Tuesday, May 12, 2015

"Pope" Francis’ Environmental Encyclical Rumored to Ex-communicate Climate Change Deniers??

"Pope" Francis’ Environmental Encyclical Rumored to Ex-communicate Climate Change Deniers??
A source within the Vatican has leaked to AoftheA News that Pope Francis’ upcoming encyclical on the environment might include harsh language for Catholics who deny the settled science of climate change.

Pope Francis – mulling ex-communication for climate change deniers?

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the Vatican source – after a trans-Atlantic flight on a brand new private jet to the AoftheA News Office – somewhat giddily revealed he’s pretty sure the Holy Father intends to formally ex-communicate any Catholic professing to be a climate change denier.
“This will be huge, if it’s true,” the source said, dressed in an ‘I ♥ Al Gore’ t-shirt. “I’ll be happy beyond belief that those right wing nutjob Catholics are gonna get what they deserve. And I mean that in the most charitable way, of course.”

Spokespersons from The Tablet, The National Catholic Reporter, and America expressed similar sentiments.
“Let’s see how the conservative Catholics like it,” the NCR spokesman said. “We’ve been ex-communicated so many times – for supporting abortion, female ordination, voting Democrat – frankly, we’ve lost count. It’s about time the pendulum swings back the other way.”

“Awesome news,” the spokesperson from The Tablet exclaimed. “Francis was starting to disappoint me with his rhetoric on ‘traditional marriage’ and ‘gender issues’, but now that he’s done this, my faith in him is being restored. Praise Gaia!”

There are some questions as to whether the Holy Father has the power to make such a sweeping declaration, and how such a ruling would be implemented at the parish level. It is unclear if the ex-communication would be latae sententiae, similar to procuring an abortion or attempting female ordination, or would be administered on a case-by-case basis. For instance, would being skeptical of climate change be as serious as denying climate change.

The Vatican source admitted that none of those details were available. “Frankly, what does it matter? Skepticism, denial…same thing. They’re mortal sins…at least, they will be once the encyclical comes out.”
The encyclical on the environment will be published in the summer of 2015.


  1. Seriously. If what this person says is true, most of us will be ex-communicated by a man who quite possibly isn't even a canonically elected pope.

  2. This encyclical has the potential to be more damaging than the synod.

    To both I say, what you're gonna do, do it already. How bad does it have to get before people wake up?

    1. His "stance," is rediculous, I am beginning to agree!

  3. Francis may have excommunicated himself by now.
