Saturday, October 8, 2016

Immigration Crisis: Muslim Students Beat Up And Try To Rape Teen Girl At School

Immigration Crisis: Your Daughter Is A Cute Blonde Whore’ Muslim Students Beat Up And Try To Rape Teen Girl At School
Warning: Sensitive Material

Sweden has become a very dangerous place to live, and not just its cities. In Swedish schools, gangs of Muslim students have been harassing Swedish girls, calling them “whores,” threatenting them with rape, and in some cases actually trying to rape them, as in this recent case:

The girl has been called derogatory things like “p*ssy” and “whore”. On one occasion some boys down her pants in the school cafeteria and stood and juckade against her. On another occasion she was beaten at the school, which school counselor witnessed. The assault to the police, but the case was dropped.
– We got explained to us by a school staff that our daughter was blonde and sweet and so exciting to take on, says the girl’s mother for SVT.
The situation was finally so severe that the girl was offered to run alone in a bus to and from school, but not even that helped. A bunch of boys at the school ran before the girl and surrounded her outside her home.
– They threatened to “pick her,” says the mother.
Eskilstuna primary school head Hans Ringström tells SVT that it does not move for a new case, and that one is looking at it. The girl has been forced to change schools and doing according to her mother today much better. (source, source)
This is what happens when Muslims are allowed not merely into a non-Muslim society, but given free reign to act as they please. They are doing this because nobody is standing up to them. Islam is an opportunistic religion, and it only attacks when it thinks its opponent is weak and cannot or will not defend itself.
We have profiled before how when men stand up to the Muslims and fight them with the same aggression the Muslims give out, they immediately retreat in fear and start trying to make peace. There is no such thing as true peace with Islam, because it is merely an opportunity to delay fighting until they are better prepared. But that said, Muslims will not attack if they are being confronted by a stronger force.
It was good that the girl’s mother changed her school, but that does not solve the greater problem, which is that in order to stop Islam, the Muslims have to be confronted head on. Unfortunately, this is a lesson that many are learning today the hard way.