Friday, February 20, 2015

Why We Should Leave the SSPX

“Faith Imperiled by Reason”
Why We Should Leave the SSPX
By: Sister Constance (TOSF)

In his Introduction to the English translation of the Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais’ article, “Faith Imperiled by Reason: Benedict XVI’s Hermeneutics”, Dr. Peter Chojnowski writes: “This article, which compares the theology of Josef Ratzinger (Benedict XVI) to that of the traditional theology of the Church as articulated by the Popes, the Fathers, and the Doctors, is truly a comprehensive study for all those interested in the doctrinal issues now being discussed behind closed doors.

Speaking of “behind closed doors”, I have a clear memory of Michael Davies saying, about two years before his death, that we should trust the efforts of Cardinal Ratzinger because he (Michael Davies) had meetings with the Cardinal “behind closed doors”, thereby implying that he had special knowledge that the Cardinal was a friend of Tradition. Whatever Michael Davies may or may not have heard “behind closed doors”, one consequence was that he abandoned the fight for Tradition when he joined the Una Voce Conciliar structure. By working from within this Conciliar structure, Michael Davies abandoned Tradition just as he abandoned Archbishop Lefebvre because of the 1988 Consecrations. And once he became part of the Conciliar structure, his efforts for the restoration of Tradition became ineffective.

So much for meetings “behind closed doors”.

Dr. Chojnowski continues: “Since the Conciliar Church has decided to accept the personal theology of each new pope as its current interpretation of the fundamentals of the Faith, it is absolutely essential for real Catholics to understand the Modernist Revolution in its current stage.”

Dr. Chojnowski concludes his Introduction with these words: “After reading this fascinating essay, anyone who thought that “reconciliation” between Catholic Tradition and Vatican II theology is right around the corner will have to think again!”

Then follows a masterful analysis of the mindset of the current hierarchy of the Conciliar Church written by Bishop Tissier which reinforces what every Traditionalist knows: Vatican II is not only 5% bad (the SSPX claims that 95% is acceptable); Vatican II is the French Revolution within the Church.

The article then concludes by Bishop Tissier accrediting various priests for their assistance: Fr Benoit de Jorna, Fr Jean-Michel Gleize, Fr Jean-Dominique Favre, Fr Francois Knittel, Fr Renaud de Sainte-Marie, Fr Alain Lorans, Fr Dominique Bourmaud, Fr Christian Thouvenot, Fr Xavier Beauvais, Fr Gregoire Celier, Fr Pierre-Marie de Kergorlay.

Bishop Tissier penned this lengthy article five years ago, and one never hears any mention of it. Odd how quickly the article has been forgotten!

Equally odd is the resounding silence on the part of the priests who assisted the Bishop!

NewSociety thinking....
What happened to these learned priests? Despite their collaboration on a document that fights Modernism, they still remain within the SSPX (their leaving would have been noticed). Did the April 15, 2012 Doctrinal Declaration have anything to do with their silence? Surely they are too intelligent to fall for blind obedience. So, what is their motivation?

Why is Bishop Tissier no longer producing works of this caliber? Why is he silent?

Could it be that the “canonical solution” talked of in June 8, 2012 DICI Interview has already been signed?

Ah, but you are guessing! You are running away with an idea!

Fair enough. Look to history:

Before 1534, England was a Catholic nation until Henry VIII decided that he needed an Oath of Supremacy. It is a historical fact that all the high clergy, with the exception of Bishop John Fisher (and this exception made him St John Fisher!), rushed to take the Oath. And what did this Oath entail? It entailed the full recognition and acceptance of Henry VIII – and not of the Pope – as the official head of the Church.

As a direct consequence of the Oath, every single Catholic, however he may have felt personally, became a member of the Church of England and entered therefore into schism with the Roman Catholic Church.

Similarly, SSPX priests and adherents, however they may feel personally about the April 15, 2012 Declaration, become members of the Conciliar Church and enter therefore into rupture with the Church of All Time.

To clarify this point, it must be understood that with the Declaration, every SSPX priest must accept the official re-branded position that the SSPX now seeks a recognition/regularization with the Conciliar Church. Remember, just as every member of the Church of England was in schism with the Roman Catholic Church, every member (and adherent) of the SSPX is now in rupture with the Church of All Time.

To undo the damage done by the April 15, 2012 Declaration, the SSPX would have to publicly recant the Declaration.

Instead, what have the various high-ranking SSPX priests been saying? That the train for Rome has left, that the “Conciliar Church” notion does not exist (note that the Conciliarists themselves coined the term), that we must return to the “visible” Church, that we are in schism, etc.

Further, the Trads in the Resistance who maintain that attendance in the re-branded SSPX Masses is still acceptable because the Masses are valid are missing this critical point: Whether or not the Masses are valid (and they are) is not the point (Satanic masses are also valid if they meet the proper requirements); whether they are pleasing to God (and are salvific to your soul) is the point!

A further point to consider is that by attending the SSPX Masses, the faithful are exposed to a re-branded, liberal, Trad-ecumenical atmosphere, largely dependent on the priest’s as well as the other parishioners’ degree of Liberalism. In other words, you are surrounded by new SSPX-speak. You will no longer be told in plain English that you cannot attend the NO or the Indult Masses.

Also, what example are these Trads giving to their children? That it is ok to compromise? That it is ok to be complacent? That safety lies in numbers? While these Trads may fool themselves for a while, they will not fool their children for long (and this dissimulation will likely cause irreparable damage to the young minds).

Am I over-reacting? The Oath of Supremacy caused a reign of mass executions lasting for 150 years with the result that England emerged not only a Protestant nation, but was the catalyst for the Protestant take-over of the once-Catholic Europe.

Such was the power of one Oath.

Really?...Neo-SSPX Mercedes Giveaway!
Almost five hundred years later another “Oath” has been prepared, only this time it targets the last bastion of Tradition, and the “Oath” demands full recognition and acceptance of Vatican II theology. And the clergy, high and low, some quickly, others feigning some amount of discomfort, but most of them silently and acquiescently lead the faithful to the Conciliar Church. Is it not logical to conclude that the “canonical solution” or some equivalent “Oath” has already been signed?

Whether the “canonical solution” has been signed or not is a mute point because the facts are there for all to see: the current SSPX has broken faith with Archbishop Lefebvre. More importantly, the SSPX has broken faith with the Catholic Church of All Time.

I would like to thank Bishop Tissier and his assistants for confirming my decision to leave the SSPX.

*            *         *
The original document by Bishop Tissier can be found at:

and the English translation is at

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