Friday, November 6, 2015

Ashton Carter - The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon

Ashton Carter - The Rothschild Agent Running the Pentagon

The American military has become the enforcer and muscle that the globalists have been using to keep uncooperative nations in line with the international financial system… The three policies that are critical to the goals of the international bankers are free trade, mass immigration, and American interventionism abroad.
– Brian O’Brien, "What do the Bankers Want?" The Tyranny of the Federal Reserve (2015)

Americans are likely to be confused by the actions being taken by the U.S. military in Syria. Why has the United States waged a covert and illegal war against the government of Syria for more than four years, a war that has resulted in 250,000 deaths and 11 million people forced to leave their homes?  What American national interest is being served by arming and supporting anti-government rebels and mercenary forces trying to overthrow the elected leader of Syria? Who is behind the U.S. military intervention in Syria?


ROTHSCHILD AGENT Ashton Carter, then Deputy Secretary of Defense, arrives in Herat, Afghanistan, 2013.

Ashton Baldwin Carter is the current U.S. Secretary of Defense, since February 17, 2015. Prior to being appointed head of the U.S. military, Carter was Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics from April 2009 to October 2011, with responsibility for procurement of all technology, systems, services, and supplies, bases and infrastructure, energy, and environment, and more than $50 billion annually in R&D. He was then promoted to Deputy Secretary of Defense from October 2011 to December 2013, serving as the chief operating officer of the Department of Defense, overseeing more than $600 billion per year and 2.4 million civilian and military personnel, and managing global 24/7 operations.

ASHTON CARTER, the new Secretary of Defense gives his first speech as Vice President Joe Biden cuddles up to Carter's wife, the former investment banker Stephanie DeLeeuw, February 17, 2015.

Ashton Carter is a hawk. Carter supported the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, and is an advocate of preventive wars against North Korea and Iran. In response to the situation in Ukraine, Carter considered proposing deployment of ground-launched cruise missiles in Europe that could pre-emptively destroy Russian weapons. Carter is certainly a hawk, but whose hawk is he?

It is certainly not America's national interest that motivates Ashton Carter. If Carter were truly a supporter of American values and interests he would not have supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003. This war is now recognized as having been a strategic blunder and a war crime, a war of aggression based on false claims and lies. Furthermore, if Carter's actions were based on U.S. national interests would he engage the U.S. military in Syria in an illegal war against the government of that country? It is primarily because of the involvement and support of the U.S. and other outside forces, such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, that the war in Syria has dragged on for more than four years and caused a massive flow of refugees from the war-torn nation.

Carter and his Saudi partner at the Pentagon, May 2015. The U.S. and Saudi actions against the government in Syria are illegal and immoral, having caused 11 million Syrians to leave their homes. How does this serve U.S. national interests?

Ashton Carter has been cultivated for decades by the Rothschild banking family to serve their interests, which is what he is doing as U.S. Secretary of Defense. After graduating from Yale University in 1976, Carter went to study at Oxford, England, as a Rhodes Scholar for three years. Rhodes Scholarships are awarded by the Rhodes Trust, which is funded by his estate under the administration of Nathan Rothschild.

Carter taught at Harvard University from 1984 and became a professor and associate director of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1988. He served as director of the Belfer Center from 1990 to 1993. Carter is currently a member of the board (on leave) of the Belfer Center. 
Nathaniel Rothschild is on the Advisory Board at the Belfer Center, along with his Russian business partner Oleg Deripaska. Rothschild is a non-executive director of Genel Energy plc, the largest oil producer in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. He is also a non-executive director of Barrick Gold Corporation, the world's largest gold company.
Oleg Deripaska is also the chief executive officer and chairman of United Company RUSAL, the world’s largest producer of aluminium. Deripaska is the president and a director of his holding company, En+, where the chairman of the board is Nathaniel Rothschild.

Ashton Carter (left rear) was a senior partner at Global Technology Partners LLC when he wrote an article in 1998 about "the transforming event" of catastrophic terrorism in America. In 2000, Rothschild North America acquired GTP - with Ashton Carter.

Carter was a Senior Partner at Global Technology Partners LLC, a firm focused on advising investment firms in technology and defense. In 2000, when Carter was a senior partner, GTP LLC was acquired by Rothschild North America. When Rothschild acquired GTP, Gerald Rosenfeld, Chief Executive Officer of Rothschild North America, said, "We believe the combination of Rothschild's global relationships and Global Technology Partner's access to and knowledge of the international defense and aerospace industry will create high level strategic advisory and investment opportunities."
The following year, 2001, the U.S. defense budget doubled from $300 billion to $600 billion per year as a result of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. The Rothschilds were very well placed to profit from the immense flows of money pouring into the Pentagon.
In 1998, as a senior partner at GTP, Carter co-authored an article with John Deutch and Philip Zelikow entitled "Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger." The first section of the article is subtitled "Imagining the Transforming Event." This article lays out the blueprint for how the authors think the U.S. government should respond to an act of "catastrophic terrorism", which, the authors said, "poses an eminent threat to America's future."

Catastrophic terrorism poses an eminent threat to America's future. But the United States can fight back only if it sets the right goals.
- "Catastrophic Terrorism: Tackling the New Danger" by Ashton Carter, John Deutch, and Philip Zelikow, Foreign Affairs, November/December 1998
The words 'eminent' and 'imminent' are often confused. Eminent means outstanding; of very high rank or status.  Imminent means immediate; impending; soon to happen. Why did these scholars use the wrong word in this key sentence of their article? Were they confused or were they reluctant to use the word, "imminent," fearing that such uncanny prescience might look suspicious when the "transforming event" of catastrophic terrorism they predicted came to pass two years later?
Amazingly, two of the three authors who wrote the article on catastrophic terrorism went on to play key roles in the interpretation of and response to the events of 9-11. Philip Zelikow was the executive director of the 9-11 Commission, which created the official myth of what happened on September 11, 2001, while Ashton Carter has served in the three highest level positions at the Pentagon for much of the Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror."

It is certainly no coincidence that the people who predicted the catastrophic terrorism of 9-11 were appointed to these key positions in this massive and murderous fraud. Nor is it a coincidence that the Rothschild family is connected to all the positions held by Ashton Carter since he graduated from Yale in 1976. 
As Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics from April 2009 to October 2011, Carter was responsible for Pentagon procurement for all technology, systems, services, and supplies, bases and infrastructure - and more than $50 billion annually in R&D. He went on to become Deputy Secretary of Defense, serving as the chief operating officer of the Department of Defense, overseeing more than $600 billion and 2.4 million civilian and military personnel, and managing global 24/7 operations from October 2011 to December 2013.
The U.S. defense budget is the biggest and richest gravy train in the world and for the Rothschilds to have their agents placed in such key positions allows them to profit from the massive defense spending that is now close to six hundred billion dollars per year.

To have one of their agents serving as the Secretary of Defense also gives the Rothschilds the advantage of being able to influence U.S. military policy. In early October, for example, the U.S. dropped 120 tons of weapons and ammunition into the northeastern province of Syria called Al Hasakah. There are only two forces active in Hasakah, the Kurds and Islamic State. The U.S. weapons were dropped in the Kurdish-controlled part, called West Kurdistan. Nathan Rothschild, Carter's associate, is co-founder and director of Genel Energy plc, the largest oil producer in the neighboring Kurdistan Region of Iraq.
The U.S. military intervention in Iraq and Syria have done a great deal to break up these nations into ethnic statelets, like the Kurdish region in the north. Nathan Rothschild will profit from the Balkanization of Iraq and Syria, just as he did when Yugoslavia was broken into pieces. Rothschild and Deripaska took many of the key assets of Montenegro, including its Bay of Kotor, where they have built a yacht harbor and casino enterprise.
Porto Montenegro is the Rothschild-owned yacht harbor and resort on the Bay of Kotor.

Apart from his oil company in the Kurdish region of Iraq, Rothschild is also invested in an oil and gas company in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. By waging war against the government of Syria, the Rothschilds hope to break up that nation so they can fully exploit the mineral wealth of the Golan Heights.
The strategy of breaking up the secular Arab states into ethnic statelets has long been the Zionist strategy to divide and conquer the Middle East. This strategy, known as the Oded Yinon plan, was articulated in a paper published in English in 1982. In 2015, we see that it seems to be the Yinon plan the U.S. military is working from, despite what officials say about preserving the territorial integrity of the nations it invades.

Sources and Recommended Reading:
Ash Carter, Wikipedia

Nathaniel Rothschild, International Council Member, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs

"Rothschild Forms Strategic Alliance with Global Technology Partners," PRNewswire, May 31, 2000

"Rupert Murdoch and Lord Rothschild: The Oil Barons of Occupied Syria" by Christopher Bollyn, September 2, 2013

"The Zionist Network behind 9-11" by Christopher Bollyn, December 7, 2006