Sunday, June 19, 2016

TradCatKnight Mail...

TradCatKnight Mail...

 Here us the latest coming through my inbox...

I came upon you on youtube... everything you are saying is true thank God I found someone who knows the truth God Bless Regards, Byrlia P

I was curious as to how much publicity you have done on of Lefabvre. I think most people, whether Catholic or not, are completely in the dark about his humble character due to all the media blacklisting, which is almost like what happened with Mel Gibson.

This documentary of yours was really informative.

Thank you, Anna
Up until 11:30 last night listening to Father Sullivan.  A prophet in our  time, reminiscent of Father M. Martin. Are copies of last night's video available for purchase?  Thank you again for your wonderful work.

Regards, Patricia F
Let s all join in prayers for peace in this way, we best prepare for the centennial of Our Lady’s coming to 
Fatima. Let us confidently invoke the Queen of Angels to hasten the events  that will lead to the triumph of her Immaculate Heart.

Can you give me a list in the 'time line' you feel we will come through, events as they are to come, and the order they will come.  Or direct me to a program you have done with this information.  Have just listened to the  one on Malichi Martin, amazing and well done.  Thank you.  You are doing a  great job!

Regards, Rosemary B
Greetings Eric:

I just listened to your recent YouTube clip “Fatima 2017- Time is Up” and I just wanted to say great work and may God Bless you for your courage and hard work! You’re a man of my heart, I too believe fervently that Fatima lives and that we’re absolutely in the end of days.

I know The Lord wanted me to better understand and take note of this apparition in 2007 when He arranged a chance meeting with Father Nicolas Gruner. I received a lot of first hand understanding, not only about this amazing apparition but also this priest who openly wept in front of me on numerous occasions when discussing all the sacrileges our world has cast upon Our Lord and Holy Mother. Our own church has treated him cruelly, but I know he had more faith and courage to advocate for our Lord and Lady than any other priest I have ever met.

Fast forward today, between Planet X which I believe is clearly the chastisement that is coming because of the powerful message in the miracle of the sun which it clearly foreshadowed (along with the unbelievable alignment timing wise of the start noted in Revelation 12:1-4 slated to occur 9/26/2016), things here will change quickly!

Versus sending a long winded e-mail, I would love to chat with you and see where The Lord takes the conversation? I believe we all have a responsibility to serve as The Lord inspires and how we can effectively and positively affect the salvation of as many souls as possible before time is up.

May God bless you eternally in your endeavors!!

Sincerely yours in Christ
Robert Raisp
Since our conversation a few months ago, I can not believe how evil everything has got. The chastisements are very near now. God bless you and all that you are doing trying to save souls for Our Lord and Our Lady.

Helga E

  Ave Maria! I have enjoyed listening to your youtube videos and reading your blogposts. Great work. Some really fascinating and timely topics being discussed. I have recently read the book "Synagogue Rising" by Hugh Akins. The book as I'm sure you're already aware of, is quite eye opening. Mr Akins sites his sources meticulously throughout his tome and one in particular that was mentioned quite frequently was of particular interest to me: The Plot Against the Church by Maurice Pinay. My question to you is this, who exactly is Maurice Pinay? I know that the work was circulated to the council fathers just before VII and that it was supposedly written by a group of churchmen including cardinals under the pen name "Maurice Pinay" but I've searched around to no avail as to who they might actually be. Is there any rumored list naming names? Thank you for all your work and may God richly bless you. 

In Christ, Scott H


Hello Eric,
I have questions re the above mentioned website and apostolate. They say that all Popes from Pope Pius to Pope Benedict aren't valid Popes & that Pope JP II is the antichrist. 

They use scripture to back this up. What do you think?

Another question is: It sounds like you are anti-Jew. I am not accusing, but only confused. I always thought that the Church views the Jews as our separated brethren and our religious 'relatives' because Jesus was a Jew and the Jewish people are God's favorite regardless of their sins. Anyway, I thought we were to pray for them as we pray for the rest of our separated brethren. So I don't understand your feelings about them. Could you please explain?

Last question: What Catholic Church is ok to attend? Should I go to the Traditional Latin Mass? Some Churches offer it now. And what about the validity of the sacraments from Novus Ordo Priests?

Thank you for your help

God bless you,
Suzette D

TCK: Let us setup a time to talk, Dimond Brothers are Feeneyite heretics.  The Jews are accursed for killing Jesus per Scripture they will repent and convert at the end of time...


Be sure to send your comments, messages, questions, feedback, blogs, articles, videos and latest information to for review