Saturday, June 25, 2016

TradCatKnight Radio, Steve Olson "Prepare For Planet X"

TradCatKnight Radio, Steve Olson "Prepare For Planet X"
Talk given 6-24-16   (aprx 1 hr.)
Artwork: David Dees

SUBSCRIBE to TradCatKnight on YOUTUBE for all the latest Endtime news and Radio shows! This is the most comprehensive and followed traditional Catholic apostolate worldwide.

Steve Olson is the founding member of the WSO (Wormwood System Observations) Youtube channel that went from 0 to 35000 subscribers in 6 short months.  Steve was a business/IT executive prior to this ministry, working with Xerox, Miller Brewing, and a variety of other F500 businesses.  Steve is a veteran of the USAF, working with a SBI/SCI clearance.


Topics included in this talk:  Steve's background, latest rumblings about Planet X, Planet Nine Disinfo, latest earth changes, sinkholes, pole shift, places to avoid, CME-Kill Shot, prophecy supports Planet X, climate change, the naysayers, serious events on the horizon, underground bunkers, meteorite activity, increased earthquakes and volcanic activity, NWO and MUCH more!

 TradCatKnight Radio, Steve Olson "Prepare For Planet X"