Saturday, October 25, 2014


By: Father Voigt 
As each priest enters the Canon of the Holy Mass he performed three signs of the cross over the gifts to be offered.  Each sign is an action of "deliverance".  In the first sign, God the Father hands over His Only Begotten Son to us (as a gift "dona").  This is followed by the person of Judas representing mankind handing Jesus over to the Jews (haec munera).  Then the Jews hand over Jesus to Pilate as the innocent sacrifice needed for the salvation of souls from the sins that poison them.

Christ, the King, is delivered up by the Father, by Judas and by the Jews all for a different purpose.  The Father desired to give to the world a convincing proof of His eternal love for us.  His generosity is beyond the finite mind of man to comprehend.  Judas delivered His Master to the Jews for 30 pieces of silver which translates into approximately $600 dollars in today's exchange rate.  Judas wanted a political reformer, a king for the Jews and so Jesus was a disappointment.  But the Jews wanted no King but Caesar and they handed over their Redeemer to the power that could crucify Him.  They cried out "His Blood be upon us and our children."  Jesus was too divine for their earthly taste.

Now we come to the Role of the King.  He is and will remain a King for all were begotten by Him, through Him and for Him.  In His Kingship comes the revelation of absolute truth.  He came to testify to that truth and anyone who loves Him keeps His commandments.  Hence doctrine means something quite serious.  It is the path that leads to the restoration of peace.  The truth presented by Our Lord initiates the peace that surpasses understanding within our hearts.  This peace assures us that we are being guided by the King to the heaven for which we long.  Thus the role of our King is to testify to the truth, restore eternal peace and guide souls to the kingdom.

From the role of the King comes the battle which we are waging in this moment of history.  The battle is on three fronts:  1) personal, 2) familial and 3) social.  On the personal front each of our souls is being challenged concerning our convictions.  How did we form ourselves?  Do we know and love the doctrine revealed by the Son of God?  Are we convinced that our salvation is determined by the test we are undergoing right now?  Is God pruning the vineyard and do we see the need for it?  On the personal level we must decide that the institution called Christianity is dying but the Mystical Body will not die.  We must return to the Truth expressed in our tradition (Revelation found in the Scripture until the death of St. John and the continuous teaching of the magisterium prior to Vat. II).  This is the King's personal challenge to you.

Our families are being divided and destroyed.  Every family has its members battling each other over who is right and who is wrong.  Emotions are flying and there seems to be no communication possible.  Reason has left the battlefield and only emotions and feelings seem to rule the day.  Families must come to the common ground that the Church has always looked to in order to guide soul to eternal life:  tradition.  If it is tradition, then the case is closed.  Is homosexual activity traditional?  Is Holy Communion for the divorced and
remarried part of our faith?  Do you understand that our leadership is flawed and is embarking on a path that kills the doctrine of Christ the King?  How we need to wake up our families.

Consider the society we live in and realize that culture is subject to Christ the King and not the other way around.  We must reclaim the rights of God Himself over His creation.  There is but one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all.  Vatican II has betrayed our King and handed over His faithful to the Wolf of Society. 
There is but one answer to this betrayal:  We want our King back and we will not serve the monster that this society has become.  Like America seeking to remove the contagious disease of our political parties, we must vote out the secularism of our day and return to the sacred in which Christ is Lord of each heart, each family and each political whatever.  We must return to the Truth:  we have not the meaning for our existence in ourselves but only in Christ our King.  Viva Christo Rey!

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,

Fr. Richard Voigt

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