Thursday, January 21, 2016

TradCatKnight Radio, " 7 Reasons to Avoid the Pitfall of Pseudo-Traditionalism"

TradCatKnight Radio, " 7 Reasons to Avoid the Pitfall of Pseudo-Traditionalism"
Talk given 1-20-15   (aprx. 2 hrs 30 mins.)

Thank you to those who have recently donated and for those who consistently do so. I am deeply humbled and most appreciative.  Please keep me and this apostolate in your prayers. If you have been around for a few months please do consider helping.

Topics included in this talk: the Tradcatknight website,  quantitative feedback, ministries update, immodesty and modern world, need to talk?, TCK latest poem, latest happenings in world and the Conciliar Church, more Francis buffonery, humanism and what is next?, NASA admits were in a "shooting gallery" full of debris, 5 reasons why the Vatican wont reveal the real 3rd secret of Fatima, impotent attacks against tradcatknight (avoid them and those sites), 7 reasons to avoid the Pitfall of Pseudo Traditionalism and much more....

 " 7 Reasons to Avoid the Pitfall of Pseudo-Traditionalism"