Friday, March 25, 2016

Inspirational Stories: Best of the "Good News"....March 25th, 2016

Best of the "Good News"....March 25th, 2016
Tired of all the "negative news"? This will be a new section wherein I will cover some of the latest inspirational stories making its way online.
Store Manager Offers Job to Shoplifter Trying to Feed His Children

When the manager of a supermarket found out why a man was shoplifting, he refused to press charges — and got downright generous.
Store manager Radzuan Ma’asan (above) offered the man a job, and even threw in some cash to help with current expenses and to send his oldest child to school.

The 31-year-old shoplifter, who remains anonymous, was caught in Malaysia stealing about seven dollars in food from a Tesco.
Ma’asan questioned the man, who tried to exit the store with his son while carrying fruit and drinks. The man confessed immediately, shocking the manager with his honesty.
WATCH: Homeless Man Gets Job From Home Owner Who Kicked Him Off Property
The father of three explained he’d had to quit his job to take care of his wife and children after she slipped into a coma during childbirth. A visit to a relative’s house where the family was staying confirmed his story.
His wife is now recovering at home and the store manager told The Star that his number one priority was to ensure that the seven-year-old gets enrolled in a school.
WATCH: College Mover Takes Break From Hauling to Serenade Elderly Widow (WATCH)
“The man’s situation really touched our hearts,” said Ma’asan, who is now looking for the right tasks to assign to his new employee.

Shelter Cats Nurse Orphaned Puppies Back to Health (Photos)

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but these two puppies were lucky there were also some friendly mama cats around to help them out.
Two baby pooches taken in at the City of LaGrange Animal Shelter in Georgia found themselves motherless and still too young to be fed solid food.

RELATEDShelter Dog Saves Puppy’s Life–And Both Get Adopted in Show of Thanks

Coincidentally, two nursing felines didn’t mind taking in another mouth to feed – and the difference in species didn’t seem to get in the way of their motherly instincts.
The pups will be nursed to full health and independence before being shipped up to Minnesota for adoption.

Marriage Proposal is First Thing She Hears After Cochlear Implant (WATCH)

When a doctor switched on Andrea Diaz’s cochlear implant for the first time, she experienced just one of two life-changing events that would happen in a matter of minutes.
Her boyfriend had been waiting for that moment so she could hear him propose to her.
Andrea burst into tears of joy once she was able to hear, thanks to the implant. But boyfriend Kevin Peakman waited until the doctor adjusted the levels so everything would be perfect, before getting down on one knee and opening a ring box.

RELATED: Kids Give Up Playtime to Learn Sign Language for Deaf Classmate

“I wanted to make one of the first things that you hear is me asking you to marry me,” he said.


School Brings Early Graduation to His Home So Terminally-ill Dad Can Watch (Video)

The administrators at this teen’s high school made sure a dying father was able to see his daughter graduate –and did it with an official ceremony organized in only a matter of hours.
Bob Chambers, of Rockford, Michigan had a bone marrow transplant to treat leukemia in December, but his body rejected the transplant and is now immune to any treatment.
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He chose to return home from hospice care last week and spend quality days with his family. On Wednesday night, the Rockford Public School officials made sure he was able to see his daughter graduate bringing the pomp and circumstance to the family’s living room.

Watch here:


Students Design Backpack To Help Kids With Autism

A new Kickstarter campaign aims to help kids with autism by providing a necessity for school or travel: a backpack.
The Nesel Packis a backpack specifically geared toward 6- to 12-year-old students with autism. Inspired by existing sensory tools like compression vests and weighted blankets, the Nesel Pack features pouches for weights, different strap options (with fuzzy, comfortable linings), clips for accessories like “chewies“ and a very durable base.

There is also a display slot that gives kids the option to customize their backpack with their initials, name or a photo of their favorite stuffed animal or pet.
The Nesel Pack is the brainchild of a group of University of Minnesota students, led by senior Martha Pietruszewski. “We had hundreds of meetings with parents, occupational therapists, teachers, and leaders in the autism community to learn what exactly we could do to most benefit the students,” she wrote on the Kickstarter page.

Watch video here:

“Think about walking through the hallways at school, or maybe going to a busy airport,” she added. “For some, these are normal, mundane things. For students on the autism spectrum, the amount of sensory input can be overwhelming and stressful.”
Thus, the university students created the Nesel Pack, “to provide a comfortable and durable solution to those in need.” They’ve nearly reached their fundraising goal of $10,000, which will allow them to finalize the design and put in their first production order.
As of now, one Nesel Pack backpack costs $115, which Pietruszewski says is a reflection of its incredible durability, though she added that they aim to reduce the price in the future. They’ve also partnered with Fraser — a leading provider of autism-related services in Minnesota — which will facilitate Nesel Pack donations to kids in need. So, those who want to support the new brand but don’t necessarily need to buy a backpack are still encouraged to pledge money as it will go to the Fraser initiative.
Said Pietruszewski, “With your help, we want to get these bags into the hands of as many students as possible.”

Viral Photo Of Cop And Woman With Dementia Shows Sensitive Side Of Police Work

This is how you handle a tough situation with care.
The Charles County sheriff’s office in La Plata, Maryland, recently shared a photo of one of its officers, B. Morrison, walking hand-in-hand with an elderly woman. According to the post, the 81-year-old, who has dementia, was reported missing by her daughter. Five members of the sheriff’s office, including Morrison, found the octogenarian and brought her to safety.

The sheriff’s office wrote in the post that the photo — which ended up going viral on Facebook — showed a different side of law enforcement work.
“In this case, a frightening situation for the family ended happily. For that, they were thankful,” the post read. “For us, it’s the rewarding part of policing.”
The 81-year-old’s daughter alerted authorities after her mother left to take her daily walk but didn’t come back. After a 40-minute search, the law enforcement members found the woman, who was surprised to see police and asked if they, too, were on a walk.
So they responded in a calming way.
“They quietly replied ‘Yes,’ after all, it was a beautiful day,” the post reads. “And then she seemed relieved and told them she had lost her way.”
That’s when Morrison took the 81-year-old’s hand and the group walked her back home, sharing a pleasant conversation. The law enforcement members even learned the octogenarian’s secret to long life — “eat good and stay active.”
And that is how you serve your community.