Thursday, February 4, 2016

Cashless Society: Mark of the Beast

Are These Countries Pushing for the Mark of the Beast?

Jessilyn Justice

This blog contains the latest on the subject videos included... 

You've probably seen the commercials touting Apple Pay or mobile payments, virtually negating the need for paper currency.
A cashless society is "no longer an illusion but a vision that can be fulfilled within a reasonable time frame," said Michael Busk-Jepsen, executive director of the Danish Bankers Association.
In some countries, virtual payment is rapidly becoming the only option for buying and selling. But some, such as The Economic Collapse Blog's Michael Snyder, believe this could be the blueprints for the mark of the beast.
"He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name," according to Revelation 13.

From Catholic Tradition we know this mark also to be a symbol of thre system.  It will be a counterfeit seal of baptism.  The New Age Religion under the False Prophet Yeshua Ben Joseph will have such a step (it is step 2 of their 5 step self realization program.)

The mark (of Antichrist) will be a hellish symbol of Baptism, because thereby a person will be stamped as an adherent of Antichrist and also of the Devil in that he thereby gives himself over to the influence of Satan. Whoever will not have this mark of Antichrist can neither buy nor sell anything and will be beheaded. (St. Hildegard)

More Countries Are Now Pushing Cashless Societies -


Canada Walks the Road Towards Cashless Society

Financial experts predict Canada to follow the trails of many leading economies such as Sweden and Denmark to eradicate cash in the future.
According to recent data published by payment processing and financial firm Moneris, nearly 77% of individuals who participated in a nationwide survey preferred to settle payments and purchases using credit cards, debit cards and alternative financial platforms such as Paypal, instead of Cash.
The report of Moneris showed a 162% increase in tap transactions for the third quarter of 2015 compared to last year. The firm stated that the emergence of various online and mobile payment networks released and deployed by leading financial establishments in the country encouraged many customers and institutional clients to adopt to digitalized payments.
“I think we’re at a point where you don’t need cash for most of what you need to do today,” said Moneris chief product and marketing officer Rob Cameron.
“I do think people will continue to use cash because it’s been around so long…. But this growth in contactless (payments using credit cards or mobile apps) I think is going to lead towards that end of cash.”
According to the Canadian Press, participants in the Toronto Region Board of Trade panel are extremely optimistic in digitalized payments and cashless economy. Many experts including MasterCard Canada head of market development Wendy Braithwaite believes that electronic payments systems have become an important foundation of the Canadian economy, which it cannot live without.

“A lot of what you see happening in the marketplace today is … (enhancing) the consumer experience — so reward them in a way that matters, really targeted offers,” said Wendy Braithwaite, head of market development at MasterCard Canada.
“I think that without being part of the electronic payments system, small merchants miss that.”
The digitization of payments and the general population’s interest in electronic payment systems could open various opportunities for digital currencies like bitcoin, which enable anyone to transact and settle payments securely, with lower fees.
While the Central Bank of Canada hasn’t commented on the faith of its cash-based society, financial experts believe that Canada may become one of the many economies in the world to become “cashless” in the future.

Norway’s biggest bank DNB calls for the end of cash

Norway's largest bank has called for the country to go totally cashless over fears of illegal activity.
DNB has said 60 per cent of Norwegian cash usage is out of government control and is being used in money laundering schemes and black market deals.
Executive vice president Trond Bentestuen told VG there is approximately 50 billion kroner in circulation with the central Norges Bank only being able to account for 40 per cent of its use.

He added:"That means that 60 per cent of money usage is outside of any control.
"We think much of it revolves around the black economy and money laundering.
"There are so many dangers and disadvantages associated with cash, we have concluded that it should be phased out."
The Norwegian Ministry of Finance has opposed the bank's proposal while Mr Bentestuen has admitted the process of going cashless "will likely take some time".

ARRESTING AMERICANS REFUSING MICROCHIP YR — 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020??

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…
Revelations 13:16-17
Technologies designed specifically to track and monitor human beings have been in development for at least two decades.

In the virtual realm, software programs are now capable of watching us in real time, going so far as to make predictions about our future behaviors and sending alerts to the appropriate monitoring station depending on how a computer algorithm flags your activities. That is in and of itself a scary proposition.
What may be even scarier, however, is what’s happening in the physical realm. According to researches working on human-embedded microchips it’s only a matter of time before these systems achieve widespread acceptance.
Chances are you’re carrying a couple of RFID microchips now. And if you are, they’re sending out a 15-digit number that identifies you. That number can be picked up by what’s called an ISO compliant scanner. And they’re everywhere, too.

It’s not possible to interact with society in a meaningful way by not having a mobile phone. I think human implants are likely to go along a very similar route. It would be such a disadvantage to not have the implant that it essentially becomes not optional.
Your initial reaction to this idea may be one of disbelief. There’s no way society would accept such a device. Why would anyone want to implant this in their body?
Consider for a moment where we are right now. For decades Americans rejected the notion that they would submit to being tracked or recorded.
Yet, just about every American now carries a mobile phone. They’re so prevalent, in fact, that many consider it a “right,” prompting the government to actually provide subsidies to those who can’t afford one on their own.
Embedded in every one of those phones is an RFID chip that can track our every movement via GPS or cell tower triangulation. Moreover, those microphones and cameras that come standard on every phone can be remotely activated by law enforcement surveillance systems, a capability that has existed since the early 2000’s.
But as intrusive as these devices are, they are accepted as the norm by billions of people world wide. Not only that, but no one had to “force” them on us. We are, it seems, the masters of our own enslavement. And we pay top dollar to have the best tracking device money can buy!
Granted, one can simply disconnect from “the grid” by throwing away their cell phone. But, the direction these new monitoring technologies are moving coupled with continued government expansion of surveillance suggests that microchip RFID technology will eventually be non-voluntary.
Michael Snyder of The Truth Wins asks What will you do when you can no longer buy or sell without submitting to biometric identification?
This technology is going to keep spreading, and it is going to become harder and harder to avoid it.
And it is easy to imagine what a tyrannical government could do with this kind of technology.  If it wanted to, it could use it to literally track the movements and behavior of everyone.

And one day, this kind of technology will likely be so pervasive that you won’t be able to open a bank account, get a credit card or even buy anything without having either your hand or your face scanned first.
It’s difficult to imagine a populace that will freely submit to such digital bondage. But as has been the case with the degradation of personal privacy and rights in America, be assured it won’t simply become law over night.
First, the technologies will need to be generally accepted by society. It’ll start with real-time consumer based products like Google Glass. The older generations may reject it, but in a couple of years you can bet that tens of millions of kids, teens and younger adults will be roaming the streets while sporting cool shades, interactive web surfing and the capability to record everything around them and upload it to the internet instantly.
Next, as we’re already seeing from early adopters, RFID chips will be voluntarily implanted under our skin for everything from access to high security buildings to grocery store purchases.
Eventually, once the concept is generally accepted by the majority, it will become our new “social security number.”
To gain access to official services, you’ll need to be a verified human. Without verification you won’t even be able to purchase a six pack of beer, let alone get medical care or a driver’s license.
Whether we like it or not this is the future. Every purchase you make and every step you take will be tracked by a tiny 15-digit passive microchip, meaning that the only way to “turn it off” will be to physically remove it from your body.
In essence, we’ll soon live in a world of Always On Monitoring.
Our children and grandchildren – at least most of them – will likely not only submit to implantation, they’ll gladly pay the costs so that they, too, can “interact with society in a meaningful way.”(source)

RFID Chip Kills you if you disobey 


  NBC has recently predicted that in 2017, all of America will be tagged with microchips. They will be implanted to help identify individuals immediately. According to the report, the technology is used to answer one question, “Am I who I say I am?”

Some worry, however, that the RFID Microchip will give the government too much power, allowing them to track every move. In some states, like Virginia, legislation is in process to stop this from happening. The report also reveals an RFID Brain Chip that has been developed and is currently being tested on several humans.

It was reported that the use of Micro-Chips in Bill H.R. 4872 was located on Page 1014 under “National Medical Device Registry” it tells about a “Class II Device That is Implantable” and yes, they passed the bill. Read Page “1014″ In The H.R. 4872 Read Class II Special Controls Guidance For FDA Staff.
With the RFID Microchip they can track the movement of the people that are implanted. They can also control the money and food of the people.

It is also reported to be possible to even kill the people that don’t obey. The HR 3962 Bill is an exact copy of the HR 3200 bill in with the exception of just a few words removed concerning the RFID Microchip but the ability to Chip Every Citizen of the United States is still in the bill. Open Bill and Read Pages 1501 through 1510 Read Class II Special Controls Guidance For FDA Staff Read And Do The Research For Yourself …

Microchip implant in humans have raised new ethical discussions by scientific professional forums academic groups, human rights organizations, government departments and religious groups. The Council on Ethical and Judicial Affairs (CEJA) of the American Medical Association published a report in 2007 alleging that RFID implanted chips may compromise privacy because there is no assurance that the information contained in the chip can be properly protected, notwithstanding health risks (chips may travel under the skin).

Why You Should Refuse To Be Microchipped