Wednesday, March 1, 2017

False Prophet Coming: Formalized One World Ecumenical Church

 False Prophet Coming: Formalized One World Ecumenical Church
From:  Maurizio d’Orlando

Dear friends,
            The Vatican Anonymous blog provides further classified reports from
the confidential committee established by Bergoglio.
            The new rumours are concerning the total change of the concepts of
parish and of confession and the very name of the Mass.
            The Catholic parishes shall be morphed into “ecumenical communities”,
with members of other Christian denominations, Anglicans and Protestants. 

They will not be any longer presided by the Catholic parish priest but by a
team of ecumenical “pastors”. Lay member of the community may be part
of the presiding team.
            Also the Sacrament of Penance, the confession, shall be changed. Those
who may wish, shall still be able to go to a private confession. However, there
shall be new “community penitential liturgies” for the public community
confession, providing the pardon of the community.       
            As informed already, the main change shall affect the Eucharistic Liturgy.
The Holy Communion shall be substituted by a unified rite. Consequently the Holy
Mass shall be called “sacred memorial”.
            It is expected that the vast majority of the Catholics shall follow and
conform to the planned changes, which shall be introduced softly.
            As mentioned, Bergoglio in exchange for the achievements should be
recognized as the President of all the Christian denominations.
            The blogger cites the visions of the blessed Catherine Emmerich.
In Christo Rege per Mariam Reginam
Maurizio d’Orlando
