Friday, October 7, 2016

Gender-Ideology: When Francis Contradicts Himself

Gender-Ideology: When Francis Contradicts Himself 
Note: TCK does not hold Francis as the true Pope
 Francis criticized gender ideology on October 1st, and then
contradicted himself on October 2nd to deny his statement. The
photo doesn't show the homo flag, but the peace flag which are
similar. For these symbols see the article "Seagulls and Ravens
Hunt the Pope's Doves -- of Signs and Symbols."

(Rome) After his Georgia visit, the media reported that Pope Francis criticized the gender ideology. OsservatorioGender by Rodolfo de Mattei has reached, however, a different conclusion. The papal statements on gender theory are quite ambivalent in total. The Pope criticized the gender ideology in order "to contradict himself and to deny" within 24 hours. The overall attitude of the pope on aberrosexuality is ambiguous, since he made the most famous phrase of his pontificate on the return flight from Rio de Janeiro on 29 July 2013: "If a person is gay, who am I to judge him?"

The opinion of the Catholic Pontiff on gender ideology in Georgia consist of two parts. On October 1, a meeting of the Pope with priests, religious, seminarians and pastoral workers was held in the Church of the Assumption in Tbilisi. Francis addressed Irina's, a Georgian woman, concerns about gender theory.

Pope Francis answered her spontaneously:
"You, Irina have mentioned a great enemy of marriage today: Gender theory. There is a global war today to destroy marriage. Today, there are ideological colonialisms that are destructive: They destroy not with weapons, but with ideas. Therefore you have to defend against ideological colonialisms. "
On the return flight on October 2nd to Rome, Pope Francis addressed a Rome correspondent from the progressive National Catholic Reporter about it. Joshua McElwee asked the Pope also: "What would you say to a person who has suffered for years with their sexuality and really feels that there is a biological problem that her physical appearance does not coincide with what he or she considers as their sexual identity? How would you accompany these people as a shepherd and priest?" has already published the wordy answer by the Pope already published (see The capital of Vézelay: Pope Francis in the school of Eugen Drewermann? ), Yet they want to play again in the full text for better understanding.
Pope Francis: First of all I have in my life as a priest, as a bishop - accompanied persons with homosexual orientation and homosexual acts - as Pope. I accompanied them, I have led them to be led to the Lord, some may not, but I have accompanied them and never let anyone down. This is what to do. You must accompany the person  like Jesus accompanies them. Go away, because you're gay, No: If a person who has this condition comes before Jesus, Jesus will not say that! 

What I have said to the malignancy, which today leads to the indoctrination of gender theory: A French father told me that they were talking at the table with the kids - he is  Catholic, the wife Catholic, the children catholic, superficial, but catholic - and he asked the ten year-old son: 'and you, what do you want do when you grow up?'  A girl. And the father then discovered that  gender theory was taught in textbooks. This is against the natural order of things. One thing is that a person has this tendency, this option and there is also gender reassignment. Another thing is to carry out the instruction in the schools on this line to change the mentality. I call this ideological colonization.'
Last year I received a letter from a Spaniard who told me his story as a child and as a teenager. She was a girl and suffered a lot, because she felt like a boy, but physically was a girl. She told her mother when she was already 22 years old. And she told her that she wanted a sex change and all these things. The mother had asked her not to do it as long as she lives. She was old and died soon. She then made the appointment. He is an employee of a ministry in a Spanish town. He went to the bishop. The bishop has very solicitous of him, a good bishop: he has given up a lot of time, 'to accompany this man.Then he got married. He has changed his civic identity, got married and wrote me a letter that it would be a consolation for him to be allowed to visit me with his wife: he, the one who was a she, but then is a he.  And I have received him. They were satisfied. And in the neighborhood where he lives, there was an old, octogenarian priest, the former pastor of the parish where the old religious sisters helped there ... And there was the new [pastor]. When he finally saw him, he scolded him on the sidewalk!  You'll go to Hell, when he met, the old man told him this: When were you to confess the last time? Come, come with, I'll hear your confession, and then you may receive Communion.' Have you understood? Life is life, and the things you have to take as they come. Sin is sin. The inclinations or the hormonal imbalance cause big problems, and we need to beware and not say, 'It's all the same, let's celebrate'. No not that. But suppose any case, accompany him, learn from him, differentiate and integrate him.  That's what Jesus would do today.
And, please, do not say, The Pope will canonize the Trans, Please! I can already see the headlines ... No, no.
Are there any doubts about what I said? I want to be clear. It is an issue of morality. It is a problem. It is a human problem. And you have to solve it as best you can, always with the mercy of God, with the truth, as we have said in the case of marriage, by reading the whole of Amoris laetitia, but always, always with an open heart. And do not forget that chapter of Vezelay. It is very beautiful, very beautiful."
The answer is wordy, but cryptic. "Rather than creating clarity on the relationship between the Catholic Church and aberrosexuality, he sowed new confusion by promoting free interpretations and easy instrumentalisation," said OsservatorioGender .
Briefly formulated, the Pope legitimized ultimately what he claims to reject. With the sentence: "He who is a she, but he is" legitimized by the leader of the Church what the gender ideologues proclaim. A person who comes with a biological sex to the world, can - with or without sex change - change his sex.
"Paradoxically, this contradicts what Pope Francis said earlier in the day with his critique of gender ideology and denies it."
The gender ideologues can now respond that they are not saying anything else, than the Pope also said in his "flying press conference".
"What seems to upset the Pope is not so much the content of the gender ideology, but the nature of their distribution, which he sees as ideological colonialism 'in the context of globalization," says OsservatorioGender .
The Church has always and unnreservedly condemned the "vice against nature" and is supported thereby with numerous passages of Scripture that speak of an "abomination" and a "blatant sin", and numerous statements of the Fathers, the Doctors of the Church and the Holy the Popes.  Pope Francis is in no way to blame for the epidemic spread of the confusion that is currently underway in Church and Society. Rather, he gave his infamous statements of 29 July 2013 without stating the Church's teaching, giving the go-ahead at the highest level.