Friday, March 13, 2015

Saving Souls, Not Dogma, is the Heart of Pastoral Church Life???

Saving Souls, Not Dogma, is the Heart of Pastoral Church Life???


Typical Vatican II modernist heretic.
The end of dogmatism is coming which is a goal of the  New Age

"The shift away from dogma as the center of church life to pastoral care has a lot to do with Pope Francis’ personal pastoral style, but the trend was already underway in the last years of Saint John Paul II’s pontificate."


You cannot save souls without first having proper dogma!
And does Vatican II have such?
Answer: In the negative!

TradCatKnight:  The trend for moving away from proper dogma did not start with modernist John Paul II but rather with Vatican II

Francis is just another glorified "JPII" modernist heretic.

To view all of this egregious article (if you can stomach it) please see below...


Now, here is what is coming, the false prophet, Master Jesus and (antichrist?) Maitreya..
The New Age wants dogmatism/fundamentalism dead.

"Fundamentalism and dogmatism are coming to an end."

1 comment:

  1. In E Supremi, Pope St Pius X taught that the mark of Anti-Christ is that man with infinite temerity puts himself in the place of God.

    Our Lady at La Salette told us that the seat of Anti-Christ and by extension this doctrine of man in the place of God would be Rome.

    "Rome will lose the faith and become the seat of the Anti-Christ"

    The Anti-Christ must take his seat in Rome and he must teach the doctrine that E Supremi infallibly declare that he will teach. And all false religions, creeds and faiths must follow him as a prophet and teacher in this.

    There is only one person who satisfies this criteria.
