Friday, February 27, 2015

Father E. Sylvester Berry, eminent theologian, on the usurpation of the papal see...

Father E. Sylvester Berry, eminent theologian, on the usurpation of the papal see...
It was the learned opinion of the eminent, 20th Century scripture scholar, Father E. Sylvester Berry that the 12th and 13th chapters of the Apocalypse of St. John foretell a usurpation of the papal see by the false prophet of Antichrist resulting in great tribulations befalling the Catholic Church. Father Berry points out that it is the papacy, which is the principal target of those who seek to establish the reign of Antichrist. Heresy, schism and the introduction of false worship upon the altars of Catholic churches are, thus, to be the direct results of the removal of the true Pope from the See of Rome, and subsequent occupation of the Chair of Peter by the forces of Antichrist.

Here in Sylvester Berry’s writings:
“In the forgoing chapter [12] St. John outlines the history of the Church from the coming of Antichrist until the end of the world . . . In this chapter he shows us the true nature of the conflict. It shall be a war unto death between the Church and the powers of darkness in a final effort to destroy the Church and thus prevent the universal reign of Christ on earth.

“Satan will first attempt to destroy the power of the Papacy and bring about the downfall of the Church through heresies, schisms and persecutions that must surely follow . . . he will raise up Antichrist and his prophet to lead the faithful into error and destroy those who remain steadfast . . . . . . The Church, the faithful spouse of Jesus Christ, is represented as a woman clothed in the glory of divine grace...
Two Popes or one true Pope and the other an Antipope?

" ...In this passage there is an evident allusion to some particular son of the Church whose power and influence shall be such that Satan will seek his destruction at any cost. This person can be none other than the Pope to be elected in those days. The Papacy will be attacked by all the powers of hell. In consequence the Church will suffer great trials and afflictions in securing a successor upon the throne of Peter.

“The words of St. Paul to the Thessalonians may be a reference to the Papacy as the obstacle to the coming of Antichrist: ‘You know what withholdeth, that he may be revealed in his time. For the mystery of iniquity already worketh; only that he who now holdeth, do hold until he be taken out of the way. And then that wicked one shall be revealed.’

“ . . . St. John . . . sees in heaven a red dragon with seven heads and ten horns . . . The dragon is Satan red with the blood of martyrs, which he will cause to flow. The meaning of the seven heads and ten horns must be sought in the description of the beast that represents Antichrist where they symbolize kings or worldly powers. (II Thessalonians 2:6-7) . . . Satan’s attacks against the Church will be organized and carried out by the governments and ruling powers of those days.

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“With the beast of Antichrist only the horns have diadems as symbols of royalty or governing power. The heads are branded with names of blasphemy. (Apocalypse, 13:1) Hence they symbolize the sins and errors that will afflict the Church . . . in this final struggle to prevent the universal reign of Christ all forms of sin and error will be marshaled against the Church . . . all errors which have afflicted the Church may be summed up in these seven: Judaism, paganism, Arianism, Mohammedanism, Protestantism, rationalism, and atheism.

“The dragon is seen in heaven which is here a symbol of the Church, the kingdom of heaven on earth. This indicates that the first troubles of those days will be inaugurated within the Church by apostate bishops, priests, and peoples, — the stars dragged down by the tail of the dragon.

“ . . . The dragon stands before the woman, ready to devour the child that is brought forth. In other words, the powers of hell seek by all means to destroy the Pope elected in those days.

“. . . It is now the hour for the powers of darkness. The new-born Son of the Church is taken ‘to God and to his throne.’ Scarcely has the newly elected Pope been enthroned when he is snatched away by martyrdom. The ‘mystery of iniquity’ gradually developing through the centuries, cannot be fully consummated while the power of the Papacy endures, but now he that ‘withholdeth is taken out of the way.’ During the interregnum ‘that wicked one shall be revealed’ in his fury against the Church.” [In his interpretation of the Apocalypse, Father Berry suggests that it will the martyrdom of the Pope, immediately after his election, that will precipitate an extended interregnum, causing manifold tribulations to be visited upon the faithful. However, the suppression of a true Pope, and the intense agony suffered by the rightful Pontiff, who watches helplessly as the Church is ravaged by demonic powers usurping his see for a generation, could certainly be compared to a type of prolonged martyrdom.]

“It is a matter of history that the most disastrous periods for the Church were times when the Papal throne was vacant, or when anti-popes contended with the legitimate head of the Church. Thus also shall it be in those evil days to come."

“The Church deprived of her chief pastor must seek sanctuary in solitude there to be guided by God Himself during those trying days . . . In those days the Church shall . . . find refuge and consolation in faithful souls, especially in the seclusion of the religious life.

“ . . . Our Divine Savior has a representative on earth in the person of the Pope upon whom He has conferred full powers to teach and govern. Likewise, Antichrist will have his representative in the false prophet who will be endowed with the plenitude of satanic powers to deceive the nations.

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“ . . . As indicated by the resemblance to a lamb, the prophet will probably set himself up in Rome as a sort of antipope during the vacancy of the papal throne . . .

“ . . . The ‘abomination of desolation’ has been wrought in many Catholic churches by heretics and apostates who have broken altars, scattered relics of martyrs and desecrated the Blessed Sacrament. At the time of the French Revolution a lewd woman was seated upon the altar of the cathedral in Paris and worshipped as the goddess of reason. Such things but faintly foreshadow the abominations that will desecrate churches in those sorrowful days when Antichrist will seat himself at the altar to be adored as God.

“. . .Antichrist and his prophet will introduce ceremonies to imitate the Sacraments of the Church. In fact there will be a complete organization - a church of Satan set up in opposition to the Church of Christ. Satan will assume the part of God the Father; Antichrist will be honored as Savior, and his prophet will usurp the role of Pope. Their ceremonies will counterfeit the Sacraments . . .” Published in 1921 (37 years before the pivotal 1958) by Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Apocalypse of St. John.

Again he repeats this message in his following work:

"The prophecies of the Apocalypse show that Satan will imitate the Church of Christ (Catholic Church) to deceive mankind; he will set up a church of Satan in opposition to the Church of Christ. Antichrist will assume the role of Messias; his prophet will act the part of Pope, and there will be imitations of the Sacraments of the Church. There will also be lying wonders in imitation wrought in the Church."
Published in 1927 by Father E. Sylvester Berry in his book, The Church of Christ: An Apologetic and Dogmatic Treatise.


Maitreya, the Antichrist? TradCatKnight Series...

 Do not forget to stop by daily for the latest endtimes news as we head closer to the great chastisements foretold at Fatima! Spread word and invite your family and friends....


  1. Where are all of the interviews with this guy Maitreya that have taken place? This guy from England claims he has done al of these television interviews yet there are none to be found. There are also other glaring errors on his webpage that do not fit the timeline. This is a huge hoax.

  2. Matthew ... I believe the "interviews" with Maitreya were "interviews" channeled through Benjamin Creme ... through they claim Maitreya lives in Londan. Maitreya has only appeared once or twice and then disappeared shortly after. Strange figure. It could be a hoax ... or not. Creme begs credulity. He seems like a total fruitloop to me. Time will tell. Also, when you research it, know that "Maitreya" is not the name of this person, only a title. Maitreya is the Buddhist word for their Messiah who is to come and be the embodiment of Buddha. Probably, if he's really the AC, he'll be called "World Teacher" to make him appeal to all religions, not just the Buddhists.

  3. St Paul's discourse in 2 Thess 2:7 is about the mystery of iniquity, the secret power of lawlessness. He begins with "the mystery of iniquity already is at work". The Bood of St Jude deals with this exclusively and bears witness to the fact that the organised forces of anti-Christ were aleady infiltrating the Church.

    The secret power of lawlessness was at work from the beginning of the Church seeking to capture its orders, its sacrament of orders, its Apostolic Succession, its bishops, its princes, its Apostolic Sees and the See of Peter (Rome) and the papacy.

    This was their Gramacian 'long march through the institutions' and the centuries. So when the newly elected John XXIII announces in his urbi et orbi "The Church has no enemies" I think we can conclude: they have it now.

    The decade of the 1920s when Fr Berry published his prophetic studies was a momentous decade.

    1919-21 he Catholic nation of Poland just having regained their indepence at Versailles and a nation again after 300 years is attacked by the Jewish forces of Bolshevism led by Trotsky. Against all military logistics Poland beats them back at 'the miracle of the Vistula' - arguably one of the great Rosary miracles of all time, another Lepanto. And the European line holds against the Jewish Soviet sweeping across all of Europe.

  4. The Miracle of the Vistula in 1921 prevents the Jewish Soviet power sweeping across all of Europe in all its Revolutionary fury. The Catholic nations of Poland and Lithuania are on the front line of this war. And their line holds

    The momentous decade of the 1920s ends with the signing of the Latern Accords.

    This is the resolution to the Question of the Holy See which had been in abeyance since the princes of Red Grand Orient Freemasonry ( Garabaldi and Mazzini ) had plunged into a bloodbath the city states and principalities of the Italian Peninsula.

    The papal states were stripped away from the Holy See.

    The popes from the time of Bl Pope Pius IX had been 'prisoners of the Vatican'.

    On Feb 11 1929 the Holy See and the Kingdom of Italy sign the Latern Accords. In these Accords, the Kingdom of Italy recognizes the Vatican as Sovereign City state. It recognizes the reigning pope as the Monarch or king. The Holy See or the See of Rome as a sovereign city state has a monarch or king in the temporal sense. He is the head of a sovereign city state (like Monaco) in a temporal sense. If both his temporal and spiritual leadership would be conflated, the King of Rome would be a good descriptive designation.

    June 7, 1929 and the Italian Parliament ratifies the Lateran Accords.

    July 13, 1929 on the 12th anniversary of Her Third Secret, our Lady comes to Tuy in Spain. In the great vision of the Holy Trinity (a representation of which now adorns the cathedral of Tuy), our Lady spoke to Sr Lucia of Fatima.

    "The moment has come for God to ask the Holy Father to make, in union with all the bishops of the world, the consecration of Russi to My Immaculate Heart. By this means, He promises to save Russia".

    Our Lord also gave Dominical prayers for the consecration: (in English they are)

    "Sweet Heart of Mary, be the salvation of Russia, of Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world"

    "By Your pure and Immaculate Conception, O Mary, obtain for me the conversion of Russia, of Spain, Portugal, Europe and the whole world.

    The alternative, we would later learn would mean the spread of the errors of Russia through the world and that if Russia did not convert, "that poor nation" (which still has the highest abortion rate in the world) would become the instrument chosen by Heaven to punish the whole world for its crimes and sins.

    1947, the Italian Parliament incorporated the Lateran Accords into the Constitution of Italy. And has continued to ratify the Accords.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Fr John O'Connor O.P. gave a very important series of lectures on the NWO, Maitreya and the Illuminist agenda. From both scripture and tradition, he does not think that Maitreya is the Anti-Christ who must counterfeit Christ.
