Sunday, November 29, 2015

Fr. Voigt, "When These Things Come To Pass... Look Up!"

Fr. Voigt, "When These Things Come To Pass... Look Up!"
Signs, signs, everywhere there is a sign.  Signs of the end of the world confuse and instruct us in the way in which we ought to live.  St. Paul tells us clearly that this "world was created for futility."  It is futile; this world is not meant to remain forever.
It cannot remain forever because it is like all of us people and is filled with the effects of sin.  Everything must pay the price for this fall of man.  The price is the same yesterday, today and forever:  it is death, the wage of sin.  
Today, Russia is courting war with Turkey; America and Britain are playing the Jewish game of baiting the Palestinians, the Iraqis and whoever else may threaten the Jewish desire to bring about a world government.  In other words, wars are being planned; nukes are prepared to destroy three quarters of the world and we are all held bound in fear by terrorism.  The weather is warring upon men with hurricanes, tornadoes and floods of biblical proportions.  Sink holes, mud slides and fires are confronting souls in every nation.
Life is changing; murders abound and children fear for their lives when simply walking down the street.  We are on the brink of a new order and a new world and if it is not under God then it will be under the gun.  

Yes, the signs surround us and now Advent approaches us with the answer that is most wise and most important to grasp.  The Lights of the world are disappearing.  Where is the Sun, our Lord Jesus Christ?  Where is the Moon, our Mother and our Church?  Where are the stars, the saints of yesterday and today?  The Lights of the world are hidden because man has chosen the dark
of the world itself.  Salvation will come one man or one woman at a time.  The astute will practice the rule of the Lord and listen to His Word; meditate upon it and contemplate the changes as the direction of God toward His Plan's fulfillment.  God's will is being accomplished whether we understand it or not.

The Light of Christ will come not as a humble babe in a forgotten shepherd's cave but as a glorious light seen by all.  Those who love Him will have their eyes lifted up to see beyond this darkness and into the light-filled eyes of their Lover.  His brilliance will cause confusion to those worldly wise but joy to the humble of heart.  Those humble men and women who took up the rosary and under the mantle of our Mother prayed for the new heavens and the new earth where
our Lord, Mary's Son, would reign and sin would have no place.  This is our longing and it is coming.  Read the signs of the times; read the darkness on the faces in the streets; read the word of the One Who is Truth and prepare by prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  Especially, give alms to atone for your sins and to bring about the birth of the divine Son in your hearts.
I say to you, "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away."  The truth shall sanctify you and build an eternal home in your heart.  Everything in this world that is futile will pass away but the one who holds the Word in his mind and heart will find that the kingdom of heaven is within his heart.  What a joy to discover that nothing matters but my love of the Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, the Word
Made Flesh and dwells among us.  What Truth can give us so much hope?  What thought can inspire us to lay down our lives in order to begin them in the eternal union with God.
Prepare my friends and be like the eagles who see from the distance and flock to the body of the Christ (Eucharist).  They will protect that body and they will see that body rise and judge the earth.  God bless you one and all as we begin our preparation for the coming of Christ, the Lord.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt