Friday, December 25, 2015

TradCatKnight Loaded With Resources & Links!

TradCatKnight Loaded With Resources & Links!

Down along the right hand side going all the way down you will find invaluable references, free ebooks  and links related to traditional Catholicism, catechisms, prayers, the message of Fatima, Catholic monarchy, Social Kingship of Christ, unmasking the diabolical second Vatican council, evils of Islam, Socialism, Marxism and Judeo-Masonry, Illuminati, New World Order, global depopulation, Resistance resources, Birth pangs, end times, prophecy, Saint/Spiritual readings, Planet X, geoengineering, GMO’s, chemtrails, vaccines, prepping/homesteading and survivalism and much more! Don’t forget to participate in the poll along the right hand side too! Be sure to spread word and tell your friends, Ave Maria!


1) Pictures- Fr. Kramer and the New Seminary in the Phillipines  92,500 views
2)  Pride, vanity and self-esteem — legacy of the Church Fathers  92,300 views
3) Fr. Voigt- Repent and do Penance  91,800 views 
4) “And a little Child shall lead them” (Is.11:6)  91,400 views
5)  Advent Message.... 84,500 views