Friday, June 24, 2016

TradCatKnight Radio, Dr. E. Michael Jones "America, The Gay Disco"

TradCatKnight Radio, Dr. E. Michael Jones "America, The Gay Disco"
Talk given 6-23-16    (aprx 50 mins)

Donations: Your donations helps us to keep great guests coming onto the show. Please continue to support this apostolate.

Eugene Michael Jones (born May 4, 1948) is a writer, former professor, media commentator and the current editor of Culture Wars magazine (formerly Fidelity Magazine).  Jones has made numerous appearances as a journalistic commentator on Russia Today and PressTV.

Some of his works:

Please note this is not an endorsement for Dr. Jones position on Vatican II and on the Resistance.  Please note I will have guests on my show that will have varying backgrounds and positions.  This does not mean I agree with them nor am I endorsing what I feel is erroneous, thank you

Topics included in this talk: Orlando fiasco, Orlando the gay "holocaust", mainstream propaganda from all angles, Trump, Hillary Clinton, democrat gun control sit down, staged stoogery, USA now in DEFCON 3, nuke readiness mode, Syria, funding of ISIS by the West, USA vs Russia then (80's) vs now, corporatism/politics and the gay agenda and MUCH more!

TradCatKnight Radio, Dr. E. Michael Jones "America, The Gay Disco"