Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Fr. R. Voigt, "If it Acts Like a Fool..."

Fr. R. Voigt, "If it Acts Like a Fool..."
From: ( 

"If It Acts Like a Fool..."

Perhaps at no other time in the Church's history has the Papacy been so consistently

HERETICAL without as much as a soul crying out in defense of the Truth. Tradition has become apologetic in the sight of the new doctrines born in the Second Vatican Council. I have read enough, I have heard enough and I have seen even more than enough to tell me that the Faith of most is in grave danger. To lose your faith is to lose the direction toward the Beatific Vision.

Now let us come to the "foolishness" of Vatican II and what the simple Catholic can do about it.
First, the true Catholic Church was founded upon the proclamation of St. Peter when Jesus asked His Apostles:

"Who do you say I am?" Note that one apostle, without the consent of the rest (It was not a collegial act), stated:

"Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God." Jesus responded:

"Blessed art thou, Simon bar-Jonah, for no mere man has revealed this to thee, but my Father Who is in heaven. Hence thou are Peter and upon this 'petram' (Truth uttered by Peter) I will build my Church."

Implication of this statement are significant.

First, there is a monarchical hierarchy for the Mystical Body of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Church is the Body of Christ and has but one head and absolute power of the Church reside in the Pope. After Vatican II we received a second absolute power, a second head. This second head is the collegial body of Bishops. Instead of a Mystical Body we have received a Mystical Monster. This duel form of absolute power is neither scriptural, magisterial or practical. This is heresy in action.

Second, with the division of power comes the confusion of the liturgical sacrifice (meal now). A unified Church demands a universal language of worship and this was summarily eliminated by the good mason Bugnini and his six Protestant Periti. The new mass is a Protestant construct and by nature promotes an heretical understanding of the Church's act of worship. From a canonized Mass which produced true saints we were arbitrarily given an experiment. After forty years of the experiment the Church is in the throes of death. Church structures are closing around the world and the writing is on
the wall that the Catholic Church is dying. It does not take a rocket scientist to proclaim this Council a deadly poison.

Third, the decay of the Church is reflected in another heretical statement of Vatican II in which the primary purpose of marriage is no longer the propagation of souls for the kingdom of God. Instead there is this concern for the unity of life and love between the spouses. The introduction of this has brought about the Catholic divorce syndrome, the contraceptive mentality and even the act of abortion among Catholic women. Heresy begets hatred and division. Sin begets sin. When we yield to modernist ideas we witness quite quickly the wages of sinful and erroneous thinking, i.e. death.

Fourth, with the disintegration of the family structure the church began to lose its credibility. It appeared to the world that annulments were a quick and easy way out of permanent bond. Consider the marriages, reflect upon the religious life and the priesthood, what has happened to the constant increase prior to Vatican II. This disintegration has brought about a Satanic smear upon the Person of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Is He no longer the Son of God? Is His Church no longer the only means of salvation for the soul?

Vatican II has uncrowned the King of kings. In its documents the person of Christ is one of the many ways to achieve salvation (cfr. religious liberty). Can you see that we are being lead from one heresy to another?

Now all of this has happened under the Conciliar Popes: John XXIII, John Paul II, Paul VI, Benedict XVI, and now Francis. Not one of them obeyed God who asked that Russia be consecrated to our Blessed Mother's Immaculate Heart on the same day by Pope and every Bishop in their Cathedrals. Thus the world would know that God had chosen Mary for the peace and conversion of the world. Instead of protecting the truth and obeying God concerning this consecration, they have formed a new church (Conciliar), given us new sacraments, a new bible, a new canon law, a new catechism, etc. All that was part of our tradition had to be drowned in the new sea of modernism. Science has become their new God.

What then is the response of the simple priest or layman who wish to protect the Faith of our fathers? Resist the errors, hold to the truth and correct those who have formed this phony new "Bride".

As Uguaccione wrote: "When the Pope falls into heresy, he can be judged by his subjects. In fact, the Pope falls into heresy he makes himself not greater than, but inferior to any other Catholic."

Cardinal Giovanni di Torquemada commenting on "Corpus juris canonici", affirms: "I respond to this conclusion by saying that the Pope has no superior judge on Earth, except in the case of heresy."

The conclusion is clear: if you hold to the truth presented by the Church for 1900 plus years and a pope and council try to sell you a new faith with new sacraments then say simply, "I am not buying it. I want the Mother Church and the sacramental life of all those who went before me." I reject the Council that brought this poison among us. Now here is a conclusion that is offered by Fr. Luigi Villa at the end of his penetrating analysis of the heresies of Vatican II:

"We ask ourselves, then, where is the true Church? If we accept the prophecy of the Virgin of La Salette, the true Church is visible in those who flee from heresy, still keeping the Faith."

"This, however, poses the problem that the Church, tomorrow, will need to clear up this dark period of its History and must, therefore, also verify the invalidity of the documents of Vatican II, of the false liturgical reform, of the vacuous Canon Law, of heretical Catechisms and the twenty encyclicals."

"May Jesus Christ-GOD, Founder of His Church, enlighten and direct this solution for His Church." (P. 203, Vatican II ABOUT FACE!)

In the hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Fr. Richard Voigt

TradCatKnight contribution: A good article from Father Voigt on Vatican II Newchurch which calls to mind the mystical experience of Blessed Anne Emmerick on the NewChurch "formulae"(science) which comes from Masonry which ultimately comes from the Jewish Talmud/Kabal.

  "I saw again this strange big church that was being built in Rome. There was nothing holy in it. I saw this just as I saw a movement led by Ecclesiastics to which contributed angels, saints and other Christians. But in this strange Church all work was being done mechanically according to set rules and formulae. Everything was done according to "human reason". I saw all sorts of peoples, things, doctrines and opinions. There was something proud, presumptuous and violent about it and they seemed very successful. I did not see a single Angel helping in their work." Bl. Emmerick

*Pope Paul 6th during the course of his pontificate made the implication that "in the end reason will win out"! and did not our Lady of LaSalette warn of the Dogma of Faith being lost in Rome by becoming the seat of antichrist? Further, did she also not say where the Dogma of Faith(papacy) would be preserved?(In Portugal)

Father Voigt on Vatican II New Religion


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