Sunday, July 24, 2016

Countdown to Supervolcano Eruption! Weather Channel Predicts One Year to Prepare! WTH! (Video)

Countdown to Supervolcano Eruption! Weather Channel Predicts One Year to Prepare! WTH! (Video)

Tom Lupshu 

How do the thousands who will be affected PREPARE? Move? There’s no stopping this thing … Check out Tom’s theory:

From Tom Lupshu:
A report came out from the Weather Channel which many consider a very reliable source. The report involves a cataclysmic doomsday event involving the eruption of a supervolcano. Scientists spoke of a doom and gloom scenario of unprecedented proportions. I however have a different theory of what is really going on and how these events will occur. In this video I will give you clear explanations and clear up any misconceptions and guide you to the right sources for good information. However, I agree with them on several of their claims and also agree that it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when this large scale event will take place. Thanks for watching!