Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Tens of Thousands of Pro-Lifers March for Life and Mourn 58 Million Abortions

Tens of Thousands of Pro-Lifers March for Life and Mourn 58 Million Abortions

The Latest in Pro-Life News...

Steve Ertelt 


 Thanks to a massive snowstorm threatening to dump at least two feet of snow on the  nation’s capital, the March for Life did not break any attendance records this year, but the tens of thousands of pro-life people who braved the cold and snow proudly stood for life.


While marchers mourned 43 years of legalized abortion, many sounded a hopeful theme for a pro-life future and think the decision will eventually be reversed.
The Roe v. Wade decision, handed down on January 22, 1973, overturned pro-life laws offering protection for unborn children in most states across the country, and made abortions legal and virtually unlimited. More than 58 million unborn children have been killed in abortions since.
Polling data shows Americans are pro-life and few agree with Obama’s unlimited abortion position or that of Hillary Clinton.
As with other recent marches, the number of young adults and high school and college students impressed organizers and provided another reason to be optimistic.
LifeNews has collected dozens of March for Life pictures from pro-lifers attending today’s March for Life. Below is a selection of those celebrating life and mourning Roe v. Wade.

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These 7 Actresses are Celebrating Killing Babies in Abortions

Just in time for the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade, female celebrities reenacted optimistic abortion stories from women who either aborted their unborn babies or desperately wanted to.

On Wednesday, The Center for Reproductive Rights (CRR) partnered with seven female actresses to release videos of abortion stories. In the videos, the celebrities, from Elizabeth Banks to Bellamy Young, “share real women’s stories about the impact of attacks on reproductive health care.” Positive abortion stories, that is.
CRR conveniently left out the stories of women who regret their abortions.
As part of CRR’s Draw the Line campaign, the videos encouraged viewers to sign a petition against Texas law in the upcoming Supreme Court abortion case. “I draw the line against attacks on safe and legal abortion,” the petition read.
While the stories told by the actresses are heart-wrenching, they only show one side of abortion. They only show abortion as a good. They only show abortion affecting one person: the woman.

Elizabeth Banks (Pitch Perfect 2) read “Rebecca’s Story.”
When Rebecca’s birth control failed, Rebecca “knew [she] had to end the pregnancy” as a college student. Abused by her boyfriend, Rebecca told her pro-life best friend, “I d[o] not want to create a life with such a hateful man.”

Playing Rebecca, Banks detailed how the women in Rebecca’s life, including her best friend, supported her.
“Because the life they were most concerned about was mine,” she said. “When you love someone, you want the best for them, and that means you would do anything to protect them from being forced to do something against their will.”

Amy Brenneman (The Leftovers) read “Whitney’s Story.” Because of an anomaly, Whitney and her husband decided to abort their unborn baby.
“Our choice wasn’t easy. It was miserable. But it was also right for our family,” Brenneman said, posing as Whitney. “But even out of uncertainty and sorrow there can come great joy.”

Retta (Parks and Recreation) read “Rosario’s Story” of an ectopic pregnancy.

Mercedes Mason (Fear the Walking Dead) read “Laura’s Story. A college student, Laura insisted she was “not ready to be a mother.”

Mary McCormack (House of Lies) read “Susanne’s Story.” Susanne had preterm labor – and was unable to get an abortion before giving birth.
“I had no real choice,” McCormack said as Susanne. “A difference in personal opinion should never affect an individual’s ability to get the care they need.”

Dascha Polanco (Orange Is the New Black) read “Kayleigh’s Story.” According to Kayleigh, the timing was off.
“I’m proud,” Polanco said as Kayleigh. “I had the guts to make the right choice for myself.”

Bellamy Young (Scandal) read “Faith’s Story” of a woman who had epilepsy.

Late-Term Abortionist Harvests Body Parts of Baby Just Minutes After the Abortion

Pro-lifers in New Mexico have uncovered new evidence showing that a late-term abortionist and the University of New Mexico may be breaking the law when they are harvesting aborted babies’ body parts and using them for research.
The New Mexico Alliance for Life reports that it “has obtained details from a 2015 University of New Mexico research study describing … how aborted baby liver and kidney ’tissue’ [was] harvested from ‘six fetuses,’ only 15 minutes after the abortion procedure.” The university receives the aborted babies’ body parts from late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd.
“This leaves many alarming questions concerning how notorious late-term abortionist Curtis Boyd, still serves as a UNM  ‘assistant professor,’ abortionist and tissue collection facilitator,” said Elisa Martinez, executive director of the pro-life group. “The total disregard for human life illustrated in this  UNM Department of Pediatrics research study by Dr. Robin Ohls and team is both sickening and horrifying. Death row inmates are treated with greater respect and dignity than these innocent, unborn babies.”
The alliance and other pro-life groups are questioning whether Boyd is illegally changing the abortion procedure to harvest babies’ livers and kidneys, and calling for a state investigation. According to the alliance:
How is it possible for Boyd to provide six, intact “fetuses ranging 12 -22 weeks” for UNM’s Dr. Ohls to harvest?  Is Boyd performing illegal partial birth abortions in order to provide Dr. Ohls a selection of wholly, intact “six fetuses” to harvest?  The procedure Boyd states he uses up to 20 weeks, involves dismemberment and removal of tissue from the uterus.  So how is it possible for him to provide “six fetuses” if their bodies have been dismembered and mangled from the abortion procedure?
Federal law states that an abortionist is not allowed to change the procedure to collect tissue: “No alteration of the timing, method, or procedures used to terminate the pregnancy was made solely for the purposes of obtaining the tissue.” Federal HHS regulations state: “The timing and method of abortion should not be influenced by the potential uses of fetal tissue for transplantation or medical research.”
The relationship between the university and Boyd was exposed last year after the undercover videos by the Center for Medical Progress began drawing attention to the harvesting of aborted babies’ body parts.

In December, the university announced that it would stop sending medical students and residents to train at Boyd’s late-term clinic, LifeNews reported. However, university researchers said at the time that they planed to continue collecting aborted babies’ body parts from the late-term abortion clinic and using them for research.
A university spokesperson said they do not pay Boyd for the aborted babies’ body parts. The abortion facility also did not receive money to train the medical students, leading some to question whether the students’ work was exchanged for the aborted babies’ body parts.
In December, university officials also told the Albuquerque Journal that they have “no documents to show how much fetal tissue is sent from Boyd’s clinic to UNM researchers, nor how often.” However, the state pro-life group pointed out that the study documents they uncovered list “six fetuses” in Dr. Ohls’ possession.
The New Mexico pro-life group has retained legal counsel to help with their ongoing investigation, according to the group’s website.
“We have asked for information detailing storage, transportation and collection processes, regarding UNM’s research studies and inventory of aborted baby body parts. Our public record requests have been met with incomplete and evasive responses from UNM officials,” according to the group.
Operation Rescue also said the fetal tissue harvesting is in violation of New Mexico law, which forbids the use of aborted babies’ body parts in medical research. The group Protest ABQ filed a formal complaint in July with the New Mexico attorney general asking for an investigation into the illegal use of aborted babies’ body parts for research. The complaint is pending, according to the pro-life group.
The University of New Mexico has had its hands in the abortion industry for many years. The university also runs its own abortion clinic, which is funded with taxpayer dollars. The UNM Center for Reproductive Health performs abortions up to 22 weeks gestation, according to Operation Rescue.
Action: Tell the University of New Mexico to end its abortion practices by contacting UNM Board of Regents at 505-277-7639 or the UNM Health Sciences Center Board at 505 272-2398