Thursday, June 23, 2016

Apostasy: Italian Church promotes Buddhism in Ravenna

Apostasy: Italian Church promotes Buddhism in Ravenna
Vatican II is not our faith nor religion.  #Novus Ordo
The Church of the old Capuchin Monastery in Ravenna has been transformed into the San Damiano Fraternity. This change took place in September 2014. The founder of the new group is Fr. Claudio Ciccillo. 

From June the 1st to the 5th of 2016, Fr. Ciccillo promoted a four-day encounter between Catholics and Tibetan Buddhist monks.

The photo above shows the principal Buddhist monk in front of the altar at the presbytery delivering a talk to Catholics of Ravenna.

The Tibetan monks took an active part in a Mass said Saturday, June 4, as shown in the first row below. Later, fourth row, using sandpainting, they created a "mandala for peace." The mandala plays a key part in their meditation practices and is considered a spiritual guidance tool. In the last row is an external shot of the church.

We see that Vatican II's adaptation to the world extinguished authentic interest in the religious life, which caused the closing of the Capuchin Monastery. In this lifeless institution a still worse consequence of the Council is now unfolding: inter-religious meetings.

Does it not look like a rotten fruit whose process of decomposition is being accelerated by the all-consuming work of worms?

Buddhism in Ravenna 2

Vatican 2: The Great Apostasy??