Monday, March 28, 2016

Fulford: Inside Russian Sources Say Francis to "Resign" in May

Fulford: Inside Russian Sources Say Francis to "Resign" in May
Note: Not an endorsement

 Here is more propaganda for a potential "resignation" of antipope Francis. Last Ben Fulford’s report mentions a “possible announcement made by Pope in May”
Last Ben Fulford’s report mentions a “possible announcement made by Pope in May”. [and from another] 
On a final note, Russian sources say Pope Francis is planning to make a major announcement, possibly in May, and then retire. While experience has taught us to be wary of specific dates or deadlines, it is undeniable that major world changes are taking place. [and from another] 
A federal law enforcement official said that barring any unforeseen changes, the F.B.I. investigation could conclude by early May. [and from another] 
The "Pope: added, “I try to think of my sins and my mistakes.” Because I know this will not last long, two or three years, and then to the Father’s House. “

Francis Hints At "Brief Papacy": Breaking News 

It was not quite 2 years ago that Pope Francis made a startling statement, that he would only be Pope for another 2-3 more years. He implied he would die, by that time. Our statement at the time was that Pope Francis knew the Vatican would likely kill him, as he was continually giving the flock permission to ignore Vatican rules. The rules, as most Service-to-Self rules, are designed to maintain Vatican control, not to benefit mankind. Pope Francis estimated the time of his likely assassination at 2-3 years, which encompasses August, 2016 through to mid-2017.

The Ben Fulford report, as we have stated, is highly accurate, due to the many credible sources that Ben enjoys. Presuming that this report is credible, why would Pope Francis entertain resigning in May, 2016? Answer because the False Prophet is about to show up...whether it is late spring, summer or 2016 in general remains to be seen

Previous Francis "resignation" propaganda: