Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Cardinal Dolan celebrates Nostra Aetate!

Timothy Dolan celebrates Nostra Aetate and 50 years of Catholic sensitivity and submission to Deicide Judaism's hatred of Christ 

By: Maurice Pinay 

Rabbi Abraham Heschel, one of the primary schemers and co-authors behind the Nostra Aetate document, was a professor of 'Jewish mysticism' (i.e. rabbinic witchcraft) at Jewish Theological Seminary. Heschel's intention in engaging Christians was to "attack their souls." That is a direct quote.

The spiritual and ideological ancestors of the Jewish Theological Seminary rabbis had Christ nailed to a cross. Their canonized holy books claim full responsibility for the execution of Jesus Christ which they claim He deserved. Rabbinic Judaism thereby testifies against itself as a Deicide religion.

Timothy Dolan hides his cross
for the Jesus-hating rabbis
at 'Jewish' Theological Seminary, May 6, 2015
Frustrated greatly by Christ's resurrection and the widespread acceptance of His Gospel, the rabbis have been trying to blot out the name and memory of Christ for 2000 years since. Timothy Dolan and his Rav, Pope Francis routinely display deferential sensitivity for this rabbinic hatred of Christ and His cross and His true followers. This is the fruit of Judeo-Catholic 'dialogue' (i.e. diabolism).


It calls to mind this great example of Judeo-Catholic relations:

... [Chief Rabbi of "Israel," Yona Metzger recalled] one of his last meetings with Pope John Paul II a few years ago and what unfolded as a result of that particular encounter in the Vatican. It was less than a year before the pope passed away and he was rather ill and somewhat infirm. Rabbi Metzger is tall—probably about 6'4"—and he was concerned that he would have to bow his head and lean in to greet the pope and shake his hand. The concern was that as a result of this movement he would be bowing down to the crucifix that hung around the pope’s neck, which would be an act tantamount to bowing to an idol, a halachically prohibited act. He sought the guidance of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv on this matter, and the elderly posek instructed Rabbi Metzger to stand erect and just extend his hand directly to the pope.

At their encounter in Rome, Rabbi Metzger did as instructed, and he related that in fact upon reaching out to the pope, the pope pulled himself up from his chair and bowed forward to welcome Rabbi Metzger ... ("Long Beach Magic," Larry Gordon, November 08, 2007, 5 Towns Jewish Times)

Also see:

"Elder Brothers in the Faith" Hate the Central Symbol of our Faith

... the cross, referred to by the uncomplimentary trinity of Hebrew terms--tzelem [image], to'eva [abomination], shikutz [disgusting]

Where's your cross, Cardinal Dolan

Vatican II...When will it end


Timothy Cardinal Dolan: 50 Years of Nostra Aetate - The Annual Pope John Paul II Center Lecture 

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