Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Porn: The Portal To The Pit

Porn:  The Portal To The Pit
We are deluded daily in our culture of self
By: Eric Gajewski

Let us be real for a moment.  The world no longer wants Christ nor His true Gospel.  We have the feel good impotent humanitarianist gospel of Vatican II.  We have feel good on the surface without and substance within.  As I have mentioned modern man is a surface dwelling creature who is looking for escape routes upon nearly every turn in life.  I know this because I too once lived this.  I was a man of the world moving from distraction to distraction.  I had everything a man could supposedly ask for living the “American Dream” or did I?  From the nice things to money and women life was moving extremely fast.  I had “things” but I was not connected to “anything” if that makes sense.  A smile on the surface tried to cover up the self I was living by.  Sadly, this describes the majority today as I see that same smile I too once had.  As a part of this “culture of self” pornography is certainly pervasive.  

Many of you know my past as I was once a ”playboy” addicted to the flesh and all things carnal.  Pornography provided an outlet for me to connect with a different world that was a release from my own.  It was truly the saddest time of my life looking back upon it.  I was deceived for pornography is not a pedestal to any real pleasure.  No, rather, it is a portal to the pit.  A door by which the demonic lives closely by.  These unseen beasts await for the consent of the heart so that they may come in through the door now opened.  Like parasites these beasts will feed off of the host and with every soul they take over the more society becomes imbedded in this culture of self and death.

We live in a dangerous age wherein we can have illicit fantasies presented to us in a quick fix fashion.  Do we ever pause to think that modern man needs everything “quick”.  Quick relationships, quick fast food, instant coffee, the quick car wash and so on and so forth.  Enter in to this equation how many people are looking for quick fixes as it relates to “love”.  I use this word loosely because modern man simply has no understanding of what true Charity is not even the Conciliarists of Vatican II.  So many misdirected souls search for intimacy only to find their day ending in front of a computer.  They search for intimacy and yet they do not find.  Gradually, those viewing pornography find themselves in a bigger hole than the day before and ultimately are susceptible to becoming addicted. (recent stats on porn addiction)

Pornography is a portal to the pit via pleasing the self.  Over the course of everyday a Catholic ought be examining ALL of the movements of his heart to access whether or not he acts to please Christ or the self.  Due to our fallen nature we have this leaning to stimulating the senses by way of the self.  Self or the Sacred Heart?  Which will you decide to live by going forward?  No man can become a Saint if he first does not learn to master himself through the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Unfortunately, like anything worthy of true Love, the process of arriving at the Spiritual Marriage with Our Beloved requires time.  This is problematic to ‘fallen man” because he is continually searching for a quick fix even in his spiritual life.  It is only through a heroic denial of this self that one can begin to truly appreciate the Cross.  This is why Our Lord said you must first deny the self before He said take up the Cross.  Those who cannot learn this first step on the Path of Selfless Love will never be able to embrace the Cross which seeks to squash altogether this self from your being.  Then Christ finishes with “Come follow Me” and not do as thou wilt.  This is literally what satan will teach you.  True Love requires a steadfast discipline which the Saints knew all too well.  They knew the heart expanded in Selfless Love after each trial.  They knew just how much Jesus truly loved us because, they, in fact, were looking through His eyes peering out to the world as eagles. 

Porn is an attack on the family.  Many fail to reflect upon this point.  It truly is a powerful contraceptive maybe even the most powerful.  Men now pursue their computers instead of their wives and the wives now seemingly dress like the pornographic actresses in those movies all to get just a little attention from their supposed Lover.  Not only through our porn culture are birth rates dropping pornography can truly affect the children too.  I cannot tell you how many women I have spoken to through my ministry who have relayed that their husbands were addicted to porn.  They would speak about their problem yet in the same breath not realize they were not helping.  Many of our women have no sense of modesty these days but that is a topic for another day.  Satan “loves to pervert”.  He takes this very holy act of sexual intercourse and perverts its meaning.  No longer are children an end to the act but we have replaced the children with our “self” as the end!  As long as I am satisfied than I fulfilled this function he or she thinks to themselves.  Porn is the ultimate symptom of the “disease of me” culture we live in.  If I feel good than I am good modern man thinks and yet is this what the Royal Road of the Cross teaches us?  Maybe life is not about us?  Maybe it is about the One who gives us life to begin with?  

“Free” Love isn’t free nor is it love.  Lucifer has completely deceived the majority living today by pitching his “feel good” gospel under the banner of liberty.  Men rather than trying to pursues Gods Will try to pursue the next pleasure online.  They are not looking for a woman anymore do to porn they are looking for an actor who they can control and manipulate.  That sounds harsh but that is a sad reality for most these days.  Our Lord warned that in the last days the telltale sign would be a lack of charity.  Who can argue that on the basis of this Word that we do not live in those times.  Man will rationalize that if “State law” allows for me to do something than naturally it is “okay”.  In order for the heart to be truly free it must be living in Christ therefore man must abide by God’s Law.  The sodomites who think they are free promoting their “lovewins” campaign live in a deep darkness interiorly.  The devil has deceived them well.  Homosexual porn is on the rise as many more souls pick up the unclean within and this carries them over to newer perversions.

Breaking the habit of porn.  To break this seemingly unending cycle of porn you must through God’s grace learn how to accept the breaking down of this self.  Each day you must arise and view yourself as a soldier on the battlefield who must be on guard from the attacks of the enemy from all angles.  The devil knows your weaknesses and knows how to push your buttons therefore only through prayer and keeping your eyes on Christ will you ultimately begin to break free.  It is not going to be easy in fact for some of you it maybe the hardest thing you ever do.  Root out the weeds and replace it with seeds.  Be patient with yourself and find an accountability partner.  It is in the seemingly smaller decisions which you will find makes or breaks your day.  You thought about going out for a rosary walk but instead decided to stay in and watch TV.  A seductive ad triggers you to then get to your computer.  Then you go from potentially walking with the Lord and Our Lady for an hour to going to pleasing yourself all night long.  Get yourself a journal and log your days.  It will be therapeutic to those really struggling but have Faith and trust in God’s assistance.  There needs to be a rerouting of the heart WHOLLY unto Christ.  Not only must you loosen yourself from all things created once you merge as One with the Son you must then be on watch even more so.  

Porn normalized.  Many talk about porn today as if it were the latest ballgame.  It is no longer seen as a holy act but in fact has turned into Americas favorite past time.  Porn is sadly a sport too many as it once was with me.  The last few weeks of conducting my adult ministry has been a great indicator of society in general.  Many are called but few ever respond.  I was able to get a few numbers from some of the more prominent girls acting in porn and they were taken back at my invite to change.  It is no wonder Our Lady of Fatima warned against immodesty and sins of the flesh and even showed the children of Fatima these souls falling into hell like snowflakes.  Sin is normalized.  To be holy and virtuous these days is to be an outsider.  We need even more grace than other periods of time because of what we are surrounded by daily.  Our Lord said that if the days were not shortened that even the elect wouldn’t make it.  He knew if He did not shorten the days that no one would keep the Faith.  It is moving in that direction.  We have to remember our ultimate goal as Christians and that is Love.  Porn is not Love and therefore cannot be a daily goal of ours.  It is about Christ and others not you.  You can no longer afford to keep eating the rotten fruit form the tree of pleasure and expect not to be bitten by the serpent on the way out and yet many still will.  This is because the 5 minute thrill seems worth in comparison to the 5 day grief period after.  This is how the self truly takes ahold of us.  It is not you alone who is going to conquer this self for Christ did this for us and thus we must cling to Christ and hang onto Him as a child daily if we are going to make it through the days ahead.  Imagine the day when men once again love their wives and the wives quit acting in order to get attention from their men.    

In close I am reminded how in the three days of darkness the devils will come to the doors of men and pretend to be something else like a family member all in an effort to get that door open.  Once that door is open it is death literally.  The devils deceive by making something ugly look attractive.  Porn is the same.  Once you open that door and give consent of your heart you are “theirs” and you are spiritually dead thus porn is the quick portal to the pit.  For those who seek to control and manipulate others it is no wonder who truly controls their hearts and it is certainly not Christ.

10 Tips In The Battle Against Porn