Saturday, October 17, 2015

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque & The Sacred Heart

'You ask me for some short prayer by which to testify your love for God. I know of and consider nothing more efficacious than this same love, for when one loves, everything speaks of love, even our most absorbing occupations can be a proof of our love. Love then -- as St. Augustine says -- and do what you will.'
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

'May the peace of the adorable Heart of Jesus Christ ever fill our hearts, so that nothing may be able to disturb our serenity!'
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque


  1. Everyman should have love for god. We also love our god

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, Jesus Christ was a great parson in the world

  4. We will visit in coxsesbozar in chrisnesday

  5. We know and The world know that Jesus Christ is KING, KING,KING. We love Jesus Christ
