Sunday, August 28, 2016

Hillary's Village: Invasion of the Mind Snatchers?

Hillary's Village: Invasion of the Mind Snatchers?
Anita Hodge
      It takes a village to snatch your child's mind...Hillary's "village"?.

"Sec of Ed Terrel Bell under the Reagan administration had laid out these plans called the Knowledge Network when he was supposed to eliminate the Department of Education which never happened. Bell believed parents should not be left to raise their own children. So here we are.  You bore them, clothe them, feed them, house them...they are your children, but the federal government owns "who they are", their character, their thinking skills have turned against you and our country for the good of globalism. That is the plan. If you do not cooperate, they will condemn you, too, as an unfit parent. This is the "Village" that Hillary dreamed of...I can only scream so loud, DANGER! DANGER!Anita Hoge
[Emphasis added]

Please read the following warning from consummate education researcher and reporter, Anita Hoge. This is the global world that you child will have to exist in and comply with regardless of personal beliefs. Will your child even be capable of having personal beliefs contrary to the mind-snatchers?

Another Day In The Global Neighborhood
 By: Anita Hoge
Dear Friends, 

Another school year has rolled around.  The Federal legislation, ESSA, has passed which strip your rights away as a parent. (Did you sign a parent engagement letter or conduct compact?  I hope not.) Teachers are transmitting data on your family and children to the federal government in the SLDS. The techniques teachers are being trained to impart on your children are techniques only certified psychologists and psychiatrists can practice.  I've warned you but...

your kids are still in school. 

What are you doing to protect your children, really?  An Opt-Out of tests is meaningless when arbitrary, observational data is collected on the behavior of your children. These behavioral techniques are embedded in the curriculum and everyday classes. 
Academics have been dumbed-down and most of the school day is relegated to social, emotional, and behavioral rewards, punishments, stimulus, response animal conditioning. But you do not recognize it. Seven states have been selected for experimental research on your children in the social, emotional, behavioral conditioning in the affective domain, but I didn't hear any screaming from Pennsylvania parents or any other state. 

But, there's more. The Feds aren't finished with your family and kids yet. The force of the new law will force everyone to comply.  Spirited children will be found through CHILD FIND. Aggressive behavior once deemed, "oh, he's just a boy"  will be gone. Creative children will become depressed and not want to go to school.  Happy children are gone. Strong willed children, smashed. Shy children will be remediated with psychological manipulation, daily. Interventions, interventions, interventions galore. They will not stop. Your child will become confused, pliable and recycled until he/she thinks it is normal to be in a prison called school. It's called conditioning.  BF Skinner, conditioning. Starting in universal fed pre-school- they won't have a chance. [Emphasis added]

DSM Codes will be tallied into the NCES/IES data warehouse. MEDICAID will be billed for psych interventions. Your child will have a mental health disability for minor infractions and personality traits that are normal human feelings...pain, anguish, disappointment, elation, frustration, sadness, anger, anxiety, love, fear, hate, all of these emotions that are part of our human endeavor...forming the character of your child. They will be gone. The slate that you imprinted on your child will be wiped clean. It is a new beginning of a new world. And, it is happening now as I write to you. [Emphasis added]

Be prepared for this: Once identified to the Feds, the whole new system under ObamaCare kicks in for Medicaid age 0-21 for case management for your family. An individual family service plan is in the works for caretakers to enter your home and remediate the family; moral knowing, moral feeling, moral acting...a global agenda.

I'm not kidding. I'm scared, so I know you will be when you read this note.

Sec of Ed Terrel Bell under the Reagan administration had laid out these plans called the Knowledge Network when he was supposed to eliminate the Department of Education which never happened. Bell believed parents should not be left to raise their own children. So here we are.  You bore them, clothe them, feed them, house them...they are your children, but the federal government owns "who they are", their character, their thinking skills have turned against you and our country for the good of globalism. That is the plan. If you do not cooperate, they will condemn you, too, as an unfit parent. This is the "Village" that Hillary dreamed of. 

I can only scream so loud, DANGER! DANGER!

Please read these 3 articles that will give you the overview you need to BEGIN to understand this process. The attachments are documents from the Knowledge Network. God bless the little children. 

HillaryCare Part 1
Part 2 Parents: Beware and Be Aware
Part 3 Data-Driven Transformation