Thursday, November 19, 2015

No Jubilation For the Jubilee Year of "Mercy"

No Jubilation For the Jubilee Year of "Mercy"
Eric Gajewski
When men quit on truth nature quits on man and thus the seasons dramatically "change" to reflect the abominable changes at Vatican II

As I sit to ponder the masses being deceived by Vatican II I recall the words of Our Lord who warned that even the elect would be deceived.  We live in frightening times wherein the Church and state authorities of the world pervert truth and hand the world a bag of lies.  
Recently, mainstream Novus Ordo sites published an article John Paul II's No Mercy Without Truth but did John Paul teach truth?  Objectively speaking John Paul II was right to teach that without truth there is no true mercy but did John Paul have the proper understanding of what truth is?  The answer to both questions is that he did not and simply was no different than Francis.  

 John Paul II the Modernist is seen here giving the 666 sign of man hand sign. 
He did this on a multitude of occasions...

It seems alot of the Neo-Trads are trying to make it seem Francis is deviating from the Faith but they are using John Paul II as the measure of Catholicity.  This is entirely erroneous.  John Paul II like the rest of the Vatican II Modernists have their "new interpretation" on theology, on the Church and the world (self condemned before Vatican II).  John Paul II was a modernist whose ill philosophy of new/integral humanism ruined his theology.  John Paul II very much taught the man centered religion of Vatican II which is leading souls into the formalized One World Church of Apostasy.  John Paul II taught too many heresies to arguably keep up with.  He was an avid ecumenist and universalist both of which are heresies.  John Paul II also "resurrected" the condemned writings of Sister Faustina from the grace.

 All you need to know:

Expose on John Paul II by Father Villa, close friend of Padre Pio, who was commissioned to unmask the ecclesial Masonry coming from the Popes in Rome and in the texts of the Second Vatican Council itself.

 Be ready to be further called "Fundamentalists, Pharisees and Prophets of Doom"
In the New Age humanistic religion of "nice and mercy" do not be surprised when you hear there was no such thing as "original sin".  Do not be surprised when they institute a whole other new order of "Sacraments" (5 step self realization process).  Do not be surprised to see Christmas taken clear off the calendar because the New Age Messiah Maitreya will be "among us".  Mercy is not being abused just by Francis it has been abused and misused by the Modernists since Vatican II.  When you have a perverted man centered philosophy your theology then becomes perverted and thus traditionally understood words such as peace, love and mercy are likewise perverted.  So be ready for Francis to hand out "mercy" like "hotcakes" in this upcoming jubilee year. Be ready to have your faith further battered and tested by these modernists who have occupied our buildings since Vatican II. Be ready for the normalization of homosexuals/homosexuality. Be ready for Communion for "divorced and remarried".  Be ready for more "freedom of conscience" and heretical doctrines that will fly under the banner of Masonic/Marxist equality and liberty!

Believe it or not Francis and the rest of the Vatican II Modernists following the Vatican II New Religion of Man have no concept of what true mercy is.  When the Planet X system passes by men will be begging for mercy from God in the truest sense.  Perhaps these material chastisements will correct their erroring ways.  But how much more of the Vatican II charade will men of good will take? When will the dog and pony show end?  Until then Catholics can have no jubilation for another fraudulent program of Modernist Rome. 

When Christ is no longer proclaimed as King (Social Kingship) then the Rocks Will Cry Out!