Monday, March 23, 2015

Bishop Tissier to the Resistance?

Bishop Tissier to the Resistance?
When will Bishop Tissier realize the Neo-SSPX will not be returning to
the position of their very own founder?
There are signs found daily in the Neo-Society but will his heart now comply knowing this sad reality and join us...
Fellow eagles, crusaders and resistants:
It is now time to dig deep (as if we shouldnt have before) and implore heaven via our prayers, penances and sacrifices for Bishop Tissier to act upon his heart and join us where Archbishop Lefebvre's TRUE stance against Modernist Rome is still held. No man, let alone a Bishop, can see the discrepancies between what Archbishop Lefebvre laid down as principle (in this Vatican II Modernist crisis ) and stay within the structure of the Neo-Society pretending "things will get better". They will not get better only worse if anything. There comes a time in every person, priest or pastor's apostolate where they must simply act upon their heart in good faith and give the rest to God. The times are tough but we cannot work with, support or condone these pseudo traditionalist compromisers, who come in all varying degree levels. The Neo-SSPX is no different. You do not hear intelligent theological refutation any longer based upon what Archbishop Lefebvre has said but rather what Bishop Fellay and Menzingen "hoped Archbishop Lefebvre would come around to". Can anyone honestly say the state of the Church is better? Apparently, the Neo-SSPX does but why? Because they have joined forces (in mindset) with the other pseudo traditionalist groups and websites such as the Remnant, CFN News, Rorate Caeli who remain inside the structure of the modernist Vatican II sect trying to fight a few "errors" here of there. How impotent a position is this for we are literally a few years away from the formal schism wherein all religions will be invalidly united. Father Z, Rorate and DICI's opinion of the recent and necessary consecration of Bishop Faure is about as "useful as a coupon in soup kitchen.'  Let that marinate.

Fr Pfeiffer: And it is unfortunate that the new head [+Fellay] of the Society admits in the new press release, and has made it very clearly, "there will be no new bishops for the Society of St Pius X mainstream, unless these bishops are approved by modernist Rome."  And these Bishops if they are approved will be more modernist than the present ones. Therefore the New-Society is dead. It has no future.

Even one of the Society Priests in South America who also denounced the consecrations, (Bishop Williamson consecrating Bishop Faure) said "now the Resistance will grow and we will die, because they have a future and we don't."   Their future is gone.  They are no longer standing for the Catholic truth. They have let their founder die. ...

An Eagles Plea:
Answer that knock on your heart
and we await thee Bishop!
Can staying in the compromised Neo-Society
please Our Lord? Answer: In the negative!
Verily, staying within the construct of the Neo-SSPX is as illogical as staying within the construct of NewChurch. We must earnestly pray for Bishop Tissier to act upon what his heart must surely be telling him. It is not virtuous to drown in the waters of a sinking ship when the one passing by called "Resistance" is freely and safely passing along by. This is NOT the same Society! Do not let any foolish Pseudo Traditionalist tell you we are insignificant in the fight. A few more recent relative statistics to support my comment. The Resistance page on facebook has over one hundred more members than the Neo-SSPX does and all that with having a significantly less life span online. TradCatKnight's apostolate which supports the Resistance has more following than Father Z, Michael Voris, Rorate, CFN News and Remnant combined! The Pseudo traditionalists cannot even do basic math anymore....Who said we are insignificant? Although we are more "loosely" organized we are growing consistently and growing in Truth wilst the Neo-SSPX continues to "pick up" the compromising pseudo traditionalist types. Thus, they grow like a cancer harming the Church, not helping, by not giving, what in our opinion, is the reality, and more importantly, for the sake of this argument, what Archbishop Lefebvre truly maintained (that Vatican II is heretical/silently schismatic). Bishop Williamson will soon consecrate another Bishop making three but will, Bishop Tissier, no longer fight, what his conscience must be telling him and come to us to make four?

Bishop Fellay and the Neo-SSPX's new position is to fight the "spirit of modernism" (not the VII heretical texts themselves) and accept 95% of the council and 'in light of Tradition" and yet is this what Archbishop Lefebvre taught?
"This Reform (Vatican II), since it has issued from Liberalism and from Modernism (meaning the writers of the documents were non-catholics), is entirely corrupt; it comes from heresy and results in heresy, even if all its acts are not formally heretical. It is thus impossible for any faithful Catholic who is aware of these things to adopt this Reform, or to submit to it in any way at all. To ensure our salvation, the only attitude of fidelity to the Church and to Catholic doctrine, is a categorical refusal to accept the Reform." Archbishop Lefebvre

 TradCatKnight Radio: The Neo-SSPX Revisited

 Catholics can/do not accept the Second Vatican Council AT ALL, period! It is a "null and void Council" The Neo-SSPX DOES and therefore they must be avoided...

My fellow eagles we are not battling just a few errors "here or there' as the NewSociety will tell you. We are not waiting around for a "better explanation" of the diabolical second vatican council but rather its expulsion. We do not say we have had "Catholic Popes" but rather "Modernist Popes" who will soon be judged by the Church for the heresies. They will say you are "practical sedevacantists"as if, this even means anything, which it does not. Sedevacantism cannot be proven infallibly to be wrong. “It is possible we may be obliged to believe this pope is not pope.  For twenty years Mgr de Castro Mayer and I preferred to wait…I think we are waiting for the famous meeting in Assisi, if God allows it.” (Archbishop Lefebvre, Talk, March 30 and April 18, 1986, published in The Angelus, July 1986)  Reality is reality from our perspective. They have downgraded reality for the sake of comfort and acceptance which emanates from poor analysis, ignorance and/or self-love. We know Popes can teach heresy and still remain over the church materially (common opinion amongst esteemed theologians) and yet the NewSociety tries to distance themselves from Archbishop Lefebvre's position by use of weak, rudimentary ad hominem argumentation (we are crazy/diaboical/need medication). Those, even Bishop Tissier, who remain in false obedience within the structure of the NewSociety do not follow Bishop Fellay who thence follows Archbbishop Lefebvre. No! Bishop Fellay follows the other pseudo traditionalist thinkers like Mattei, Michael Matt, GREC, and thus ultimately Bishop Fellay follows himself, his own way not the Archbishop's...Yes, my friends, you hear some of the same impotent arguments Michael Voris (heretic) says.... NOW in the Neo-SSPX chapels (fighting the spirit of the council and/or spirit of modernism)! Nonsense...
In charity, to be proactive, I will be starting a Rosary Event for TradCatKnight and invite all to pray for Bishop Tissier specifically. We should already be offering up our rosaries in these dire times for the compromising and/or lukewarm before the Great Storm's arrival. In summation Bishop Tissier given his last sermon in January does not think like the Neo-Society so "why stay within' under the pretense of "obedience'? The Neo-SSPX is compromised! Why stay and battle his own heart and conscience which calls now calls him on to where Archbishop Lefebvre truly remains and that is in the Resistance.

Bishop Fellay thinks we can accept the Council (95%) and wait for the clearing up of "ambiquities".
What did his founder have to say?....
Archbishop Lefebvre taught Vatican II was the onset of a whole new man centered religion: "The more one analyzes the documents of Vatican II, and the more one analyzes their interpretation by the authorities of the Church, the more one realizes that what is at stake is not merely superficial errors, a few mistakes, ecumenism, religious liberty, collegiality, a certain Liberalism, but rather a wholesale perversion of the mind, a whole new philosophy (humanism) based on modern philosophy, on subjectivism"
TradCatKnight, the most followed
traditional catholic page on the Internet
& HOME of the NEW CRUSADE...
Archbishop Lefebvre on the VII modernists: ...we cannot work together because we are going in different directions" YET why is Bishop Fellay working together with the modernists under this weak and illogical argument of "the Church is visible?" They have jurisdiction yes but do they have the Catholic Faith? Answer: In the negative! On the basis of the latter you cannot incorporate yourself back into the conciliar church. Bishop Fellay now thinks "they do have the faith" given his "watered down" pseudo traditionalist position. Therefore, we can easily say they are not resistant at all but rather they are compromising. And compromise of the Faith is grievous sin.   

It is time for Bishop Tissier to do the right thing and join the Resistance. He has our prayers, thoughts and sufferings being offered up for him going forward.
May God have mercy on us all, Ave Maria!...
#EagleoftheFortress #EagleoftheWest

Footage of His Excellency Bishop Tissier de Mallerais who was apparently "held under wraps" by the Neo-SSPX in Chicago several years ago .



  1. I'm Roman catholic & hold the sedevacantist position.Its my opinion that your founder (ABL) held the sedevacantist position.Why do I say this you may ask? His actions in 1988 spoke louder than his words.You all are in my prayers and I wish you the best.Maybe one day this nightmare will end and we can go back to being catholics again.Deo Gratias.

    1. He made several comments on the possibility of their not being a pope but ultimately as a position said it was impractical and no he wasnt a sedevacantist..and yes the storm ends so to speak in the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart

  2. "Bishop Williamson will soon consecrate another Bishop making three"... you are misinformed. His Excellency specifically responded in the interview we had with him for Non Possumus that next time it will be more than one consecration. So the idea that Bishop Tissier will leave us with four bishops is mute. With or without Bishop Tissier there will be at least 4 bishops if not more.
