Thursday, November 5, 2015

(Video) EMP/CME Threat: White House Warning

(Video) EMP/CME Threat: 
Recent White House Warning
Numerous articles/videos on the topic. The latest celestial warnings and video update on Planet X by Marshall Masters

The White House is preparing for catastrophic solar flares

If a giant solar flare hit the Earth, it could knock out the entire power grid, meaning no more new Justin Bieber singles, no more televised presidential debates, and no more Facebook photos of babies.
But it wouldn't be all good news. The Washington Post reports the electromagnetic pulse—or EMP—created by such an event could wipe out electricity for months on end, creating a global catastrophe.

That's why the White House released its National Space Weather Strategy on Thursday. According to the Houston Chronicle, the multiagency plan details how the US will prepare for—and deal with—a massive EMP from space weather.
The six-step plan requires government agencies, schools, the media, the insurance industry, nonprofits, and more to work together. In other words: We might be doomed. “This is a real and present danger," the White House's assistant director for space weather tells the Post. Back in 1859, a huge solar storm did impact Earth and caused some sparking telegraph lines. The National Academy of Sciences says something like that today could mean a $2 trillion economic hit. Something like that almost did happen in 2012, when NASA says we were nearly hit by two large plasma clouds. "If it had hit, we would still be picking up the pieces," one physicist says. The White House's new plan calls for the US to get better at predicting space weather, shore up our infrastructure against EMPs, and more, the Chronicle reports. It's a plan we may truly need: The Post quotes NASA as stating there's a 12% chance of a giant solar flare in the next 10 years. (Escape doomsday in a luxury missile silo.)
This article originally appeared on Newser: White House Preparing for Catastrophic Solar Flares

Unknown Object To Hit Earth On Friday The 13Th

A mysterious object from space will enter Earth’s atmosphere in November — on Friday the 13th, no less. Researchers are saying there’s no need to panic, but who really knows what might happen…
A chunk of space debris — more specifically, ‘a suspected rocket body’, as the European Space Agency (ESA) suggested — named WT1190F, or WTF, is set to enter the Earth’s atmosphere over Sri Lanka at06:19 GMT on November 13. Most likely, what’s not burnt up after friction with the planetary atmosphere will splash down somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

RELATED : Coming chaos or mere coincidence: Could these be signs of an approaching Planet X?

Nationwide Blackout ‘Not A Question Of If, But When,’ Expert Tells Congress

A catastrophic failure of America’s electrical power grid because of a solar flare, sabotage or cyberattack is highly likely, experts told House members this month.
Two subcommittees of the House’s Committee on Science, Space and Technology heard testimony that confirmed many of our worst fears about the grid’s weaknesses.
Massive solar storms could cause widespread power blackouts, disable most electrical devices and result in $2 trillion in losses to the nation’s economy, Daniel Baker, a professor of planetary and space physics at the University of Colorado at Boulder, told the subcommittees.
“The occurrence of severe space weather impacting our nation’s infrastructure is not a question of if, but when,” Baker said, according to USA Today.
US Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Florida) said the situation is dire.
“Our electrical system is under constant stress from severe weather, malicious acts, and age,” Grayson said. “The stress on the system is constantly increasing as we dramatically change how we want to use the grid now, versus what it was designed to do, when it was built.”
The electrical grid was simply not designed to withstand the threats it faces today, including from terrorism and cyberattacks, Grayson and others said. Many of the components are increasingly old, obsolete, worn out and overworked.
“We as a society are increasingly dependent on the services electricity provides, and the electric grid has quietly become the basis of our modern lives,” Grayson said, according to the newspaper.
Groundbreaking Backup Solar Generator Delivers 4 Times More Power Than Other Models!
Some of the more disturbing revelations from the committee hearing included:
  • Electrical utilities do not have adequate supplies of backup equipment and spare parts such as transformers for attacks that cause widespread physical damage, M. Granger Morgan, a professor of electrical and computer engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, told the subcommittees. He also noted that the government lacks such a stockpile. “Especially for terrorism, no single utility can really justify, in economic terms, making the investments for something like a transformer stockpile,” Morgan said. “On the other hand the nation as a whole should have it. Because there is a good chance that somewhere, sometime, we’re going to wish we had it.”
  • Fuel supplies can be severely limited during power outages because most filing stations lack manual pumps or backup generators, Beyer said. That means there is no way to get gas and diesel fuel during a blackout.
  • The grid simply was not designed to withstand sabotage, especially low tech attacks such as shooting out transformers with a rifle, Morgan noted.
  • In addition to deliberate sabotage, the grid can suffer from a wide variety of natural disasters. Superstorm Sandy knocked out power to 8.5 million customers, Breyer pointed out. “Because the power system is spread out across the landscape, it’s inherently vulnerable to both natural and intentional physical damage,” Morgan said.
The grid was not designed to withstand physical or cyberattacks, which makes it far more vulnerable to sabotage, Nadya Bartol, the vice president of industry affairs and cybersecurity strategist for the Utilities Telecom Council, admitted to the subcommittees.

Cataclysmic EMP Grid Collapse – Former CIA Director Sounds Alarm

The following are statements made by former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) director James Woolsey during an interview via regarding America’s power grid security and the fact that it is the nation’s proverbial Achilles heel.
Among all the dangers posed to the grid (cyber-attack, solar flares, conventional bombing of critical substations), an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) may lead to a cataclysmic collapse that could plunge the nation into the dark for months, possibly even years, with no way to restart the system and little (or no) ability to investigate the type or source of the event.
While an EMP detonation may seem far-fetched, it is a “real and credible threat to the grid”.

RELATED : Well-Connected Insiders Plead for Action: “An EMP Could Change the Course of Global Civilization By 2030″

Here’s what the former CIA director said:

While the interview took place during December 2014, the message remains exactly as relevant and important today. The following paragraphs are excerpted statements by director Woolsey – who is also the co-founder of the United States Energy Security Council and has testified before Congress on multiple occasions on the danger posed by an EMP attack.
Begin –
The destructive force of an EMP could knock out the grid for a year, maybe even longer. That’s because the parts needed to fix the transmission lines and transformers destroyed are bespoke, with many only made in two places, South Korea and Germany.

The EMP Commission, which was set up after 9/11, estimated that within 12 months of an EMP event, two-thirds of the US population would likely perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown. Other experts estimate the likely loss to be closer to 90 percent.
William Forstchen’s novel, One Second After, gives a chilling portrayal of what life may look like after an EMP detonation. It describes a population totally unsuited for living in the dark. Deaths come in waves; first the elderly and then those who depend on medication. Following that are those who die of simple diseases, like typhoid or dysentery, as well as those who have no survival or farming skills, though even subsistence farming would likely be a challenge given the speed in which society would collapse versus the time it takes to actually prepare fields and grow substantial amounts of food. Eventually, the few survivors in the small town who have overcome these deprivations and learned to produce food face continual security issues, having to fight off marauding bands and, interestingly, bullets become a base currency in their economy. It’s pretty bad stuff.

RELATED : Woolsey: EMP catastrophe worse than effects of nuclear war -A nuclear device detonated above the U.S. could kill millions, and we’ve done almost nothing to prepare.

The EMP commission found that it took just one, low-yield nuclear detonation in the center of the country to knock out the entire US electrical grid. The explosion didn’t have to be big; it could be smaller than the blast at Hiroshima, for example. Getting it over Omaha or Kansas is a pretty simple task, easier than you may think. The North Koreans could do it. Recently, declassified documents show that the North Koreans recruited Russian scientists back in the early 1990s to build a nuclear weapon that could deliver a major EMP shot. As you know, the North Koreans now have the bomb, so delivering it may be as simple as hiding a small nuclear device in a satellite and having it detonate while in orbit over the US.

RELATED : The Dangers from Nuclear Weapons
But it’s not just state actors we should be worried about. Terrorist groups, if they can get their hands on some fissile material, and they wouldn’t need a lot, could set off an EMP blast by attaching a small nuclear device to a simple weather balloon and detonating it once it gets 20 miles or so above the ground. In One Second After, the US power grid was knocked offline with just one missile launched from a cargo ship floating in the Gulf of Mexico. It really isn’t that difficult to do this.

(Regarding the Cold War strategy – prevention through deterrence) Back then, the impact of an EMP detonation was secondary to the destructive power of an all-out nuclear war with the Soviet Union. In that scenario, it was impossible to protect anything, so the focus was on deterrence through mutually assured destruction. That’s not the case today. We cannot deter this threat because it could be deployed easily by an irrational state, or potentially non-state, actors. In order to attack us, you don’t need thousands of nuclear missiles here, you just need one. And, as importantly, the effects are instantaneous and cataclysmic. So, once we have been attacked, we would have no ability to understand the origins. We simply wouldn’t know, maybe for years, if it was North Korea or a solar flare that hit us.
RELATED : “Super EMP” Capable of Disabling Power Grid Across Lower 48 States
– End
While there are EMP naysayer’s and poo-pooers out there, I thought that the statements above might be of interest for some of you, given the source. EMP topics may appear as doom-and-gloom or end-of-the-world to some, however it is a topic that I occasionally address, given its apparent validity. by Ken Jorgustin (source)

US Power Grid Failure: The Cataclysmic Coming Storm

It will change history quite dramatically if you are not prepared. With the increasing crime rates, foreign invasion of peoples who seek to harm those in the west, blowing up the power grid would be a great way to help their plan, if not that, solar flares could really wipe out our hemisphere, or again, a foreign nation exploding an nuclear bomb in upper atmosphere… are you prepared? Better to be prepared… then meat for the wolves..

RELATED : Congressman Urges Protection for Power Grid: EMP Attack “Could Bring Our Civilization to a Cold, Dark Halt”

Total Blackout: How To Tell If An EMP Has Happened

 Think about this scenario: suddenly, all electric devices stop working, and your first thought is that the power grid is down due to a temporary malfunction. You think that everything is going to turn back to normal in minutes, but six hours later you’re still in the dark. Is this just a simple blackout? Or the feared EMP has happened?


Planet X, The Extinction Level Event? Government Employee Sounds the Alarm


America unprepared for devastating 'Black Swan'

WASHINGTON – Supply-chain disruptions often are the result of adverse weather, unplanned telecom outages, data breaches or even cyber hacking.
However, the one “Black Swan” event that would make these instances pale by comparison and result in a cascading disruption is a natural or man-made electromagnetic pulse event.
A “Black Swan” is an event regarded at the time of its occurrence as unprecedented and unexpected but later, in hindsight, understood to have been inevitable.
An EMP is in that category, since scientific experts repeatedly warn that a major EMP event is not a question of if, but when.
Barrett Moore, a security specialist and founder of the security company Triple Canopy, told WND that federal officials have modeled the effects of a “Black Swan” event on the timely delivery of food, water, fuel, medical care and technology. But they have done it primarily for the government’s benefit.
Michael Maloof’s “A Nation Forsaken” exposes the catastrophic vulnerability scientists and other experts have been warning about for years
“Seeing potential for large-scale chaos,” Barrett said, “they have mitigated this risk for themselves by investing hundreds of billions of dollars in a continuity-of-government plan that has overseen the construction, equipping and provisioning of over 100 classified ‘haven’ facilities accessible only to families and staff of government officials,” he said.
“No parallel provisions have been made in our country for the general population,” he said.
Years ago, Barrett noted, there were civil-defense centers in which the local population could assemble in the event of an emergency, stocked with food, water and essential medicines. But they disappeared in the 1960s.
Consideration, he said, should be given to bringing them back as one type of “safe haven” for the general population.
A recent survey shows that an EMP event is not on the radar of professionals whose industry is part of the supply chain.
A 2014 Supply Chain Resilience Survey, conducted by the Business Continuity Institute on behalf of the Zurich Insurance Group, asked the professionals to look five years ahead regarding potential, evolving world threats
They ranked the biggest threat as cyber attacks, followed in order by IT/telecom outages, outsourcer service failure, data breaches and adverse weather conditions.
Yet, supply-chain disruption caused by an EMP – a super-burst of energetic radio waves that could knock out the already vulnerable national grid – can either destroy or damage unprotected electronic systems by instantly overloading their circuits.
The immediate result would be catastrophic damage to all the critical infrastructures that rely on the grid, including automated control systems for electric power, telecommunications, transportation, banking and finance, food and water distribution and emergency services.
A natural EMP event would be a direct hit on Earth from a massive solar storm, while a man-made EMP would be a high-altitude nuclear bomb burst instigated by any adversarial country with a nuclear weapon and a missile-delivery system.
Given the level of U.S. unpreparedness, it is estimated that within 12 months of an EMP event, two-thirds to 90 percent of the U.S. population would likely perish from starvation, disease and societal breakdown, according to the Secure the Grid Coalition.
The coalition is an ad hoc group of policy, energy and national security experts, legislators and industry insiders dedicated to strengthening the U.S. electrical grid by seeking the passage of legislation and raising public awareness of the national and international threat of an EMP.
‘Keystone’ infrastructure at risk
One of the coalition’s spokesmen is Peter Vincent Pry, who told WND that “political gridlock” in Washington has hindered the implementation of any of a number of cost-effective plans to protect the national electrical grid.
He said the electric grid is the “keystone” infrastructure necessary to recover all other critical infrastructures. Protection of the grid from an EMP – which Pry said is the “worst threat” – will also enhance overall grid security against all other threats including cyber attack, sabotage and severe weather.
Pry is a former analyst for the Central Intelligence Agency who serves as executive director of the congressional Task Force on National and Homeland Security and director of the U.S. Nuclear Strategy Forum.
Pry also was staff director of the congressionally mandated EMP Commission, which in 2008 looked at the impact of an EMP on the nation’s vital infrastructure.
Among other things, the commission recommended an “all hazards” strategy to protect the electric grid and other critical infrastructures against all threats.
Pry said the “all hazards” strategy is the most practical and cost-effective solution to protecting the grid and the other critical infrastructures.
He pointed out that electric grid operation and vulnerability are dependent on two key technologies – extra-high voltage, or EHV, transformers and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Systems, or SCADAS.
“EHV transformers are the technological foundation of our modern electronic civilization as they make it possible to transmit electric power over great distances,” Pry said.
They cost millions of dollars and are custom-made rather than mass-produced. Making one EHV takes about 18 months under normal conditions, and only 200 are made a year.
While EHV transformers were invented in the United States by Nikolai Tesla, Pry said, they no longer are manufactured in the U.S.
“Because of their great size and cost,” he said, “U.S. electric utilities have very few spare EHV transformers. The U.S. must import EHV transformers made in Germany or South Korea, the only two nations in the world that make them for export.
“An event that damages hundreds – or even as few as nine – of the 2,000 EHV transformers in the United States could plunge the nation into a protracted blackout lasting months or even years,” Pry said.
SCADAS are small computers that run the electric grid and all the critical infrastructures. For example, they regulate the flow of electric current through EHV transformers, the flow of natural gas or water through pipelines, the flow of data through communications and financial systems and operate everything “from traffic control lights to refrigerators in regional food warehouses.”
SCADAS number in the millions and are indispensable as EHV transformers in running a modern electronic civilization, Pry said.
“The EMP Commission found that if the electric grid can be protected and quickly recover from nuclear EMP, the other critical infrastructures can also be recovered, with good planning, quickly enough to prevent mass starvation and restore society to normalcy,” Pry recently told a congressional panel.
“If EHV transformers, SCADAS and other critical components are protected from the worst threat – nuclear EMP – then they will survive, or damage will be greatly mitigated, from all lesser threats, including natural EMP from geomagnetic storms, severe weather, sabotage, and cyber attack,” he said.
Pry said cyber warfare is another existential threat to the U.S., not because of computer viruses and hacking alone, but owing to military doctrines of potential adversaries that call for all-out cyber attack, including an EMP.
Pry told the congressional panel that a 2011 U.S. Army War College study, “In The Dark: Planning for a Catastrophic Critical Infrastructure Event,” warned U.S. Cyber Command that U.S. doctrine should not overly focus on computer viruses to the exclusion of an EMP attack and the full spectrum of other threats, as planned by potential adversaries.
Pry said anti-hacking and anti-virus solutions will just result in an “endless virus versus anti-virus software arms race” that will prove “unaffordable and futile.”
He said the worst-case cyber scenario can be overcome through an “all hazards” strategy recommended by the congressional EMP Commission. He said the worst-case scenario envisions a computer virus infecting the SCADAS that regulate the flow of electricity into EHV transformers, damaging the transformers with overvoltage and causing a protracted national blackout.
But if the transformers are protected with surge arrestors against a high-altitude nuclear EMP attack which Pry said would be the worst kind of attack, they “would be unharmed by the worst possible overvoltage that might be system-generated by any computer virus.”
“While gridlock in Washington has prevented the federal government from protecting the national electric power infrastructure, threats to the grid – and to the survival of the American people – from EMP and other hazards are looming ever larger,” Pry said. “Grid vulnerability to EMP and other threats is now a clear and present danger.”


Intense Solar Flare Unleashed from Unruly Sunspot

An intense solar flare took out low-frequency radio communications over South America and the Atlantic Ocean earlier today (Sept. 28), and the unstable sunspot is likely to erupt again.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft captured an amazing video of the solar flare from space.
At 10:53 a.m. EDT (1453 GMT), the medium-size M7-class solar flareburst from the sunspot called Active Region 2422 (AR2422). The explosion unleashed extreme ultraviolet radiation that rushed over the Earth, officials at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center said in a statement. The peak of the action, when there was a brief radio communications blackout on the sunlit side of Earth, was about 5 minutes later, at 10:58 a.m. EDT (1458 GMT). The flare ended 7 minutes after that. [Biggest Solar Flares and Sun Storms of 2015 in Photos]
Sunspots are caused by knots and complications in the sun's magnetic field, and the particularly tangled field within AR2422 generated this recent solar flare when it released a buildup of magnetic energy suddenly — causing a burst of high-energy radiation that rushed to Earth and supercharged the atmosphere. Scientists do not expect an associated coronal mass ejection, where physical gas ejected from the sun hits Earth.
That M7-class flare was strong enough that the extra atmospheric charge interfered with low-frequency radio communications over South America and the Atlantic Ocean, with weaker effects farther out. And there's a chance that sunspot AR2422 may release more solar flares.
"AR2422 has an unstable 'beta-gamma-delta' magnetic field that could erupt again at any moment," said in its forecast. At the time of this writing, there was a 40-percent chance of another, similarly sized solar flare and a 5 percent chance of a powerful X-class flare during the next 24 hours. X-class flares can cause planet-wide radio blackouts and radiation storms, and are 10 times more powerful than M-class flares.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory is an observational spacecraft that has been orbiting the sun since 2010, taking incredibly high-resolution images of the solar surface, gathering data about the sun's magnetic activity and helping to predict solar storms' impacts on Earth.

EMP Attack How It would Affect Us. What The Government Is Not Telling You! 


FOX NEWS WARNING! September October, Electric Grid, Solar Flare CME

Host, Marshall Masters, offers a detailed analysis of two Planet X observations: Melissa Huffman’s September 2015 second sun smartphone video captured on the Sanibel Causeway in Florida, plus a exclusive, an image of Nibiru with wings, captured in April 2015 by digital photography instructor, Glenn Vaughan. Also Marshall will explain why Glenn Vaughan’s image is deeply disturbing in regard to our future.
Planet X sightings are rapidly increasing and being posted to the Internet. To help you evaluate these reports, Marshall teaches detailed, step-by-step procedures using freely available software, to quickly rule out sightings of cataloged objects, lens flares, false positives and other aberrations.