Saturday, January 10, 2015

A Seedless Society

A Seedless Society
By: Father Voigt (Resistance) 

Fathers favor families.  Where are the fathers today that support and foster their families through the gift of their seed.  Now every man, woman and child have been begotten through the inception of a seed from their father.  These good fathers following the pattern of St. Joseph treasured  the presence of God within their children.  In St. Joseph's case the Seed of the Holy Spirit overshadowed
the Blessed Virgin Mary and conception through the purity of perception gave the world its Savior.
Without the gift of the Seed of God's Loving Word our world would have self-destructed years ago. Instead the Word of God continues to produce the Family of God with those who will take seriously the presence of God in this world through the sacraments and the Gospel of Life Itself.

But how can this continue if the man no longer treasures the gift of the seed of his love in the sacrament of marriage.  Now he spills the seed in any circumstance and with any receptive womb or test tube.  Now man spills the seed in man and what fruit does society receive:  a death sentence.  Not only is the unholy family the model of our times but the fact of divine fire from heaven does not deter the rampant contemporary rush to its doom.  If the physical seed can be so  corrupted in its use; then can the Seed of God's Word come through men who have denied their very
nature.  Deny nature and you cast out the supernatural in a brief breathe.  The evil of the unfatherly mankind that we see surrounding us calls upon good Catholic men to stand up again in a Crusade for manhood itself.

Therefore, the identity of the Catholic husband and father must be regenerated totally.  He must be the pillar of the family supporting the faith in all its  glory.  He must give the seed of love to his wife for the procreation of souls for the kingdom of Christ.  He must share the Seed of God's Word with his children and his family that they might become the saints to salt the tasteless earth in which we find
ourselves.  Holy families are the result of holy fathers taking seriously the role that God has given to them, a role which is timeless and urgently needed now.


For this reason we plead with the Catholic men who read these words to reflect daily for 15 minutes on the role and the crusade that they are called to initiate.  Our strength is in the humility of the Blessed Mother and the fact that we too can perceive the Truth and give birth to our Lord in our hearts.  It can be done because Truth conquers the errors of the world around us.  Greater is He Who is in thee than
he who is in the world.  Yes, it takes courage to stand up for the totality of the faith.  You and I can do it with the grace supplied by the Father from Whom all fathers derive their name. 

Fathers unite with your families and teach them eternal truth, give them the example of the love of God, prepare them for a battle with the devil.  These are the times for heroes.  Be a a saint. Let us stop fooling ourselves about our seedless society which is decaying before our eyes.  Only heaven makes any sense in this time so let us grasp the crucial moment and cling to Christ with all our spiritual strength.  Let us form Holy Families now.

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt 

The Virtue of Manliness

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