Monday, August 22, 2016

“Catholic” Group Sends Cakes to Thank Planned Parenthood Staff After It Sells Aborted Babies

“Catholic” Group Sends Cakes to Thank Planned Parenthood Staff After It Sells Aborted Babies

Sarah Zagorski 

Apparently, Catholics for Choice want their friends at Planned Parenthood to know how appreciated they are since they will be “harassed” tomorrow at the protests across the country regarding their organ harvesting business.

As LifeNews previously reported, tens of thousands of pro-life advocates are planning to protest at over 300 Planned Parenthood locations in response to seven videos showing their top executives haggling over the cost of aborted babies’ body parts and discussing ways to alter procedures to obtain organs for harvesting. Unbelievably, the newest video catches the abortion company dissecting the brain of a live baby after an abortion.
In a press release, the “Catholic” group writes, “Women’s health clinics across the country will again be harassed by the anti-choice movement this weekend. In response, Catholics organized to remind clinic staff that we stand with Planned Parenthood and support the important work they do. Today, Catholics for Choice delivered cakes and messages of goodwill to women’s clinics on behalf of Catholic supporters, showing that only a small minority of Catholics agree with the extremist voices of the bishops on the question of abortion.”

SIGN THE PETITION! Congress Must De-Fund Planned Parenthood Immediately

Yes, you read that right— the pro-abortion group is planning to deliver cakes to Planned Parenthood, and they believe only a small minority of Catholics agree with “extremist voices” that want to defund the abortion company. They continue, “On Saturday, antiabortion groups across the country will harass and intimidate women seeking care at Planned Parenthood affiliates. The protests are trying to drum up attention for a video smear campaign that is being used in attempts to strip the group of federal and state funds and deny women access to reproductive healthcare services.”
Keep up with the latest pro-life news and information on Twitter.
The President of Catholics for Choice, Jon O’Brien, said, “It is clear that Catholics support Planned Parenthood and reject the extremist rhetoric and dirty, underhanded tactics of the antiabortion lobby. We wanted clinic workers, doctors and nurses to know that we stand with Planned Parenthood and the women they care for.”
Unfortunately, for the pro-abortion group, it is unlikely that the majority of Catholics agree with their radical views on abortion; and it is even more unlikely that Catholics look favorably upon Planned Parenthood’s practice of dismembering babies and selling their organs for profit.
The truth is the Catholic Church’s teaching on abortion is clear, and in 2013, Pope Francis reiterated that they will never compromise on their opposition against it. He said, “I want to be completely honest in this regard. This is not something subject to alleged reforms or ‘modernizations’. It is not ‘progressive’ to try to resolve problems by eliminating a human life.”
Here’s more from Catholics for Choice:
“The US bishops’ own opinion survey showed that only a paltry 11 percent of Americans believe abortion should be illegal,” continued O’Brien. “Catholics for Choice is mobilizing its nearly 35,000 social media supporters to stand up to the bullying tactics, including conservative politicians in five states trying to defund Planned Parenthood at the state level and calls for increased regulation and legislative investigations in several others.”
“The cakes and the messages to clinic staff are important. We need to organize citizens of all faiths and no faith to remind our elected officials that these attempts to defund Planned Parenthood will only hurt poor folks in our communities.”
“With this campaign, we are drawing a line in the sand. We are standing on the side of reason and with the poor. We are asking our elected officials to join us and stand with Planned Parenthood
