Saturday, October 8, 2016

Mark Wahlberg on why he loves priests

Mark Wahlberg on why he loves priests


Actor Mark Wahlberg speaks during the Festival of Families in Philadelphia last year as Pope Francis listens in the background.
Some folks in Hollywood are reluctant to talk about their religious beliefs. Mark Wahlberg isn’t one of them. The actor, who joined Pope Francis at a World Meeting of Families event in Philadelphia last year, has made a short video proclaiming his support for priests. The minute-long video, posted on Facebook by the Diocese of Providence’s vocations office, coincides with the National Conference of Diocesan Vocation Directors, which is taking place in Boston.

“I want you to know my support for your work to foster vocations to the priesthood, because I want my children and future generations to have good priests in their lives, just like I had,” Wahlberg says. “My Catholic faith is the anchor that supports everything I do in life. In my daily prayers, I ask for guidance, strength in my vocation as a husband and as a father.”
Wahlberg, who occasionally ran afoul of the law as a kid growing up on the mean streets of Dorchester, now attends daily Mass and speaks often about the role of religion in his life. In the video, he mentions the “many wonderful priests” he’s known.
“I was married by a priest. My children were baptized by a priest. And whenever somebody in my family passed away, they’ve all been buried by a priest,” Wahlberg says. “My sins have been forgiven when I go to confession to a priest. Every time I go to Mass, it’s through a priest’s hands that I receive the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, which strengthens me to share my Catholic faith with others. . . . We the Catholic faithful are counting on you to bring us good and holy priests,” Wahlberg concludes. “Enjoy my hometown this week, and know that I will pray for you and for your success.”
Watch the video: