Thursday, October 15, 2015

(Videos) General Prepping...

General Prepping...
This blog is loaded with the latest from the Prepper world
Noah and Joseph also "prepped" for disaster

How To Store Emergency Food and Water Supplies- For Any Disaster

If an earthquake, hurricane, winter storm or other disaster ever strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water and electricity for days, or even weeks. By taking a little time now to store emergency food and water supplies, you can provide for your entire family.
This brochure was developed by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Community and Family Preparedness Programs which provides information to help families prepare for all types of disasters.

Stocking water reserves and learning how to purify contaminated water should be among your top priorities in preparing for an emergency. You should store at least a two-week supply of water for each member of your family. Everyone’s needs will differ, depending upon age, physical condition, activity, diet and climate. A normally active person needs to drink at least two quarts of water each day. Hot environments can double that amount. Children, nursing mothers and ill people will need more. You will need additional water for food preparation and hygiene. Store a total of at least one gallon per person, per day.

If your supplies begin to run low, remember: Never ration water. Drink the amount you need today, and try to find more for tomorrow. You can minimize the amount of water your body needs by reducing activity and staying cool.

How to Store Emergency Water Supplies
You can store your water in thoroughly washed plastic, glass, fiberglass or enamel-lined metal containers. Never use a container that has held toxic substances, because tiny amounts may remain in the container’s pores. Sound plastic containers, such as soft drink bottles, are best. You can also purchase food-grade plastic buckets or drums.
Before storing your water, treat it with a preservative, such as chlorine bleach, to prevent the growth of microorganisms. Use liquid bleach that contains 5.25 percent sodium hypochlorite and no soap. Some containers warn, “Not For Personal Use.” You can disregard these warnings if the label states sodium hypochlorite is the only active ingredient and if you use only the small quantities in these instructions.

Add four drops of bleach per quart of water (or two scant teaspoons per 10 gallons), and stir. Seal your water containers tightly, label them and store them in a cool, dark place.

RELATED : Water Storage Tips

Hidden Water Sources in Your Home
If a disaster catches you without a stored supply of clean water, you can use water in your hot-water tank, in your plumbing and in ice cubes. As a last resort, you can use water in the reservoir tank of your toilet (not the bowl), but purify it first (described later).
Water beds hold up to 400 gallons, but some water beds contain toxic chemicals that are not fully removed by many purifiers. If you designate a water bed in your home as an emergency resource, drain it yearly and refill it with fresh water containing two ounces of bleach per 120 gallons.

To use the water in your pipes, let air into the plumbing by turning on the highest faucet in your house and draining the water from the lowest one.
To use the water in your hot-water tank, be sure the electricity or gas is off, and open the drain at the bottom of the tank. Start the water flowing by turning off the water intake valve and turning on a hot-water faucet. Do not turn on the gas or electricity when the tank is empty.
Do you know the location of your incoming water valve? You’ll need to shut if off to stop contaminated water from entering your home if you hear reports of broken water or sewage lines.

Emergency Outdoor Water Sources
If you need to seek water outside your home, you can use these sources. But purify the water before drinking it.
  • Rainwater
  • Streams, rivers and other moving bodies of water
  • Ponds and lakes
  • Natural springs
Avoid water with floating material, an odor or dark color. Use saltwater only if you distill it first (described later).

Three Easy Ways to Purify Water
In addition to having a bad odor and taste, contaminated water can contain microorganisms that cause diseases such as dysentery, cholera, typhoid and hepatitis. You should therefore purify all water of uncertain purity before using it for drinking, food preparation or hygiene.
There are many ways to purify water. None are perfect. Often the best solution is a combination of methods. Before purifying, let any suspended particles settle to the bottom, or strain them through layers of paper towel or clean cloth.

Three easy purification methods are outlined below. These measures will kill microbes but will not remove other contaminants such as heavy metals, salts, most other chemicals and radioactive fallout.
Boiling is the safest method of purifying water. Bring water to a rolling boil for 10 minutes, keeping in mind that some water will evaporate. Let the water cool before drinking.
Boiled water will taste better if you put oxygen back into it by pouring it back and forth between two containers. This will also improve the taste of stored water.

Chlorination uses liquid chlorine bleach to kill microorganisms. (See page 1 for bleach safety information.) Add two drops of bleach per quart of water (four drops if the water is cloudy), stir and let stand for 30 minutes. If the water does not taste and smell of chlorine at that point, add another dose and let stand another 15 minutes.

If you do not have a dropper, use a spoon and a square-ended strip of paper or thin cloth about 1/4 inch by 2 inches. Put the strip in the spoon with an end hanging down about 1/2 inch below the scoop of the spoon. Place bleach in the spoon and carefully tip it. Drops the size of those from a medicine dropper will drip off the end of the strip.
Purification tablets release chlorine or iodine. They are inexpensive and available at most sporting goods stores and some drugstores. Follow the package directions. Usually one tablet is enough for one quart of water. Double the dose for cloudy water.

RELATED : Build Your Emergency Food Supply in Six Months

More Rigorous Purification Methods
While the three methods described above will remove only microbes from water, the following two purification methods will remove other contaminants. Distillation will remove microbes, heavy metals, salts, most other chemicals, and radioactive dust and dirt, called radioactive fallout. Filtering will also remove radioactive fallout. (Water itself cannot become radioactive, but it can be contaminated by radioactive fallout. It is unsafe to drink water that contains radioactive fallout.)
Distillation involves boiling water and then collecting the vapor that condenses back to water. The condensed vapor will not include salt and other impurities. To distill, fill a pot halfway with water. Tie a cup to the handle on the pot’s lid so that the cup will hang right-side-up when the lid is upside-down (make sure the cup is not dangling into the water) and boil the water for 20 minutes. The water that drips from the lid into the cup is distilled.

To make a fallout filter, punch holes in the bottom of a large bucket, and put a layer of gravel in the bucket about 1-1/2 inches high. Cover the gravel with a towel cut in a circle slightly larger than the bucket. Cover soil with a towel, place the filter over a large container, and pour contaminated water through. Then, disinfect the filtered water using one of the methods described above. Change the soil in your filter after every 50 quarts of water.

Family Disaster Supply Kit
It’s 2:00 a.m. and a flash flood forces you to evacuate your home–fast. There’s no time to gather food from the kitchen, fill bottles with water, grab a first-aid kit from the closet and snatch a flashlight and a portable radio from the bedroom. You need to have these items packed and ready in one place before disaster hits.
Pack at least a three-day supply of food and water, and store it in a handy place. Choose foods that are easy to carry, nutritious and ready-to-eat. In addition, pack these emergency items:
  • Medical supplies and first aid manual
  • Hygiene supplies
  • Portable radio, flashlights and extra batteries
  • Shovel and other useful tools
  • Money and matches in a waterproof container
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Blanket and extra clothing
  • Infant and small children’s needs (if appropriate)
RELATED : A Guide to Looting When the SHTF (And Your Counter-Strategies)

If activity is reduced, healthy people can survive on half their usual food intake for an extended period and without any food for many days. Food, unlike water, may be rationed safely, except for children and pregnant women.
If your water supply is limited, try to avoid foods that are high in fat and protein, and don’t stock salty foods, since they will make you thirsty. Try to eat salt-free crackers, whole grain cereals and canned foods with high liquid content.
You don’t need to go out and buy unfamiliar foods to prepare an emergency food supply. You can use the canned foods, dry mixes and other staples on your cupboard shelves. In fact, familiar foods are important. They can lift morale and give a feeling of security in time of stress. Also, canned foods won’t require cooking, water or special preparation. Following are recommended short-term and long-term food storage plans.

Storage Tips
  • Keep food in the driest and coolest spot in the house–a dark area if possible.
  • Keep food covered at all times.
  • Open food boxes or cans carefully so that you can close them tightly after each use.
  • Wrap cookies and crackers in plastic bags, and keep them in tight containers.
  • Empty opened packages of sugar, dried fruits and nuts into screw-top jars or air-tight cans to protect them from pests.
  • Inspect all food containers for signs of spoilage before use.
RELATED : Our food supply: When it’s gone…it’s gone.

Short-Term Food Supplies
Even though it is unlikely that an emergency would cut off your food supply for two weeks, you should prepare a supply that will last that long. A two-week supply can relieve a great deal of inconvenience and uncertainty until services are restored.
The easiest way to develop a two-week stockpile is to increase the amount of basic foods you normally keep on your shelves. Remember to compensate for the amount you eat from other sources (such as restaurants) during an average two-week period.
You may already have a two-week supply of food on hand. Keeping it fresh is simple. Just rotate your supply once or twice a year.

Special Considerations to Keep in Mind
As you stock food, take into account your family’s unique needs and tastes. Try to include foods that they will enjoy and that are also high in calories and nutrition. Foods that require no refrigeration, preparation or cooking are best.
Individuals with special diets and allergies will need particular attention, as will babies, toddlers and the elderly. Nursing mothers may need liquid formula, in case they are unable to nurse. Canned dietetic foods, juices and soups may be helpful for the ill or elderly.
Make sure you have a can opener and disposable utensils. And don’t forget nonperishable foods for your pets.

How to Store Your Short-Term Stockpile
Keep canned foods in a dry place where the temperature is fairly cool–not above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and not below freezing. To protect boxed foods from pests and extend their shelf life, store the boxes in tightly closed cans or metal containers.
Rotate your food supply. Use foods before they go bad, and replace them with fresh supplies, dated with ink or marker. Place new items at the back of the storage area and older ones in front.
Your emergency food supply should be of the highest quality possible. Inspect your reserves periodically to make sure there are no broken seals or dented containers.

How to Cook if the Power Goes Out
For emergency cooking you can use a fireplace, or a charcoal grill or camp stove outdoors only. You can also heat food with candle warmers, chafing dishes and fondue pots. Canned food can be eaten right out of the can. If you heat it in the can, be sure to open the can and remove the label first.

RELATED : What To Do When the Power Goes Out

Long-Term Food Supplies
In the unlikely event of a military attack or some other national disaster, you may need long-term emergency food supplies. The best approach is to store large amounts of staples along with a variety of canned and dried foods.
Bulk quantities of wheat, corn, beans and salt are inexpensive and have nearly unlimited shelf life. If necessary, you could survive for years on small daily amounts of these staples. Stock the following amounts per person, per month:
Wheat–20 pounds
Powdered Milk (for babies and infants)*– 20 pounds
Corn–20 pounds
Iodized Salt–1 pound
Soybeans–10 pounds
Vitamin C**–15 grams

* Buy in nitrogen-packed cans
** Rotate every two years

RELATED : Off The Grid Living – Rocket Stove Household Water Heater

Storage and Preparation of Food Supplies
Store wheat, corn and beans in sealed cans or plastic buckets. Buy powdered milk in nitrogen-packed cans. And leave salt and vitamin C in their original packages.
If these staples comprise your entire menu, you must eat all of them together to stay healthy. To avoid serious digestive problems, you’ll need to grind the corn and wheat into flour and cook them, as well as boil the beans, before eating. Many health food stores sell hand-cranked grain mills or can tell you where you can get one. Make sure you buy one that can grind corn. If you are caught without a mill, you can grind your grain by filling a large can with whole grain one inch deep, holding the can on the ground between your feet and pounding the grain with a pipe.

Nutrition Tips
In a crisis, it will be vital that you maintain your strength. So remember:
  • Eat at least one well-balanced meal each day.
  • Drink enough liquid to enable your body to function properly (two quarts a day).
  • Take in enough calories to enable you to do any necessary work.
  • Include vitamin, mineral and protein supplements in your stockpile to assure adequate nutrition.
Shelf Life of Foods for Storage
Here are some general guidelines for rotating common emergency foods.
Use within six months:
  • Powdered milk (boxed)
  • Dried fruit (in metal container)
  • Dry, crisp crackers (in metal container)
  • Potatoes
Use within one year:
  • Canned condensed meat and vegetable soups
  • Canned fruits, fruit juices and vegetables
  • Ready-to-eat cereals and uncooked instant cereals (in metal containers)
  • Peanut butter
  • Jelly
  • Hard candy, chocolate bars and canned nuts

May be stored indefinitely (in proper containers and conditions):
  • Wheat
  • Vegetable oils
  • Corn
  • Baking powder
  • Soybeans
  • Instant coffee, tea
  • Vitamin C
  • and cocoa
  • Salt
  • Noncarbonated soft drinks
  • White rice
  • Bouillon products
  • Dry pasta
  • Powdered milk (in nitrogen-packed cans)
Ways to Supplement Your Long-Term Stockpile
The above staples offer a limited menu, but you can supplement them with commercially packed air-dried or freeze-dried foods and supermarket goods. Rice, popcorn and varieties of beans are nutritious and long-lasting. The more supplements you include, the more expensive your stockpile will be.

Following is an easy approach to long-term food storage:
  1. Buy a supply of the bulk staples listed above.
  2. Build up your everyday stock of canned goods until you have a two-week to one-month surplus. Rotate it periodically to maintain a supply of common foods that will not require special preparation, water or cooking.
  3. From a sporting or camping equipment store, buy commercially packaged, freeze-dried or air-dried foods. Although costly, this will be your best form of stored meat, so buy accordingly.
If the Electricity Goes Off…
FIRST, use perishable food and foods from the refrigerator.
THEN use the foods from the freezer. To minimize the number of times you open the freezer door, post a list of freezer contents on it. In a well-filled, well-insulated freezer, foods will usually still have ice crystals in their centers (meaning foods are safe to eat) for at least three days.(source)
FINALLY, begin to use non-perishable foods and staples.

Basic Emergency Preparedness For Every Day People – 72 Hour Kits For Home, Car and Disaster Survival Backpacks

How well will you and your loved ones do in an earthquake, tornado or other disaster where power, heat, cooking facilities and other necessary services are lost? Prepping for unplanned events by creating home earthquake preparedness kits, survival backpacks, and 72 hour survival kits for each family member will give you the opportunity to deal with shock and get your thoughts together immediately after a disaster.

The most basic emergency preparedness plans should include a 72 hour survival kit containing the most important items necessary for survival. Store them somewhere readily available and accessible at a moment’s notice. Prepare individual emergency survival kits for each family member including your pets. Designate a closet or a section of the garage or basement for general survival supplies pertaining to the house. Even if you don’t plan to leave your home, or are unable to do so, taking steps toward emergency preparedness could save your life.

Critical items needed in emergency survival kits are food, water, sanitary supplies and medicines. Include items unique to each person’s needs in their bug out backpack. For instance, diapers and wipes, for an infant; hearing aids and dentures for an elderly person; a special toy or book for kids; medications, eye glasses and any personal care products necessary for each person’s survival backpack.
Household emergency preparedness kits should include like tents, portable toilet facilities, tools and bulk water storage. Examine the following suggestions for ideas to help create earthquake emergency kits or general 72 hour survival kits.

Packing Individual Disaster Survival Kits
The individual emergency preparedness kits should be packed in a backpack if possible, for those who can carry one. Be decisive when packing including only the most important disaster survival items for each family member. Keep sizes of toiletries small and pack in resealable plastic baggies. To each disaster survival kit add the following personal items.
• Hat and gloves
• Socks and underwear
• Full change of clothes and shoes
• Sweatshirt or sweater
• Jacket
• Rain poncho
• Toothbrush
• Hair brush
• Bug spray and sunscreen available in individual packets
• Camping towel and soap
• Zip baggies in two sizes
• A roll of toilet paper with the cardboard inner roll removed
• Baggie with band aids, cotton swabs and a tube of first aid ointment
• Personal care items unique to each individual such as extra eye glasses, prescriptions, medications, passport or other form of ID.

Additional necessary items to pack in individual earthquake emergency kits
• Pen and small note pad
• Money in small bills and change
• Travel-sized flashlight
• Compass
• Length of nylon rope
• Safety pins
• Wind-proof matches
• Hand and foot warmers
• Emergency blanket
• Multi tool with a knife
• Travel sized roll of duct tape
• Water bottle with water purification tablets
• High calorie, emergency food bars that will last for at least 3-5 days
One family member’s pack should be stocked with a camping saw, a collapsible shovel, several flares and a traveling first aid kit. Each person needs a sleeping bag. Keep your survival backpack in the car or in a covered area where you park for easy accessibility.

Quick Car Get-away Emergency Survival Kits
Pack emergency disaster kits so they can easily be tossed in the car for a quick get-away. When storing items in general household survival kits, do so in plastic containers; and make a test run by placing them in the trunk of the car beforehand to be sure they fit.

Include the following items in a pre-packed box that you can throw in the car if a quick escape is necessary.
• 3 gallons of water for each person or pet
• 3 days food per person (6,000 calorie food bars are best)
• Plastic utensils, paper plates (washing uses precious water stores)
• Hand-held can opener
• Sharp knife and small cutting board
• Foil or plastic wrap
• Zipper baggies
• Garbage bags
• Dust masks
• Protective eye gear
• Dish soap
• Towlettes, hand sanitizer
• Chlorine bleach
• Disinfectant
• Pet foods, bowls and medications

Remember to also add emergency communications and lighting supplies to an earthquake disaster kit for the car.
• Emergency, hand-crank radio not needing batteries
• Whistle for each person
• Hand-held two way radios, extra batteries
• Flashlights for each person and extra batteries
• Camping lantern with florescent bulbs.

General Disaster Supplies and Earthquake Emergency Kits for the House
Keep extra family supplies at the house in addition to the bug out backpack emergency kits. Store extra water where it won’t freeze, in 55 gallon drums or in glass juice bottles or other long term containers. Preserve water with household bleach, 16 drops (1/4 tsp.) to each gallon. Store beans, rice, grains and other storable emergency preparedness foods in sealed plastic 5 gallon containers. Emergency food storage will last longer if kept at room temperature or cooler…Read more here:

How to Build a Survivalist Homestead-Guaranteed Success for Any Type Of Disaster (Video & Photo)


The author is a retired U.S. Army sergeant with a background in infantry, logistics and administrative and security training. He currently heads his own security firm and is an adjunct faculty member with the University of New Hampshire teaching seminars on home food production.

WHAT Is a Survivalist Homestead?

It is a home in which you can live in a real-world/present-time economy and social order, yet at the same time practice on a regular basis the survival skills you may need later.
All of this is accomplished while still living a normal life-style with access to work, schools, emergency services and stores, etc. But most importantly, you will not be in conflict with criminal, firearm or building codes, zoning ordinances, EPA regulations or planning board requirements.
The survivalist homestead offers one more very important option. That of helping you now to live a better quality life at a cheaper price and allowing you to shift to more severe survival plans only to the extent needed to meet emergencies
In planning a survivalist homestead there are three concepts which must be incorporated into your thinking from the start and which must be adhered to if the goals are to be met. They are:
  • Plan A and Plan B-Plan A is that part of all planning of your homestead which has to do with dealing in the present/real world time frame. Plan B is the planning for whatever emergencies you feel could threaten you. Both plans must be such that they can co-exist in the same place at the same time.
  • One Effort with Multiple Results– This concept is simply “working smarter, not harder,” fine tuned to an almost absolute. Every effort must result in more than just the one primary result. It allows you to accomplish more goals with less expenditure of time and money, to facilitate the first concept.
  • Reduce, Re-use, Recycle- This concept is taken wholly from the environmental movement. Re-using material and recycling waste allows you to reduce expenses thus build with less cash outlay. This is also a skill you will need in any type of breakdown of social order, where normal access to stores and services will not be available.
Applying these concepts in homestead planning is not the first step. The first step is deciding what you are planning for-what emergencies or crises you might have to face.
Related Article-Essential Life Lessons:Six Primitive Traps For Catching Food In The Woods (photo & video)
This is subjective and no two people will feel that any one set of possible emergencies will be what they have to be ready for.
The process of thinking this through is called threat analysis. Done correctly it can give you an accurate picture of what it is you should be getting ready for.

At the end of my threat analysis I decided that the following were what I wanted to be ready for:

1. Short term cash flow problems.
2. Severe weather conditions.
3.Economic upheaval on a large scale.
4. Catastrophic world events.

The first task in establishing a homestead is to find the land. You can eliminate many present-time and crisis-time security problems with proper site location. At the same time the property should be located so that you have reasonable access to work, entertainment, schools and emergency services.

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Other important considerations are taxes, community growth plans, amount of land for your needs, zoning ordinances and building codes in the area where you plan to buy.
I chose my property because it was large enough (15 acres), had the right topography, available firewood, garden space, animal space, hunting and potential for water. Also the town has as part of its charter that the community will remain rural with little growth, no heavy industry or commerce and with farming as its main industry.

Crime, in normal times is a by product of growth and population density in urban and suburban life, and increased crime and civil disorder are the first results of cultural breakdown. My location has been chosen to avoid these to a great extent while still having reasonable contact with the real world.
Finally my location allows me to use firearms, garden, raise animals and build pretty much what I want for now and the future because of the absence of myriad zoning regulations and building codes that are found in so many other communities today.

Video-Backyard Innovator -The Best Product That Offers You All Year Round Source Of Fresh Meat,Vegetables And Clean Drinking Water-must wach

Security was at the top of my list of priorities in planning my homestead on the land I acquired. A poorly laid out homestead will result in one that is more difficult and costly to secure in both normal and crisis times.

Just locating the house-compound on a hill went a long way in avoiding problems with criminals now -Plan A-and in possible lawless times-Plan B. The compound is hard to see from the nearest road, especially in summer. It is impossible to tell just what is on the hill unless you walk or drive at least half way up the driveway. By this time a would-be intruder or gang finds that the entire front of the compound area is blocked by a marshland to the east, extending a few hundred yards beyond my property line, and a deep dug pond connected to a series of beaver ponds that run nearly a half mile to the west beyond my property line.This fine example of an engineer water barrier is the result of hard working beavers that moved onto the adjoining property the same year I bought my parcel. Within a few years they had backed up enough water to flood all the aforementioned area except my driveway. The total cost to me for this barrier was $600 to have the deep pond dug. This system serves as a second source of water for emergencies, irrigation , swimming, and draws a wide variety of waterfowl, mammals, reptiles and fish which can be a food supply- One Effort with Multiple Results.
The water barrier freezes in winter. To deny access to the main compound all year round I knew I would have to install some type of fence, which could be expensive. Instead, I stacked brush and tree limbs from land-clearing operations around the top edge of the hill on which my home-compound was located-Reduce, Re-use, Recycle. This created an instant barricade called an abatis. In most places it was around three feet high and as much as eight feet wide.
Related ArticleHow To Build Unheated Greenhouses For Winter Harvests & Year-Round Gardening (Video)

The next year native New Hampshire blackberries, that grow in abundance in the area, made their appearance and soon formed a living flesh-tearing barbed wire barrier where the brush had been stacked. Unlike a fence that deteriorates and has to be maintained every year, my barrier just gets thicker and stronger without me lifting a finger except to cut it back here and there it also provides a good amount of fresh fruit and attracts animals which, on occasion, end up on the dining room table-One Effort with Multiple Results.

In building my home I wanted a strong dwelling which was also aesthetically pleasing, practical for day-to-day living and would meet all the zoning and building codes and yet would meet the emergencies I plan for.

Solar Heating-I used a lot of rough-cut lumber, stucco and stone inside the house I used one-inch lumber instead of sheet rock for the walls and ceilings because of its structural strength.
The kitchen, living room, dining room and master bedroom are on the south side of the house. This side has large areas of glass windows to allow solar heating during the colder months. The colder the season gets the lower the sun is on the horizon. By Dec. 21, the sun floods almost straight through the south windows, keeping the inside temperature around 65 degrees F. By June21, the sun is now high in the sky, adding little heat to the house during warmer months.

Related Article-DIY Projects For The Winter:Build a $300 Underground Greenhouse For Year-Round Gardening

Because solar gain heating can overheat a house in the day time, there is a need for something to absorb the excess heat during the day and radiate it back into the house later on. This is called thermal mass. It is achieved by having no basement and building instead on a concrete slab, sometimes called a floating slab or a monolith slab.

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For additional mass-and protection from gunfire if the need should arise-I built a solid concrete block wall of four-inch thick blocks almost the whole length of the house.
This wall collects heat from the wood/coal stove to prevent overheating of the north side rooms and then radiates it back late at night. This stove except for the Ben Franklin stove in the master bedroom which is used only occasionally, is the only source of man-made heat we have had for the past three winters.

VIDEO*Recommendations by the  Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection offer the following tips that all  residents take three simple preparedness steps: Get a kit, make a plan, and stay informed”.*

Plans for this year call for the addition of a propane gas heating system. The gas system will be one that does not rely on electricity to function. Once again if the heating system is connected to house current the loss of electricity means no heat. The wood/coal stove will be kept for back-up, cooking and heating, and just for the pleasure of a wood fire in the winter.

11 Ordinary Things You Can Turn Into Candles

It’s really easy to take lights for granted. So much so that even some preppers forget that during a power outage, you need more than just flashlights. Sure, they’ll help you find your way around the house, but you also need a light that fills the room so you can work, or read, or see the faces of your loved ones.
There are plenty of options, but if you find yourself in a power outage and you don’t have any of those options, don’t worry. As you’ll see, almost every home has something that can be turned into a candle.
Candles are the easiest lights to synthesize in an emergency situation. Some of them even double for cooking and heating purposes. But before you get started, remember to use non-flammable containers, set them on a non-flammable surface, and never leave a burning candle unattended. You’ll also need to know a little about wicks.
Almost anything that will pull wax or oil into the candle flame can be used as a wick. Strips of cotton from socks or a T-shirt can work, or even a strand from a mop. Whatever you decide to use, make sure it’s cotton or linen, not polyester as the poly will melt in the flame and won’t draw up the oil or wax. Always pre-prime your wicks with melted wax before making the candle, as it will help with the burn quality. For an oil lamp, soak your wick for a bit before lighting the lamp, and make sure your wick is not too far out of the oil. Now on to the list.

1. Butter

This fat burns best as a liquid or warmed oil. It does not hold up well to molding, though a shallow dish and wick would probably work. The simplest method is shown in the video below. Just cut a stick of butter in half, then take a small square of toilet paper, fold it diagonally, and roll it up to make a wick. Now make a hole in the butter with a toothpick, and use the toothpick to push your wick into place. Rub some butter on the wick and light it. It should burn for about 4 hours.

2. Crisco Shortening

Dropping a wick into a jar of Crisco shortening can provide a candle that burns for 24-30 hours or more depending on the size of the tin. To get your wick to the bottom of the Crisco can, use a straight stick (such as a skewer) to make a hole that goes down to the bottom of the can. Cut your wick so it’s about a quarter inch taller than the can, and carefully insert it into the hole. Smear the top of the wick with the shortening to increase the burn-ability and the draw. The video below shows you how. (This guy is a little long-winded, so jump to 1:28 for the instructions.)

3. Liquid Oils

Olive oil, canola oil, and coconut oil can be used if you have an oil lamp or a wick holder for an oil based light. A simple wire wick holder is easy to create out of a paper clip. Just unbend half to create the bottom, bend the other half up, and add a twist to hold the wick above the level of the oil. Another option is to make a lamp out of an aluminum can, as shown in the video below.

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Survival Prepper Items At Your Grocery Store

Budgets are tight.  Times are tough, and likely to remain so for years to come.  Hidden forms of inflation are eating away at our purchasing power.   Very few among us can drop a lot of coin to accumulate survival supplies and prepper tools.  Therefore most of us must accumulate our supplies incremental, slowly over time.   For consumable items in your survival/prepper supplies, my recommendation is to simply add to your regular, reoccurring purchases.  As an example, let say you spend $200 a week at the grocery store.  Until such time that you build a year’s worth of food in your pantry, increase your grocery weekly purchases to $225 or $250 per week.   Adding just $25 to your weekly grocery budget results in accumulating $1300 in consumables after just a year of effort.  When this becomes a reoccurring regular practice, the incremental effort is very minimal — perhaps just a few minutes more at the grocery store.  $1300 can represent a significant reserve of back-up food and water, in case of a disaster.

RELATED : Foods to Stock at Home and in Your Disaster Supplies Kit

Image yourself in a disaster situation.  You are cold, hungry, tired, and your children haven’t been feed in two days.  It is an unpleasant situation to imagine.  Take a look at this picture after Hurricane Sandy to image what these people felt.  Waiting in line for food after Hurricane Sandy.  And more pictures found at: Hurricane Sandy: The Aftermath

RELATED : 6 Supplies You Need In Your Home As Hurricane Season Heats Up

Rather than waiting 3, 4 or more hours for food and water in a government relief line, a much more comfortable situation is having your own emergency supplies.  My advice to every family is to have a minimum of one year’s of food reserves.  And ideally two years are better.  If managed properly, none of your food reserves ever goes to waste.  Store what you eat and eat what you store.  Most canned and dry goods purchased at a grocery store have 6 months to 24 months of shelf live.  Many canned goods can last 3, 4 or even 5 years.   Canned tuna and salmon commonly has a 5 year shelf life.

How to Prepare for a Power Outage...from Blue Yonder Farms 



The most basic preparations for a power outage is to have an alternate source of light. I have read that each person should have their own flashlight, it makes sense that everyone will want to see where they are going without having to take turns using the same light.
Usually, most power outages here in Arizona, while they happen quite frequently during the summer months are short-lived and do not require much more than having a flashlight handy. But what happens when we find ourselves with no power for days?


Keeping Cool – Living in the desert keeping cool would be an important consideration, most of our power outages happen during the hottest part of the year. Here are some ways to keep cool.
  • Drink Plenty of Water to Stay Hydrated
  • Dress in Cool Light Weight Clothing
  • Close Drapes to Keep the Heat Out
  • Consider Buying a Battery Operated Fan
  • Stay in the Coolest Area of Your Home
  • Consider Going to an Air-conditioned Public Place
Food Preparation – Pretend that you are camping and cook your food outdoors, it is safer and will help to keep the heat outside. Some things to have on hand for cooking food.
  • Barbecue Grill – Gas or Charcoal
  • Camp Stove – Gas
  • Matches or a Fire Starter
  • Sun Oven – Be Sure to Learn How to Use it Before You Need it
Food Storage
  • Keep Refrigerator & Freezer Doors Closed
  • Use Foods That Will Perish the Fastest First
  • Have One or More 5 Day Coolers Ready to Fill With Ice When the Refrigerator gets warm


I realize that not everyone lives in a hot climate like Arizona. So what are the needs for those living in cold, climates when a power outage hits? Many of our needs are the same, the biggest difference that I can think of is keeping warm in the cold.


Keeping Warm – If an outage takes place in the winter you might need to consider how you will stay warm.
  • Drink Plenty of Water to Stay Hydrated
  • Keep Well Fed Have High Caloric Snacks Stored That You Don’t Have to Cook
  • Wear Extra Clothes To Conserve Body Heat
  • Stay In Bed – Your Bed may be the warmest place in your house, cuddle up with children and spouses for added warmth
  • Store Extra Blankets or Sleeping Bags Rated for cold climates
  • Close Off Rooms That You Are Not Using
  • Close Drapes To Keep Cold Out
  • Go Outside During The Day If It Is Sunny To Warm Up


Please let us know what you do to prepare for a power outage in the comments below.


Prepping Your Car for an Emergency Escape

 We are used to have one or two cars per family and we can’t see us living without these useful vehicles. Your car will provide you with transportation to safety and it may even become your shelter during a disaster. Prepping your car could save lives and it’s critical to always have a well-prepared and well-maintained vehicle.  

Prepping your car – Upkeep and Inspections

Keeping your car in good shape shouldn’t be done only for the end of the world and it should be a general rule. You shouldn’t do the yearly inspection just because your state’s regulations require you to do so. You should do it because the car your drive daily keeps you safe and gets you back to your family. You don’t have to be a mechanic to spot if something is wrong with your car. Here are just a few basic checkups you can do before prepping your car:
  • Check if the tires are in good shape and properly inflated.
  • Check if the windshield wipers are in good condition and if all the lights are working.
  • Make sure your brakes are holding without making any squealing noise.
  • Pay a good look at the hoses, belts and the radiator and make sure they are in good shape.
  • Check the battery for any signs of corrosion. You should replace it every three to four years, to make sure you don’t get any surprises.
  • Make sure all your systems are performing well and you don’t have any warning lights/symbols flickering on the board.
If any of the basics checkups listed above made you wonder, you should get the problems fixed right away.
Prepping your car is not only about what others can do for it, but it’s about what you can do for your vehicle. There will be times when you will be on your own and without a repair kit your vehicle will become a road block.

Prepping your Car – Repair Kit

 Every car owner should have space for an emergency repair kit in the car. When it comes to prepping your car you should consider the following for your repair kit:
  • A spare tire
  • A tire repair kit
  • Jack and tire iron
  • Gravel, sand or kitty litter that can be used for traction on icy road spots
  • A box of extra fuses
  • Duct tape
  • Hose clamps
  • Road Flares
  • A collapsible or multi-use shovel
  • Snow brush and ice scraper
  • Floodlight
  • Windshield washer fluid
  • Oil and engine coolant (the type recommended for your vehicle)
  • Jumper cables
  • Fire extinguisher
  • Pry bar
  • Empty gas can, siphon, and funnel (you will have to scavenge for fuel at some time)
These items are a minimum for prepping your car and you should consider getting them. If you know how to do your own repair, a more extensive tool chest is required, but that’s not the case for all people. Most of us will have to find a reliable auto mechanic or use other means of transportation.

This is not the time to learn how to tear down and engine, but you should at least be able to change a flat tire, check the oil and add coolant.
When it comes to my car, I’ve developed the habit of filling the gas tank when it is half full. I’m doing this because I don’t want to be caught off guard if something happens. Gas will be rationed or become unavailable during a crisis and you don’t want to run on empty. You might have fuel stored somewhere, but you need to get there first.

Prepping your Car – Emergency Kit

Besides a repair kit, every car should have an emergency kit. The good news is that you can use your bug out bag for that. Your bug out bag should include most of the items needed for an emergency if you’ve done your homework.
Think about adding these items when prepping your car:
  • Water and food depending on the number of your family members
  • Energy bars
  • Waterproof matches
  • Hot packs
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent in summer
  • A small compact medi-kit
  • Light sticks
  • Road flares
  • Collapsible stove and fuel canister
  • Aluminum foil
  • Water filter
  • Small pan
  • Unbreakable cup or mug
  • Hand cranked radio
  • Flashlight (a hand cranked or solar rechargeable one)
  • Whistle
  • A few heavy-duty trash bags
  • Wool blankets
  • A tarp
  • A paracord
  • Rain ponchos
  • A cell phone
  • A GPS system
  • Baby supplies, if you have a young child (diapers, baby food, and so on)
  • Pet supplies
  • A few distraction items (something to keep the kids busy, like their favorite toys, portable video game, etc)
  • Make sure to add an extra set of clothing for each family member when prepping your car (it’s good to have gear that can be used for all types of weather)
  • One or more protection items of your choice (firearms, crossbow, stun gun, knife, etc)
Related article: These items should be in your 72 hour Bug Out Bag

Prepping your car – Travel Safe!

When you start prepping your car you should start thinking about things that do not require buying or storing items. You might have everything you need in your car, but you are not ready to go without taking some precautionary measures:
There will be always someone who stays behind, friends or relatives, due to various reasons. You need to keep in touch with them even if you’re not close by. Make sure you leave your itinerary with them in case you have to meet up and establish a check-in schedule. This way they can find out you are safe and you will know more about how things are unfolding back home.
Plan your route before leaving and always have an alternative option in case you find roadblocks. You should stick to your route, but you should be smart enough to have a plan B. Every escape route should have two or more alternative paths that point to the same destination.
Fill up your gas tank when it’s half empty and do so with the first chance you get. Don’t say “I’ll do it at the next gas station, we still have enough” because you might not have this chance.
Do whatever you can to find out more info about the weather conditions and only go on the road if you know you can make it there. If the weather turns bad, stick to the route you know best, the one that you know you can handle.
If you didn’t stay on the route you knew and you find yourself stranded, stay with your car. It is probably the safest place for you and your loved ones. Leave your car behind only if you are in danger and take your bug-out bag with you.
If something happens and you can no longer use your car, stay calm and think about the next steps. Calculate how much time you would need in order to get to your destination. Ration food and water if you have to and don’t be too strict with your children. Your children will need you at your best and if they panic you will have another situation on your hands that you have to deal with.
If you spot any other vehicle or people nearby, stay put and use your whistle or flares to signal rescuers. Pay attention to the “rescuers” as not everyone might have the right intentions. Your kids should stay in the car, out of sight. Be prepared to defend yourself in case you have to.

Prepping your Car – You should have a Plan B

“No matter what you do in life, you should always have a Plan B”. That’s what my grandpa used to say and I try to follow his words in everything I do. Prepping your car the right way greatly increases your chances of survival, but having a Plan B doubles those chances. There are some things you can do in order to make sure you always have an alternative because getting out alive is not enough. You’re on the road, you are safe…so what’s next?
First, you need to make sure you have a place to go to before prepping your car. A bug out location, a friend’s house, anything that will keep you safe will do. It’s no use prepping your car and getting on the road if you have nowhere to go, you should target a destination. For example, if I have to bug out and if my bugs out locations are unavailable, I will reach for an abandoned fishing cabin that I know of. It’s in the same condition since 2003 and last year, when I checked on it, it was still there, untouched. You should think about your alternatives and select the ones that are in reachable distance.
Second, you must understand that prepping your car is just the beginning and a vehicle is not that reliable. It will eventually break down, you will run out of fuel, and EMP Attack can happen, etc. You will not be able to cover a long distance by foot and you need another type of vehicle in order to make it. You need a plan B here and it should be a bicycle. It’s probably the cheapest solution you have and you won’t be sorry if you consider it. A well-equipped bicycle will get you to your destination and it will do it sooner than you would expect. There are many other alternatives in case your car dies on you and it all depends on your budget and liking.
Related article: Bug out vehicles you can choose from
And third, be realistic when prepping your car and don’t go overboard. You will be tempted to load it with all sorts of items, even the ones that you don’t need. It’s better to stick to what you need because you will have a hard time carrying these extra items with you when ditching the car. If you want to pack extra items, pack extra food and water. You will consume the surplus on the road and you will have plenty to take with you when that time comes.
Prepping your car is something you have to do even when you go on a long trip and not just for an emergency escape. Keeping a well-prepared and well-maintained vehicle will save you a lot of trouble and you will have a reliable solution to make it out alive.
Stay Safe and God Bless!


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