Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What Will Happen First, An Economic Collapse or World War 3?

What Will Happen First, An Economic Collapse or World War 3? And How to Preparing for a Lawless Society


How to Preparing for a Lawless Society

The Collapse is Approaching
The question I am most often asked is “If what you’re saying is true, it’s obvious that I need to do something to protect myself and my family, but I don’t know where to start. Can you help?”
Sadly most people are woefully unprepared for the inevitable terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and other disruptions that are planned for our daily lives. Our government tells us VIRTUALLY NOTHING about what we can do to protect ourselves. And make no mistake about it, there’s plenty we can do — We don’t have to be sitting ducks!

As JFK once said, “The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” So, as the storm clouds start brewing all around us, let’s make sure the roof is in order, before it’s too late.
Your number one resource when the planned cataclysmic events start taking place is your knowledge – and that’s knowledge gained over months or years of learning to think how to live primarily independent of the system. Whatever you do, don’t rely on your government to save you.
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Via Michael Snyder
Even though Barack Obama is on track to be the first president in all of U.S. history to not have a single year when the U.S. economy grew by 3 percent or better, many have still been mystified by the fact that the economy has been relatively stable in recent years.
But the explanation is rather simple, actually. Anyone can live like a millionaire if the credit card companies will lend them enough money. You could even do it yourself. Just go out and apply for as many credit cards as possible and then spend money like there is no tomorrow. In no time at all, you will be living the high life.
Of course many of you would immediately object that a day of reckoning would come eventually, and you would be right. Just like for those that abuse credit cards, a financial day of reckoning is coming for America too.
In the United States today, our standard of living is being massively inflated by taking trillions of dollars of future consumption and moving it into the present. The politicians love to do this because it makes them look good and they can take credit for an “economic recovery”, but what we are doing to our children and our grandchildren is beyond criminal.
On average, we are stealing more than 100 million dollars from future generations of Americans every single hour of every single day. We are complete and utter pigs, and yet most Americans don’t see anything wrong with what we are doing.
At this point, our national debt is more than 30 times larger than it was just 40 years ago, and many (including myself) have argued that it is now mathematically impossible for the U.S. government to ever pay off all of this debt.
The only thing that we can do now is to keep the party going for as long as possible until the day of reckoning inevitably comes.
Under Obama, our national debt will come close to doubling. What that means is that during Obama’s eight years we will accumulate almost as much debt as we did under all of the other presidents in U.S. history combined.
Right now, the U.S. government is responsible for about a third of all the government debt in the entire world. Fortunately the financial world continues to lend us gigantic mountains of money at ridiculously low interest rates, but if that were to ever change we would be in an enormous amount of trouble very rapidly.

For instance, if the average rate of interest on U.S. government debt simply returns to the long-term average, we would very quickly find ourselves spending more than a trillion dollars a year just in interest on the national debt.
And as the Baby Boomers age, our “unfunded liabilities” threaten to absolutely swamp us. By the year 2025, it is being projected that “mandatory” federal spending on “unfunded liabilities” such as Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare plus interest on the national debt will exceed total federal revenue. What that means is that we will spend every penny we bring in before a single dollar is spent on the military, homeland security, paying federal workers, building roads and bridges, etc.
In recent years the Federal Reserve has also had a “buy now, pay later” mentality.
While Obama has been in the White House, the size of the Fed balance sheet has grown by about two and a half trillion dollars. The goal has been to artificially pump up the economy, but when the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air it is actually a tax on all of us. The purchasing power of every dollar that we will spend in the future has been diminished thanks to the Fed, but most Americans don’t understand this.


Studies have clearly shown that once a SHTF event occurs, you have two to three days to get to where you ultimately want to hunker down. After that, travel becomes extremely dangerous and it is unlikely you will reach your final destination.
Highways will become kill zones targeted by the bad guys. To a gang of armed looters who forgot to prepare or plan ahead before the event, there is not a better target than an RV loaded down with stored food, ammo, and gold.
If you cannot afford a retreat cabin of some sort, there are things you can do to hunker down in your own home…
First, you need to stock up and find a way to defend it. Like-minded friends and neighbors can be a huge support network — as long as they have prepared as well.
In order to be fully prepared for what is to come it’s important to think about what you will need. You’re going to need a lot of equipment and tools but a lot of basic things as well. The reason for this is when the entire world starts changing you never know what’s going to be hard to find.
You may not be able to get water, food or even basic hygiene products. So take some time to look over this list and make sure you’re ready for what’s to come.
World War 3 Could be Imminent!
Conflict with the likes of Russia or China was something that seemed buried with the end of the Cold War. Yet today’s simmering tensions mean there is a risk of such an outcome becoming all too real.
As in the past, it is perfectly possible that a third world war could start with a small event, or even by accident.
One of the many Russian bomber planes now probing NATO’s borders could collide with an RAF Typhoon, prompting an aerial skirmish the likes of which the world has not seen for decades.
Indeed, the skies over Syria are starting to get dangerously crowded, with Russian jets flying near US planes on bombing runs, and sparring with NATO air defenses in neighboring Turkey.
Admittedly, such a conflict is neither wanted nor inevitable; a third world war would be an epic failure of deterrence and diplomacy. But the possibility means we must weigh our calculations in a way that we haven’t for decades.
Too many leaders and thinkers mimic their counterparts of a century ago, who thought that trade and progress had somehow made the risk of war between states obsolete.
In turn, too many military officers take the opposite tack of mimicking their historic counterparts and being unduly optimistic about such a fight if it were to happen, using words such as “short and sharp”. .
Doomsday’ predictions of all life on Earth being exterminated are probably over-stating the impact of nuclear weapons – but it would have a huge impact on life on our planet.
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Large-scale nuclear war could devastate the entire world. In 1979, the U.S. Congress’s Office of Technology published a report called The Effects of War, which envisaged the impact of an all-out nuclear attack.
The consequences would be disastrous – with hundreds of millions of people dead, and more facing cancer and radiation sickness.
The OTA envisaged up to 80% of the population of the U.S. being killed immediately, with further casualties from radiation.
Hydrogen bombs could devastate entire cities. Nearly six million people dead, homes flattened and millions more poisoned by a huge plume of radioactive poison which would spread for 130 miles.
An app by Alex Wellerstein at the Stevens Institute of Technology, Nuke Map, shows what could happen if the largest Soviet hydrogen bomb ever detonated was dropped on London.
Destruction would spread from Horsham in the South to Luton in the north – and casualties would spiral after the initial blast killed and injured nearly 10 million people.
A serious nuclear conflict would also leave the world far worse off than depicted. .
This is true, but both the historic trading patterns between great powers before each of the last world wars and the risky actions and heated rhetoric out of Moscow and Beijing over the last year demonstrate it is no longer useful to avoid talking about the great power rivalries of the 21st century and the dangers of them getting out of control. We need to acknowledge the real trends in motion and the real risks that loom, so that we can take mutual steps to avoid the mistakes that could create such an epic fail of deterrence and diplomacy. That way we can keep the next world war where it belongs, in the realm of fiction.