Thursday, October 1, 2015

(Prayer) Confessions

(Prayer) Confessions

O’ Lord, the days pass and the hard sun presses uponst my chest as it must. Your Love does crush my inward passions but revives with every holy Mass. Like the blade of grass in summer awaiting the next spring I await upon Thee. Thanks, I do not give Thee enough but resting uponst Thy Sacred Heart I hope this stone maybe be molded which Ye findeth coarse and rough. Purge from me all inordinate desire, greed and lust.  Blind my eyes to this world of lies that I may die a friend and unto this dirt return as dust. Amidst these pains of change mayst we all succumb to the Rays of Thy Sacred Heart’s Love. I sin too much and pray all too little. I take Thee for granted and often catch myself trying to “figure out” this life’s riddle. Yet Thou art the Answer! O’ where does my foolishness ever stop? Teach me, O’ Lord,  thy ways in every scene of Thine created let my heart be taught the Lesson. Teach me a poor sinner for without thy grace I am lost. I am naked without Thee, therefore, accept this and all our prayers in this here sinner’s Confessions


  1. This is so healing and holy words which can make any person feel a infinite peace.may lord gives us wisdom and show us the right path where we can follow the realize the truth and make this paradise a better place in hi surveillance and favor.
