Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mark of Beast/Cashless Society: Central banksters say outlawing cash will stop criminals

Central banksters say outlawing cash will stop criminals

Just as I have been warning you! The "Chip" to ensure crime stops. Here is the latest (videos too) on the emerging "cashless society". 


The push by the world's central bankers to essentially ban the use of cash is intensifying, but it belies another truth that is hard to escape: Even as they advocate a cashless society, which they say is necessary to reduce theft and stop criminals, these same central bankers are printing money like crazy.
As noted by Simon Black at Sovereign Man, the push for a cashless society is not just growing, it's disturbing, and for a number of reasons. First, the obvious reason is the control it would give central banks and governments over their citizens; the second is that, in the event of a societal collapse or a cyber attack on global finances, a person's wealth would be wiped out with a few computer keystrokes.

Black noted in his Feb. 17 column:

The momentum to "ban cash", and in particular high denomination notes like the 500 euro and $100 bills, is seriously picking up steam.

On Monday the European Central Bank President emphatically disclosed that he is strongly considering phasing out the 500 euro note.

Yesterday, former US Treasury Secretary Larry Summers published an op-ed in the Washington Post about getting rid of the $100 bill.

Prominent economists and banks have joined the refrain and called for an end to cash in recent months.

The reasoning is almost always the same: cash is something that only criminals, terrorists, and tax cheats use.


Central Bankers Are Now Pushing The Public To Accept A Cashless Society



Summers, in his op-ed, cites recent research from a Harvard University paper entitled, Making it Harder for the Bad Guys: The Case for Eliminating High Denomination Notes, which Black says generally sums up conventional central bank thinking these days. Among other things the paper recommends abolishing the 500 euro bill and the $100 bill.

The study's authors say that "without being able to use high denomination notes, those engaged in illicit activities – the 'bad guys' of our title – would face higher costs and greater risks of detection.

"Eliminating high denomination notes would disrupt their 'business models,'" the paper continued.

Black says he finds those conclusions "comical."

"I can just imagine a bunch of bureaucrats and policy wonks sitting in a room pretending to know anything about criminal activity," he wrote – which is very true; it does sound a bit incredulous that academics would presume to know much about the adaptive nature of criminal enterprises.

The fact is, as Black points out, there has been criminal activity since man first walked on earth. Indeed, crime began occurring long before humans devised and exchanged money for goods and services. And if a monetary ban ever really takes place, crime will continue.

"Perhaps even more hilarious is that many of these bankrupt governments have become so desperate for economic growth that they now count illegal drug activity and prostitution in their GDP calculations, both of which are typically transacted in cash," Black wrote. "So, ironically, by banning cash these governments will end up reducing their own GDP figures."

It's all about control

But isn't something else really behind this push to eliminate cash? What's the rush to ban something that is used for criminal purposes by a very tiny minority of people on the planet?

Cash, it seems, "is the Achilles' Heel of the financial system," says Black, whose company helps guide people into a life free from normal societal constraints, like poverty and an inability to be mobile.

Black notes that central banks around the world have managed to keep interest rates at zero or near zero for almost eight years now – which is unprecedented. All that has happened is that such policies have created massive financial bubbles as well as extraordinary amounts of debt. But the worst has yet to materialize.

Read Black's entire column here.



New World Order’s Ban on Cash is Coming… Prepare To Be Microchipped

It’s been known for YEARS that in the U.S. alone, the Fed gave out $23 TRILLION DOLLARS in loans at 0% interest to it’s owners, and that was done so that the 13 Families Who Make Up the New World Order can can buy virtually all the world’s assets after they crash the global economic system on purpose, and continue their march to enslave a broke and destitute mankind. Much of what follows comes from a previous post I did titled, FDA Approves Ingestible RFID Chips: The “Mark of the Beast” Is Upon Us Today. 

Simon is absolutely correct that we are heading toward a cashless society, but he is naive to think that it’s occurring on accident. All this is happening at a time immediately following The 2015 Bilderberg Meeting, Where Ingestible RFID Microchips Were a Main Topic. Many, including Alex Jones in the video below, refer to the ingestible RFID chip’s as “The Mark of the Beast.”

Whether you as an individual believe in life after death, a spiritual realm, the occult, or even the Illuminati makes no difference to the ones plotting to either 1) kill you as part of their massive depopulation agenda; or 2) rule over you with an iron fist if you survive depopulation. For the doubters out there, or those who had previously become hypnotized into a state of delusional denial by the mainstream media, now that you’ve seen Alex’s new video, what follows will be more proof that this is not a game, not a joke, and it sure as heck isn’t some crazy “conspiracy theory.”

All of what you’ll read below is very real, so you might want to begin paying attention in the hopes we can put an end to the global elite’s plans before they materialize. More on that later, as there allegedly is a plan in motion getting ready to bring these very sick people to justice. In the video, Alex explained that as a result of the very origin of their belief system, the Illuminati are obsessed with what they consider their “religion.” He notes that none of them are atheist. As a group, they have a modern pseudo-scientific mindset, or a cult you might say, that is very closed minded about a great many things. They also have virtually unlimited resources to carry out what they feel is their birthright.

Of the 13 Families on the Council of the Illuminati, the Rothschild’s are clearly the most powerful, and by some estimates have a total net worth of around $500 TRILLION Dollars. They’ve amassed that much wealth because as was mentioned above, they own virtually every central bank on the planet, including the United States Federal Reserve. Contrary to what many Americans think, the Fed is not a government entity. It’s privately owned, and it’s the Rothschild’s who own it. End of story. 

As you heard in the Alex Jones video above, global elites plan to convert the global economy into a cashless society, and they plan to require anyone wishing to purchase goods or services of any kind within that cashless society, to do so through the use of an RFID implant. Just so you know, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the country’s first RFID Tags that can be implanted in humans, and there is already a good amount of Proof that the U.N. is Using the Refugee Crisis to Lead to the Beginning of Universal Biometric Implants.
In the post that follows, non-believers will be required to willingly suspend disbelief long enough to examine what cannot be argued, not the least of which are links to actual UN documentation confirming much of what you’ll read. It’s time to stop pretending there are no bogeymen. The bogeymen are very real, and they are coming.  


#1 – Who plans to force humanity to take the “Mark of the Beast?”
#2 – What proof is there that any of this is real? (Copies of the actual documents linked below)
The architecture for a one world government is already finished and written
The technology for ingestible RFID chips not only exists, the FDA has already approved it
#3 – What is the de-population agenda? Is there any proof it’s real?
#4 – What is being done to stop these lunatics?


It cannot be stated enough, that your own personal spiritual beliefs, or lack there of, make no difference when it comes to the plans of the global elite. This group, who many refer to as “The Illuminati,” realize that a growing number of people are becoming aware that 99% of the Earth’s population is controlled by an “elite” 1%, and the Council of the 13 families consists of less than 1% of the 1% “elite” and nobody on Earth can apply for membership. In their opinion, they are entitled to rule over the rest of us because they are the direct descendants of the ancient gods and consider themselves royalty over all humanity. More specifically, the Illuminati believe they are the actual lineal descendants of the great gods of Egypt known as Isis, Osiris and Horus. 

Make no mistake about it, these are ruthless people deeply entrenched in the occult, and they’ve got enough of a belief in the their “religion,” along with enough people at the UN that can be bought or sold, to more than make up for any shortcomings in beliefs that we the people of the earth may have. Furthermore, they have the resources to do whatever they want, and all of this was a major topic of conversation at the infamous Bilderberg Meeting this past year.

Depopulation 1

The plans for the implementation of a one world government have been well laid, and if you’re looking for someone to thank domestically for selling your sovereignty out to a group of twisted tyrants in the U.N., look no farther than the heathen in the White House. Rick Wells writes:
The next set of UN enabling claims need to be broken down precisely, as they are quite intrusive and destructive to our nation, potentially devastating. If their Agenda is implemented, as Obama and the UN have already committed us to, America as we know it will cease to exist. Their premise is simple, the world, including the United States, is an unjust, violent, unfair and chaotic place and as such is in need of a complete societal makeover; they’re just the oligarchs for the job.

To that end they declare, “The new Agenda (2030 Sustainable Development) recognizes the need to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies that provide equal access to justice and that are based on respect for human rights (including the right to development), on effective rule of law and good governance at all levels and on transparent, effective and accountable institutions. Factors which give rise to violence, insecurity and injustice, such as inequality, corruption, poor governance and illicit financial and arms flows, are addressed in the Agenda.
If you’re not so inclined to read the documents yourself, I have written a post summarizing them titled, Agenda 2030 and the “New Economic World Order” – Coming This Year?

As I mentioned above, The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved the country’s first RFID Tags that can be implanted in humans, There is no question the technology for ingestible RFID chips is here (see the video below), the global elites have more than enough money to pay for the cost, and the U.N. has the architecture already in place to put all this in motion. 

The depopulation agenda is the ultimate goal of the Illuminati, or the global elites. It goes without saying that enslaving 6-7 billion people would make for quite a challenge, which is why they intend to reduce the global population down to roughly 500 million people first. Perhaps nowhere has that intention been more famously put out to the public, than on the Georgia Guide stones, which mysteriously appeared in Elbert County Georgia in 1980.
For the longest time, no one knew who REALLY erected the massive granite monument located in northeastern Georgia. The monument has markings engraved in twelve languages, and all that was known until September of 2015, was that the monument was the creation of one R.C. Christian, an individual whose real identity remained unknown for 25 years. One thing that WAS known, is that the first of what have often been called the “10 Commandments of the Antichrist” reads:
“Maintain Humanity Under 500,000,000 in Perpetual Balance with Nature.” 

This past September, when the Secret Identity of Georgia Guide Stone’s Founder Was Finally Discovered, and Then Revealed, the worst fears were confirmed. The creator was a devout believer in the Illuminati agenda and had actually published books involving Eugenics and Population Control. You can learn more below:

Steve Jones writes:
There are many means and methods of depopulation that are being employed today, the 3 primary of which include; unsustainable/exploitative international development, which leads to massive hunger, starvation and famine worldwide (at least 40 million deaths annually), the fomentation of war, hatred and military procurements throughout the nations leading to millions of deaths worldwide, and finally, the creation and spread of infectious diseases leading to global pandemic, plague and pestilence on an unprecedented scale.
Other methods used include; the build-up and use of nuclear, chemical and biological agents, weapons and warfare, the poisoning and contamination of the planet’s food and water supplies, the introduction and use of deadly pharmaceutical drugs in society, weather modification and the triggering of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis through electromagnetic psychotropic weapons both on Earth and in space, the promotion of homosexuality to limit population growth and spread the deadly AIDS virus, forced sterilization in countries such as China, forced vaccinations, abortion, euthanasia etc…

666 Is the Mark of the Beast Here?

 As advancements in science and technology continue to develop in our lives, a profound shift is on the horizon. We now live in a world where college students are implanting RDIF chips into their hands. The level of concern in the church is profoundly lacking.
You’ve heard of the mark of the beast and that it will be a mark in the right hand or forehead, this is in religious texts such as the bible.

The message is clear, and now we see the chip that is being tested and being implanted in to test subjects in the right hand! Watch the video and see how the new chips have a 5 pointed pentagram, surely not a coincidence either. It is the mark of the beast and it isn’t even subtle!
What I think is that with all the attacks around the world like what we see now on a daily basis that the higher powers will say this chip is the key to sustaining security, being able to monitor and track everyone for the good of humanity.
Not sure if it will be essential that everyone must have it, but that won’t surprise me either. Initially I think it will be given as an option to every person.
A lot of the younger generation especially brought in to this world with technology and with no clue of the words of the bible will jump straight in and have the implant. The older generation and people who are well researched will shy away from it, but a proportion of these two groups will then fall in to the trap too and think that all is ok, there isn’t anything to worry about…….wrong!
I think the Pope will still be an influential figure in the rollout of this chip. He is getting himself involved in the latest technological and scientific projects as well as moving away from the teachings of the bible it seems.
CNET: The Pope seems to be turning his focus on Silicon Valley’s major tech players. He spent about 15 minutes in a private meeting with Tim Cook on 22 January, 2016 a week before that he had met former Google chief executive Eric Schmidt. Mr. Schmidt is now executive chairman of Alphabet, the parent company of Google.
What concerns me is that eventually anyone that has the chip can be monitored and even programmed.
Who knows what these chips are capable of!
Mind control making people turn against each other, fulfilling roles for other people in power, carrying out tasks, even having the power to kill people at will.
Maybe these chips can be hacked and viruses implanted which can control the masses for an agenda. It’s all too scary to think about but the possibilities are there!
They say it could be part of the beast system what will it do to the people that have the chip?
Will it have the potential to remove the soul? Will this be the test to show whether we turn against God and choose to sacrifice, fighting against evil and giving up our souls?