Monday, November 17, 2014

Birds of a Feather....Ratzinger & Teilhard de Chardin

Birds of a Feather...Ratzinger & Teilhard de Chardin
(Resistance) Father Paul Kramer

Father Paul Kramer (Facebook: November 14th, 2014)
"Joseph Ratzinger, Gnostic Freemason, quotes the condemned Gnostic, pantheist apostate, Teilhard de Chardin, officially recognized as "an ideal representative of Masonic thought":

"Large things always begin from the small seed, and the mass movements are always ephemeral. In his vision of the evolutionary process, Teilhard de Chardin mentions the "white of the origins" (le blanc des origines): The beginning of a new species is invisible and cannot be found by scientific research. The sources are hidden—they are too small. In other words: The large realities begin in humility.

"Let us put to one side whether Teilhard is right in his evolutionary theories; the law on invisible origins does say a truth—a truth present in the very actions of God in history: "The Lord did not set his affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the Lord loved you." God says [this] to the People of Israel in the Old Testament and thus expresses the fundamental paradox of the history of salvation: certainly, God does not count in large numbers; exterior power is not the sign of his presence."

Ratzinger on the "New Evangelization"

Let nothing new be introduced, but only what has been handed down.
Pope Benedict XV

Teach nothing new, but implant in the hearts of everyone those things which the fathers of venerable memory taught with a uniform preaching ... Whence, we preach nothing except what we have received from our forefathers. In all things, therefore, both in the rule of faith in the observance of discipline, let the pattern of antiquity be observed.
Pope St. Leo the Great

 Teilhard de Chardin's Cosmic Christology and Christian Cosmology
Teilhard de Chardin was a New age/liberal apostate


  1. When De Chardin met Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange, he told a friend, after Fr. G.-L. left: "This is the man who wants to burn me at the stake!" (reported in The Sacred Monster of Thomism by Fr. Peddicord, O.P.)

    "Pius XII's encyclical Humani Generis (1950) completely rejected the Teilhardian position on evolution. Teilhard was furious and he accused the encyclical of exhibiting a 'masochism and sadism of orthodoxy.' The encyclical appeared to require the faithful to 'swallow the truth under its crudest and stupidest forms.' The Church failed to recognize that the theories of relativity and evolution were as critical to understanding God as the constant refinement of dogmas." —Between Science & Religion by Phillip Thompson (p. 74; original source: Speaight, Teilhard, 299.)

    De Chardin must disagree that "the whole science of natural and divine things is based" on "the capital theses in the philosophy of St. Thomas", as Pope St. Pius X wrote in Doctoris Angelici.

    From a footnote of Fr. Garrigou-Lagrange's Essence & Topicality of Thomism:

    «Some teach more or less explicitly that the material world would naturally evolve toward the spiritual, or that likewise the spiritual world would evolve naturally or quasi-naturally toward the supernatural order, as if Baius had been right. The world would be thereby in natural evolution toward the fullness of Christ; it would be in continual progress and hence would not have been able to be in the beginning in the perfect state of original justice followed by a fall, namely, original sin; such evolutionism, which recalls that of Hegel, mutates the substance of dogma itself.»

  2. Heinrich Himmler’s Faked Posen Jewish Extermination Speech:

  3. Evolution as a theory is actlually a myth like believing in the Gods of Greece and Rome. The Church Magisterium stands alone and needs no scientific support but if needed to challenge those who might claim that the Magisterium is outdated, these new scientific studies including several empirical ones help rectify the historical record poisoned by attempts to insert mythological long ages into the forthright meaning of the Magisterium.]
    "Evolutionism - Myth du Progrès" by D. Tassot); available in English on internet,I believe.
    “Evolution and Other Fairy Tales” by Dr. Larry Azar, Prof. of Iona College RIP, on Amazon recent DNA studies support the Magisterium of the church and destroy mythological claims of long ages and essentially eliminates supposed 600 million years for the formation of the sedimentary rocks and reduces those years to thousands supports major Earth catastrophes and refutes long ages
