Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bishop Williamson: Chastisement Coming!

Number CCCLXXVI (376)
September 27, 2014

Chastisement Coming


Father Constant Louis Marie PEL (1876–1966) is not a name well-known among the souls gifted by God with a knowledge of how God is going to set today’s world straight, but for those who knew him he was a priest very close to God. Doctor in theology, seminary professor, founder of a convent for women and of a seminary for men, with a great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, he was a personal friend of Padre Pio who said of him to some French pilgrims in San Giovanni Rotondo, “Why do you come to see me when you have so great a Saint in France?”

Fr Pel would spend nights on his feet in church with his forehead leaning against the Tabernacle, conversing with God in a permanent ecstasy. He died in a car accident just after Vatican II, but not before a seminarian, one of his spiritual sons, had been able to note down a prophecy of his, dating from 1945, concerning the chastisement which will strike France in particular. Here it is, quoted or abbreviated:—
My son,” said Fr Pel, “know that with the sins of the world increasing in horror as this age wears on, great punishments from God will come down on the world and no continent will be spared by the Wrath of God. France being guilty of apostasy and denying its vocation will be severely chastised. East of a line stretching from Bordeaux in the south-west to Lille in the north-east, everything will be laid waste and set on fire by peoples invading from the east, and also by great flaming meteorites falling in a rain of fire upon all the earth and upon these regions especially. Revolution, war, epidemics, plagues, chemical poison gases, violent earthquakes and the re-awakening of France’s extinct volcanoes will destroy everything . .

“France to the west of that line will be less affected . . . because of the faith rooted in the Vendée and in Brittany . . . but any of God’s worst enemies seeking refuge there from the worldwide cataclysm will be found out, wherever they hide, and put to death by devils, because the Wrath of the Lord is just and holy. Thick darkness caused by the war, gigantic fires and fragments of burning stars falling for three days and nights will cause the sun to disappear, and only candles blessed on Candlemas (February 2) will give light in the hands of believers, but the godless will not see this miraculous light because they have darkness in their souls.
“In this way, my son, three quarters of mankind will be destroyed, and in certain parts of France survivors will have to go 60 miles to find another live human being . . . . Several nations will disappear off the face of the map . . . . A France thus purified will become the renewed “Eldest Daughter of the Church,” because all the Cains and Judases will have disappeared in this ‘Judgment upon the Nations’”.

This Judgment is not yet the end of times, but so great is the punishment due to the sins of the nations that Our Lord told Fr Pel that the desolation at world’s end will be lesser.

Dear readers, what do we conclude? Let each of us strive with might and main, and with the help of the Catholic sacraments given to us by God for that purpose, to live in God’s grace and not in the state of sin, and let us make full use of the time he gives us between now and the Hour of his Justice to pray for the largest possible number of sinners to repent and save their souls for eternity when the Chastisement closes in. God, have mercy. Mary, help.
Kyrie eleison.


  1. Thank you all for what you do.

    1. my honor to serve Christ, Our Lady, you and the Church in general...

    2. wow, never heard of him! Thanks Eric

  2. Thank you!
    You shared and just a few days ago I had a few seconds of clarification about France. For getting what I saw, reading your article it came back to me. Thanks again.

  3. Can someone help me - is the imprimatur on this no doubt saint's works?

    Can you also direct me to if, if so, for example the name of a book. You may help save a soul if you do so.

  4. The photograph you have posted is not of Father Pel, but of Father Antoine Crozier, another famous spiritual figure of the early twentieth century, and a friend of Blessed Charles de Foucauld.

  5. Domine Iesu, dimitte nobis debita nostra, libera nos ab igne inferiori, perduc in caelum omnes animas, praesertim eas, quae misericordiae tuae maxime indigent. Amen.

  6. God bless the soul of this priest.

  7. Perhaps it from this priest that St. Pio got his information that a chastisement of fire will come that will exterminate 3/4ths of the human race.

  8. Thank you for a very serious and grave event which should remind us that life is very short on this planet and we ought about doing penance in reparation to appease Gods anger and save souls and to return to our Catholic identity and traditions. The Catholic Church is listing in troubled waters with a category five hurricane approaching Her.

  9. My hope and my salvation are in the Name of the Lord.
    Sad for me, I am dwelling East of the line from Bordeaux to Lille. I pray the Lord to have mercy on my family the Day He will pour his Wrath on the apostate France. The ennemies of the Eldest Daughter of the Church are so many that the small remnant of the true french catholic faithfuls cannot outnumber them since they have opened its borders to a huge wave of muslim immigration with the aim to replace the true catholic Faith by the False Prophet's religion.
    Together with our ardent prayers and those of our Blessed Mother, Queen of France, of St Michael, St Dennis, St Joan of Ark, St Louis the IXth, St John Mary Vianney and St Therese of Lisieux God will restore the kingdom of France and bring it back to its apst splendor to the service of the Roman catholic Church.


    Does anyone know of where this prophesy comes from, i.e. what written document can be referenced, moreover, was the church's imprimatur given it.

    1. Have you ever read the book "Three Days Darkness"? It quotes many prophesies including those of Our Lady of Fatima. You may find what you are looking fr and more. God Bless and Protect.

  11. I am a Roman Catholic, tradionalist and American Indian. I have had visions since I was three years old. One of them when I was twelve was I was standing in a clearing near the woods by my home in the upper peninsula of MI. I was looking towards L. Superior and Canada in the North about this time of year and saw fire balls falling, steaming and exploding in the lake and hitting the land with fire in Canada.I held up my rosary and covered my eyes with my other hand. I usually only confide in our parish priest who is also native american. He has also seen what is coming.

    We were NOT told the truth about the third mystery and the bishops did not do the consecration of Russia as the very Mother of God herself asked. We are in trouble but it is the result of vat ii and the devil (see Pope Leo xiii - overhearing the devil and Our Lord discussing matters. He wrote the prayer to St. Michael right after and we always said it after Mass till vatll took it away. I will see this all in my lifetime and I am 75.


    Does anyone know of where this prophesy comes from, i.e. what written document can be referenced, moreover, was the church's imprimatur given it.

    1. You can ask His Lordship directly:

  13. so many think these things are not to come, but they are and the world will tremble in fear over those days. let us all pray that we will delay this punishment and find peace and strenght in the Eucharist daily. May God have Mercy on our souls.
