?
This 9-page U.S. HHS website documents the Vaccine Injury Compensation Data program payouts for vaccine damages, including deaths (see page 5) and the total monetary outlays of $3,619,323,678.06. Are vaccines really safe?  What happens when it’s your child who is vaccine damaged, since vaccines are not proven safe!
In the U.S. Supreme Court decision Bruesewitz v. Wyeth LLC (2/22/11) the court said,
“Most importantly, the Act [1986 NCVIA] eliminates manufacturer liability for a vaccine’s unavoidable, adverse side effects.”   Also, SCOTUS said vaccines are unavoidably unsafe products”!
Do you know about the U.S. Vaccine Court and how difficult it is to get an award when vaccine damage occurs?
Consider reading every vaccine package insert for all childhood vaccines, specifically noting contraindications, adverse reactions, and other problems that can occur or go wrong from vaccines pediatricians, family doctors, school nurses or whoever administers vaccines will not tell you can happen—seizures and epilepsy are common effects—but should be mandatory to tell everyone by law, especially to parents. 

You can’t handle the truth about vaccines (Ad)

That’s the type of bill those four Senators should be introducing, not one taking away individuals’ rights to be safe and secure from toxic pharmaceutical vaccines and fraudulent CDC vaccine science.
Here is the current roster of PA Senators to contact in Harrisburg if you don’t agree this bill should be passed into Pennsylvania law.


Dr. Tenpenny "Global Forced Vaccines; Conspiracy Or Reality?