Tuesday, January 31, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, DAHBOO7 "The World Is Staged"

TradCatKnight Radio, DAHBOO7 "The World Is Staged"
Talk given 1-31-17   (aprx 1hr 10 mins)

Disclaimer: Not all the views of my guests represent the TradCatKnight/Catholic position.

Note: Audio quality is dependent upon skype connectivity which is typically not great. Maximize the volume on both your computer and the youtube video itself.

SUBSCRIBE to TradCatKnight for all the latest Endtime news and Radio shows! This is the most comprehensive and followed traditional Catholic apostolate worldwide.

Justin Knight aka "DahBoo7" is an Independent Journalist that has fought for years to get the truth out via my Youtube Channels Dahboo77 & Dahboo777. Dahboo7 and the Underground Crew have covered live events from places like Ferguson, Baltimore, D.C., Cleveland, Philadelphia and More.  He is a foot soldier covering alot of the news you wont find on the mainstream.   He has almost 260,000 subscribers and over 135 million views on youtube.  You should check out the information he presents on a regular basis.

Woman Concealed, Woman Revealed

Woman Concealed, Woman Revealed
By: Eric Gajewski
Since when did being a housewife become “uncool”?  We live in a modern world wherein the women “we look up to” are anything but that yet why do so many cringe at the notion of being a housewife.  Apparently, women no longer want to be concealed behind the four walls of their home and they want to break free.  Now instead of looking to the Blessed Virgin Mary, model of virtue we look to the TV and integrate ourselves into the filth.  Lady Gaga and the women of WWE running round in bra and panties are not your role models my female friends.  As I have argued, once our women get back on track, in terms of being devoted to Mary and turn back to the Catholic Faith (pre Vatican 2) then we can begin to restore a truly Christian society.  From the propaganda of Antipope Francis saying don’t breed like rabbits to the constant commercials shoving birth control pills our ladies are being brainwashed into the “new era”.  

St. Marcella– The Glory of the Ladies

St. Marcella– The Glory of the Ladies

(325–410)  She was a Christian ascetic in ancient Rome. Growing up in Rome, she was influenced by her pious mother, Albina, an educated woman of wealth and benevolence. Childhood memories centered around piety, and one in particular related to Athanasius, who lodged in her home during one of his many exiles. He may have taken special interest in her, thinking back to his own youthful practice of playing church. Athanasius interacted with his hosts on theological matters and recounted anecdotes of his own monastic life. His most spellbinding stories, however, were the miraculous tales of the desert monks. As a parting gift he left behind the first copy of his biography, The Life of St. Anthony.


A reader of the TIA website sent me this request, which I am answering in today’s column:

“Mr. Guimarães, We have seen Pope Francis taking many revolutionary measures to change the Church. He has moved and shaken every part of the Church’s structure. I see that he has a plan, but I do not see its guidelines. I ask you the favor of giving me what I cannot grasp. If you could, I would consider this a true work of mercy. Thank you. P.M.M.”

Fatima/WW3 Watch: US troops hold joint drills in Poland to prevent attack from the East

Fatima/WW3 Watch: US troops hold joint drills in Poland to prevent attack from the East 
US and Polish soldiers, alongside newly delivered American military hardware, have conducted joint drills as part of the biggest US deployment in Europe since the end of the Cold War.
Servicemen of the 3,500-strong 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, from Fort Carson, Colorado showcased some of their skills in front of Commander of the US Army Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, US Ambassador Paul Jones and Polish President Andrzej Duda said in Zagan on Monday.

Planet X Incoming: Are Earth’s Magnetic Poles about to flip?

Planet X Incoming: Are Earth’s Magnetic Poles about to flip? 

Earth’s magnetic poles are set to swap places - and we're totally unprepared

When north becomes south.

Why Saint Thomas Aquinas Opposed Open Borders

Why Saint Thomas Aquinas Opposed Open Borders

Every nation has the right to distinguish, by country of origin, who can migrate to it and apply appropriate immigration policies, according to the great medieval scholar and saint Thomas Aquinas.

DAYS OF LOT: Boy Scouts, Reversing Century-Old Stance, Will Allow Transgender Boys

DAYS OF LOT: Boy Scouts, Reversing Century-Old Stance, Will Allow Transgender Boys

Reversing its stance of more than a century, the Boy Scouts of America said on Monday that the group would begin accepting members based on the gender listed on their application, paving the way for transgender boys to join the organization.

Our Lord to Marie Julie on Mercy

Our Lord to Marie Julie on Mercy



Included: One of my eagle messages incorporating his vision of the Church in trial and triumph...

The First Prophecy
God alone is almighty, all-knowing, all-seeing. God has neither past nor future; everything is present to Him, everything at a single point of time. Nothing eludes God. No person, no place is distant from Him. In His infinite mercy and for His glory He alone can unveil the future to man.

Video of the Day- CERN "Entities" Confirmed

Video of the Day- CERN Entities Confirmed 
We are being visited and we are being controlled and shoved in the "right" direction. The powerful entities are Demonic and scary. CERN is proof itself of Demonic worship and rituals. The whole chanting and invoking incantations is CERN JUST turning the machine on and running through a check list is a spell kinda thing. Spells is not about rhymes, eye of newts etc. Spells are practical and very specific. This stuff is scary and yes there is a MATH that is all of it's own pertaining to magic and witchcraft. THEY know this and have mastered it.
Speaker in this video Anthony Patch joins me once again on TCK RADIO in February 

Monday, January 30, 2017

TradCatKnight Radio, "Stigmatist Ruffini & the Consecration of Russia Done Late"

TradCatKnight Radio, "Stigmatist Ruffini & the Consecration of Russia Done Late"
Talk given 1-30-17   (aprx 1hr 30 mins)

SUBSCRIBE to TradCatKnight for all the latest Endtime news and Radio shows! This is the most comprehensive and followed traditional Catholic apostolate worldwide.

Join me for the next hour and a half as we cover Francis latest heresy, the latest drama with the SSPX, the approaching Tribulation and arrival of Antichrist, Garabnadal and two stars colliding, the warning and stigmatist Ruffini and his revelation as to what Pope would do the consecration of Russia.

Novus Ordo: First "homosexual marriage" of a "Catholic" priest

Novus Ordo: First "homosexual marriage" of a "Catholic"priest 
Only in the Novus ordo folks...

First "homosexual marriage" of a Catholic priest - "30 years of commitment to 'homosexual rights'"

Bernard Lynch, Catholic priest, "married" his "long term boyfriend"

(Dublin) In Ireland, the first Catholic priest entered a "homosexual marriage". Bernárd Lynch from the Irish county of Clare is a Catholic priest. Since 1986 he is an avowed homosexual. He also became the first priest to have a "homosexual marriage".

Francis Will Not Declare Mary as CoRedemptrix

Francis Will Not Declare Mary as CoRedemptrix
Francis has no jurisdiction to do so.  This Dogma will formalized at a Council on the other side of the Tribulation wherein Vatican II will be made null and void.

Earlier this month, the International Marian Association submitted a request to Pope Francis, asking for the public recognition of the title of Mary as “Co-Redemptrix with Jesus the Redeemer.” The 10 page document was submitted by the Theological Commission of the International Marian Association, a group of more than 100 theologians, bishops, priests, religious, and lay leaders from over 20 countries dedicated to the “full truth and love of Mary, Mother of Jesus.”

SSPX Soap Opera: All that is left, is for Bp. Fellay to sign on the dotted line

SSPX Soap Opera: All that is left, is for Bp. Fellay to sign on the dotted line
Sounds perfectly logical to shake hands with the enemies of our Faith and "be recognized" by Modernists who have no idea what it is to be Catholic in the proper sense, right?
When will Bishop Fellay learn?  Francis is a true Antipope he has no jurisdiction over the Church...

3rd Wave of Energy Strikes the Earth! (Video)

3rd Wave of Energy Strikes the Earth! (Video)


3rd Wave Of Energy Strikes the Earth! The video goes into further explanation about these waves of Energy hitting the Earth.

When the Rich Become Preppers, it’s Time to Worry

When the Rich Become Preppers, it’s Time to Worry
Includes: Mykel Hawke "Preparedness: #1 Ranked Survivalist Speaks" 
Prepping is biblical:  Ask Noah or Joseph of the Old Testament

For over 10 years now, we’ve been openly advocating that folks take action to become more prepared should crisis arrive. And for a long time, this advice relegated us to being labeled “tin-foil hat doomsday preppers” (and other less-polite monikers). The media just couldn’t figure out any other box to put us in.

Fatima Watch: Putin's Russia in biggest Arctic military push since Soviet fall

Fatima Watch: Putin's Russia in biggest Arctic military push since Soviet fall
 The nuclear icebreaker Lenin, the pride and joy of the Soviet Union's Arctic great game, lies at perpetual anchor in the frigid water here. A relic of the Cold War, it is now a museum.
But nearly three decades after the Lenin was taken out of service to be turned into a visitor attraction, Russia is again on the march in the Arctic and building new nuclear icebreakers.

'Sadistic rituals' practiced at German elite base detailed by media, investigated by military

'Sadistic rituals' practiced at German elite base detailed by media, investigated by military 
Recruits and service personnel have been subjected to humiliating acts, violent rituals and sexual abuse at an elite military base in southern Germany, according to a report first published by Der Spiegel daily and later confirmed by the German military. 

Economic Crisis: The Honeymoon Is Ending: Angry Wall Street Traders Slam Trump, Warn Next Move Is Lower

The Honeymoon Is Ending: Angry Wall Street Traders Slam Trump, Warn Next Move Is Lower
Here is the latest economic news.  Antichrist Maitreya states bluntly there will be an  economic collapse to precede his arrival onto the scene.  We are getting close.

It appears that Wall Street's nearly 3 month honeymoon with Trump is ending. Because no matter how much the courts or public pressure force the watering down of Trump’s immigration order, Bloomberg's Mark Cudmore warns that "the long-term damage to Brand USA has been done."
Here is why "trader #1" is angry:

The United States Is On The Precipice Of Widespread Civil Unrest

The United States Is On The Precipice Of Widespread Civil Unrest
Pre-planned & Manufactured Unrest
It doesn’t take much of a trigger to push extremely large crowds of very angry protesters into committing acts of rioting and violence.  And rioting and violence can ultimately lead to widespread civil unrest and calls for “revolution”.  The election of Donald Trump was perhaps the single most galvanizing moment for the radical left in modern American history, and we have already seen that a single move by Trump can literally cause protests to erupt from coast to coast within 48 hours.  On Friday, Trump signed an executive order that banned refugees from Syria indefinitely and that placed a 90 day ban on travel to the United States for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.  Within hours, protesters began to storm major airports, and by Sunday very large crowds were taking to the streets all over the country… 

Assault on Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark

Assault on Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark
Video within...

The Most Reverend Manuel A. Cruz, Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Newark, was offering opening prayers at a Saturday afternoon service.. The sanctity of the mass was shattered when a man wearing a white robe over a red suit shambled up to the altar from the crowd, reached Bishop Cruz and struck the 63-year-old in the face, knocking him backwards until he fell on the altar.

Church Revolution in Pictures: Jewish magnate blesses Francis at the Vatican

Jewish magnate blesses Francis at the Vatican


On January 27, 2017, Francis received in a private audience a delegation of the European Jewish Congress led by its president, the Russian magnate Moshe Kantor. 

St. Martina of Rome

St. Martina of Rome
Patron of Rome; nursing mothers
Martina of Rome was a Roman martyr under emperor Alexander Severus. She is a patron saint of Rome.
She was martyred in 226, according to some authorities, more probably in 228, under the pontificate of Pope Urban I, according to others. The daughter of an ex-consul and orphaned at an early age, she was described as a noble and beautiful virgin.[1] She so openly testified to her Christian faith that she could not escape the persecutions under Alexander Severus. Arrested and commanded to return to idolatry, she refused, whereupon she was subjected to various tortures and was finally beheaded. These tortures according to her vita include being scourged and scaled, was condemned to be devoured by wild beasts in the amphitheater, but being miraculously untouched by them, she was thrown on a burning pile, from which she also escaped unhurt, and was finally beheaded.
Her hagiography asserts that some of her executioners also converted to Christianity and were themselves beheaded.[2]
The relics of Martina were discovered on October 25, 1634 by the painter Pietro da Cortona, in a crypt of Santi Luca e Martina, situated near the Mamertine Prison and dedicated to the saint.[3] Pope Urban VIII, who occupied the Holy See at that time, had the church repaired and, it would seem, composed the hymns which are sung at her office. Martina known as 'Martina il-qahba'.[4]
Her feast day is January 30.[5]


TradCatKnight on SGT REPORT...


Jesuit priest Malachi Martin who served in Rome, claims that a private enthronement of Satan in the Vatican took place in 1963. According to Eric Gajewski a traditional Catholic, founder of the TradCatKnight website and You Tube channel, "There's no question that Lucifer was enthroned at the Vatican. These Luciferians hide behind the collar and they have a plan to usher in this Luciferian New Age... there is a battle between Lucifer and Satan, God and the Catholic church." Thanks for tuning in to this gripping interview as we expose the Satanic Vatican deception.



Sunday, January 29, 2017

TradCatKnight Mail....

TradCatKnight Mail....
Here is some of the latest coming through my inbox.  Please keep inviting your family, friends and church members to TradCatKnight the #1 ranked traditional catholic website worldwide.

Latest Endtime Videos (January 29, 2017)

Latest Endtime Videos (January 29, 2017)
Here are the latest endtime videos circulating online.  Do you have your wings spread in Faith and Hope?  Are you wearing the Scapular and praying the Rosary?  The Great Storm approaches stay focused on Christ and Mary.

Jesus Asleep?

Jesus Asleep?
By: Eric Gajewski
Matthew 8:23-27 At that time, Jesus got into a boat, and His disciples followed Him. And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was covered by the waves; but He was asleep. So they came and woke Him, saying, Lord, save us! we are perishing! But He said to them, Why are you fearful, O you of little faith? Then He arose and rebuked the wind and the sea, and there came a great calm. And the men marvelled, saying, What manner of Man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?

Let not your heart be troubled.  God is still in control both in your individual lives and with His Church.  There are far too many complaining by raising their voices to God demanding God end this crisis in the Storm.  Be careful lest you tempt the Lord with your contemptuous tongue.  God has a plan and does not answer to man thus we must continue on until Jesus Himself desires to end the Storm.  Which one of us will add a few years to our lives by worrying about when God “will act” in this crisis?  None of us therefore we must continue to labor on and control what we can control.  Perhaps God knows best?  Perhaps even better than you?  Perhaps the more time that is granted unto man to convert the more actually will?  Let us take a look at todays gospel and apply it to this current crisis in the Church.

John F Salza and Robert J Siscoe Obstinately Persist in the Crime of Public Sacrilege

John F Salza and Robert J Siscoe Obstinately Persist in the Crime of Public Sacrilege
by Fr. Paul L. Kramer

Even after I publicly refuted their utterly fraudulent accusations of heresy which they, with sacrilegious malice have maliciously presumed to hurl against me; John Salza and Robert Siscoe persist in their rabid attempts to publicly defame me as a heretic. In their most recent screed against me, these two criminals state: «Kramer is a public heretic because he has publicly left the Church (declaring it to be a false Church)» This statement is a deliberate and sacrilegious lie directed against a Catholic priest, published for the sole purpose to defame the priest. It is a totally false statement — an outright lie.

Fr. Voigt, "From a Great Crisis to a Great Calm"

Fr. Voigt, "From a Great Crisis to a Great Calm"

When the apostles went to sleep our Lord went to pray.  But in one case the apostles went to work against a ravaging sea and the Lord went to sleep?  Does the Master of all Creation need to sleep?  I think not.  Instead as  Origin points out our Lord caused the great crisis to present a divine paradigm.  Great crisis yields to a great calm through a significant petition to God.  

Fr. Campbell, "Finding Your Place in the Ark"

Fr. Campbell, "Finding Your Place in the Ark"

Truth is found in Jesus Christ alone. His Church is the Ark in which His true followers take refuge. Our Lord teaches what He receives from God the Father:

“Amen, amen, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but only what he sees the Father doing. For whatever he does, this the Son also does in like manner. For the Father loves the Son, and shows him all that he himself does… My teaching is not my own, but his who sent me” (Jn.5:19,20;7:16).

Francis frets about ‘hemorrhage’ of priests, nuns from church

Francis frets about ‘hemorrhage’ of priests, nuns from church
People have had enough of the New Religion of Vatican II.
Francis says he is concerned about what he calls a “hemorrhage” of priests and nuns from the Catholic church.

A Vile Lord Repents

A Vile Lord Repents

St. Alphonsus Liguori
devil noble 
As a youth, the noble entered a pact with the devil

We read in the revelations of St. Bridget that there was once a lord as noble by birth as he was low and sinful in his habits. He had given himself by an express compact as a slave to the Devil and had served him for 60 years, leading such a bad life as may easily be imagined and never approaching the Sacraments.  

SOROS: The Most Evil Man in the World, His Plan, His MO and the Plot to Take Him Down

SOROS: The Most Evil Man in the World, His Plan, His MO and the Plot to Take Him Down
NOTE: Not an endorsement for democracy
The time has come for the Anonymous Patriots to fully expose the world’s Dr. Evil, aka George Soros.  
Soros is the funding behind the world-wide Women’s March on January 21, 2017 and the current effort going on in the U.S. Congress to impeach President Trump.

Crusader History: The Battle of Dorylaeum

The Battle of Dorylaeum 

Dr. Helena Schrader

Two weeks ago, in his first guest post, Rand Brown looked at the start of the First Crusade. Today he examines the first important battle of that military campaign.

Bomb-shelter builder stays busy as customers prep for ‘Trumpocalypse’

Bomb-shelter builder stays busy as customers prep for ‘Trumpocalypse’ 

Inside his football field-size warehouse an hour’s drive southeast of Dallas, Gary Lynch is busy trying to keep up with orders for his solid-steel bomb shelters.
He offers visitors a tour of a 600-square-foot model under construction for a Saudi customer.
Right now, it’s just a steel shell, he said, but when the work is done it will be a luxurious underground bunker with a master bedroom, four bunk beds, a composting toilet, a living room with satellite television capability, filtered air and water, and a storage closet with room for months of food.
Lynch explains that orders for his most expensive shelters, which can cost as much as several million dollars, have increased since the November election.




How do you take a nation of free and independent citizens and turn them into slaves? How do you do this slowly and imperceptibly, without violence, and with the willing participation of the slaves-to-be?  
The answer is simple.
You corrupt them, undermine them, deprave them, demoralize them, until they have acquired all the characteristics of slaves.


By: St. Francis De Sales

He who is of God hears the words of God. 
Therefore you hear them not, 
because you are not of God. – John 8:47
A word is accepted or rejected for three reasons: because of the person who speaks it, because of the word that is spoken, because of those who hear it. For this word to be honored and accepted, the one who is speaking it must be a good man, a virtuous man, one worthy of being believed. Otherwise, rather than being accepted, it will be rejected, despised. Further, what is said must be good and true. Finally, those who hear it must be good, prepared to receive it; if not, it will be neither accepted, honored, nor kept.

Video of the Day- REBEL "TRADIONALIST" Priests?

Video of the Day- REBEL "TRADITIONALIST" Priests?
"They have the buildings we have the Faith"

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Faithless Jews "Bless" Antipope Francis

Faithless Jews "Bless" Antipope Francis
We have seen Conciliar leaders being "blessed" by all types of heretics and faithless people havent we?.....add this to the list!

  1 Thess. 2: 14-16  For you, brethren, are become followers of the churches of God which are in Judea, in Christ Jesus: for you also have suffered the same things from your own coutrymen, even as they have from the Jews, [15] Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and the prophets, and have persecuted us, and please not God, and are adversaries to all men; [16] Prohibiting us to speak to the Gentiles, that they may be saved, to fill up their sins always: for the wrath of God is come upon them to the end.

European Jewish Congress visited the pope and gave his home a special blessing

Prepper: 10 Skills Needed To Thrive In A Post-Collapse World

Prepper: 10 Skills Needed To Thrive In A Post-Collapse World
The Latest from the prepping world...

Knowledge is something that no one can take from you. It’s the eternal wealth that will help you thrive in a Post-Collapse world.
Some experts see the perfect storm emerging for a dramatic collapse of Western civilizationclaiming we’ve reached environmental, economic, and geopolitical tipping points. Clearly, some skills will be far more valuable than others if this societal breakdown occurs.  Sorry bankers, lawyers, and accountants, there won’t be a need for you in a post-collapse world.

(VIDEO) Red Alert – Mass Die-Off From Alaska to Mexico

Red Alert – Mass Die-Off From Alaska to Mexico
From Japan to California, from Alaska to Mexico, the ecology of the Pacific is collapsing. The food chain is disintergrating. Lethal doses of radiation permeate our shore and there is no end in sight. How bad will it get? If the food chain of the Pacific is collapsing, how long until ours collapses? That is the topic of this video.

New Mass Review Or No Mass Altogether Coming?

New Mass Review Or No Mass Altogether Coming?

Francis has ordered a review of the new Mass translation

Pope Francis has ordered a review of “Liturgiam Authenticam,” the controversial decree behind the most recent translations of liturgical texts from Latin into English and other languages

We approach the hour of the arrival of the Antichrist wherein the Sacrifice will be abolished.  No one ought be going to the "New Mass" to begin with.  This is the Conciliar Churches Mass not the Catholic Mass.  It is illicit and schismatic.

Fr. Rafael, O.S.B., December 19, 2016 Letter to Family, Faithful, & Friends – Takes on Yellow Lighters

Fr. Rafael, O.S.B., December 19, 2016 Letter to Family, Faithful, & Friends – Takes on Yellow Lighters

You may download here an English translation of the December 19, 2016 Letter to Family, Faithful, and Friends by Fr. Rafael, O.S.B., of the St. Joseph Monastery in Ecuador.

How Can Mohamed Marry Mary "in heaven" when He is In Hell?

‘Virgin Mary will marry Prophet Mohammed in heaven,’ claims Egyptian scholar, angering Christians

How Can Mohamed Marry Mary "in heaven" when He is In Hell


More propaganda to arouse a clash between Kingdoms as Jesus warned...

An Egyptian cleric has earned the ire of the country’s Christian community by claiming that the Prophet Mohammed would marry Mary, the mother of Jesus, in heaven.
Dr. Salem Abdel Galil, a scholar at the prestigious Al-Azhar University in Cairo, made the inflammatory remarks on his TV show, “Muslims are asking.”

TOLDYA: Grand Master Festing’s Resignation Coerced, Ties To Faggots Leaked By Team Bergoglio

TOLDYA: Grand Master Festing’s Resignation Coerced, Ties To Faggots Leaked By Team Bergoglio


Well, well, well.  Overnight more details emerged, confirming what I wrote yesterday.  First, Edward Pentin, who is almost single-handedly “saving Catholicism from itself” with his reportage, as one very solid priest friend put it, has details of the secret meeting in which Antipope Bergoglio illegally coerced Grand Master Festing into “resigning”.  Excerpted from RorateCaeli:

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees

Trump says US will prioritize Christian refugees 

President Donald Trump said in a new interview Friday that persecuted Christians will be given priority over other refugees seeking to enter the United States, saying they have been "horribly treated."
Speaking with the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trump said that it had been "impossible, or at least very tough" for Syrian Christians to enter the United States.
"If you were a Muslim you could come in, but if you were a Christian, it was almost impossible and the reason that was so unfair -- everybody was persecuted, in all fairness -- but they were chopping off the heads of everybody but more so the Christians. And I thought it was very, very unfair. So we are going to help them."

Martial Law Cometh: Obama Issued A Massive Ammunition Ban Just One Day Before He Left Office

Martial Law Cometh: Obama Issued A Massive Ammunition Ban Just One Day Before He Left Office
In early December SHTFplan contributor Jeremiah Johnson warned the inauguration was still a long way off and that we should never underestimate a Marxist with an army of oligarchs to lean on. It turns out that Johnson’s warnings were right on target, as we have learned over the last couple of weeks that President Obama and officials in his administration moved feverishly to implement new rules and regulations with last minute initiatives.

Say What? To Save the Planet, Kill 90 Percent of People Off, Says UT Ecologist

Say What? To Save the Planet, Kill 90 Percent of People Off, Says UT Ecologist

At first, I thought someone was making a really stupid April Fool’s joke, but apparently it is true that the Texas Distinguished Scientist of 2006, University of Texas ecologist Eric Pianka told a meeting of the Texas Academy of Science that 90 percent of his fellow human beings must die in order to save the planet. A very disturbed Forrest M. Mims III — Chairman of the Environmental Science Section of the Texas Academy of Science, writing at The Citizen Scientist — reported:

Papal Infallibility: Historic-Doctrinal Context

Papal Infallibility: Historic-Doctrinal Context


 Book review of Papal Monarchy by Dom Prosper Guéranger, Fitzwilliam, NH: Loreto Publications, 2003, 307 pp. 

Dom Prosper Guéranger wrote The Papal Monarchy to refute the 19th century re-emergence of the error of Gallicanism, a bad doctrine similar to Anglicanism that had infiltrated the ensemble of Bishops of France. Indeed, Gallia is the old Latin name for today’s France. From its beginnings, this movement refused to admit the authority of the Pope over the king's temporal dominion or the Pope's superiority to a general council. The revived Gallicanism affirmed that infallibility rested with the French Bishops.

March for Life chief on crowd sizes: ‘The only number that I care about…is 58 million’

March for Life chief on crowd sizes: ‘The only number that I care about…is 58 million’


In the last seven days the city of Washington has seen three large events attended by hundreds of thousands of people: President Trump’s inauguration last Friday, the Women’s March on Saturday, and the March for Life today. Each group would like the honor of drawing the most people. 

Bishop Williamson- Benevolent Ally?

Benevolent Ally?

A V II bishop wishes Tradcats well? –
But can he see how V II leads to Hell?

Bishop Athanasius Schneider, originally from Germany but now a Bishop of Astana in Kazakhstan, has made himself known to Traditionalists in recent years for his many statements at least apparently sympathetic to Catholic Tradition. For instance last year he associated himself publicly with the four Cardinals’ questioning of Pope Francis’ doctrine in the papal document, Amoris Laetitia. When he himself does so much to criticize the Church swinging “left,” he may not understand or appreciate coming under attack from the “right,” but it is the Truth which is at stake, not our little personalities. Your Excellency, thank you for much truth that you have had the courage openly to defend, but do understand that the full Truth is much stronger, and more demanding, than you think. You gave recently an interview to Adelante la Fe. Please do not take it personally if I quote (in italics) a few of your answers and criticize them:—