Tuesday, March 22, 2016

TradCatKnight Radio "Benedict XVI, Church In Deep Crisis"

TradCatKnight Radio "Benedict XVI, Church In Deep Crisis"
Talk given, March 21st (aprox. 2 hrs 15 mins)

Donations:  Thank you for all the wonderful emails, messages and letters over the past few weeks I appreciate all the support. Please continue to keep me in prayer.  I need daily help financially in this fight for the Faith and the further exposing of the New World Order.  I will have great news soon in relation to our overall visibility as a website. This is an information war and we are right in the middle of it.  When you donate you give to Jesus and not me for this is His.

Topics included in this talk:  Happy birthday Fr. Kramer, new bishop for the Resistance, link between control and anxiety disorders, Fatima Foods!, High Akins & League of Christ the King new Quarterly, latest endtime and conciliar church news, satanic pedophile network, latest TCK Poem, latest false prophet message, Francis and his "god of surprises", Is an Apostasy even possible?, protestanism, obstinacy and rebellion, Pope Benedict XVI, the Church in Deep Crisis" and much more...

TradCatKnight Radio "Benedict XVI, Church In Deep Crisis"