Monday, May 18, 2015

What to do Sundays when there is no priest for Mass?

 What to do on Sundays when there is no priest for Mass
Given the crisis in the Church what ought a Catholic do if there is no priest around which rejects Vatican II?

If there are no true traditional communities near you do not fret because you are dispensed from the Sunday obligation. You ought not be attending compromised chapels (pseudo-traditionalist) or outright heretical churches. However you still must sanctify the Sunday or Holy Day.

Recusant- The following was sent last year to the Resistance faithful in Australia, and subsequently published online. We reproduce it or the benefit of readers who are (or who ought to be!) facing a similar situation.

Dear faithful,
Some of you have asked me what to do on Sundays when you do not have a Mass celebrated by a Resistance priest and you have refrained going to go the neo-SSPX Masses. I encourage you to refrain going to the neo-SSPX Masses (Traditional and valid may they be) because of the proximate risk for the Faith. Refer to the warning I gave recently about the case for our faithful in Streaky Bay.

Remember that when for any grave reason a person cannot attend the Mass on Sunday and Holiday of obligation (Church's Precept), it remains the grave obligation of "making holy the Day of the Lord" (God's Precept). [see document below]
I would like to give you some suggestions for a “Massless” program (to be modified later):

1. If possible, set up a small altar, with a Crucifix and a statue of Our Lady.
2. Start by saying the Holy Rosary.
3. Read the parts of the Proper of the Mass (from the Sunday Mass, not the
parts from the Common);
4. Read a commentary on the Mass taken from (choice one among these down-
loadable PDF files):
Dom Gueranger's Liturgical Year on the Sunday Mass;

Martin de Cochem's Explanation of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (one

Commentary of the Mass by the Fathers of the Church

A sermon from Abp. Lefebvre.
5. Say the Confiteor ("I confess...") and then recite the formula of Spiritual Communion;

6. Some Catholic Hymns.

If you have any suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
God bless.
[Fr. Juan-Carlos Ortiz] #Resistance

 Fr.  Hesse: Know your Rites!
Father discusses why you cannot satisfy your Sunday obligation in the Conciliar Church even (pseudo-traditionalist churches)

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