Monday, June 30, 2014

TradCatKnight Newsletter (June, 2014) “Fight the Good Fight!”

TradCatKnight Newsletter (June, 2014)
“Fight the Good Fight!”

2 Timothy 4:7
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.

Brethren, let us remember this day St. Paul an ex murderer turned into an Eagle by the grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ. He saw with the Eyes of charity and his wings of faith and hope sustained him throughout his many journeys and afflictions. Let us call to mind this day that there are many “fights” that man will engage himself in but are they “good”? St. Paul preached Christ crucified and this was his only joy, comfort and glory in the early Church where he was commanded to spread the gospel. And is this same command from Christ any different in reality to what we have been called to do whether clergy or laity? Yea, we have for us a model of the “good fight”. Many men this hour fight and compete for greater profits, for a more esteemed position, for worldly honors or for the latest car model. Men will drive themselves into bad health all for the sake of things BUT they will give no notice to the Creator of “things” by which we receive anything at all! The “good fight” has ends in eternal life by keeping the proper norm of Faith, a Faith, which is being trampled upon by her enemies who are seeking their religion of “absolute equality”. Therefore, the “good fight” is for the Faith and is nothing less for it deals with our immortal souls. It deals with the Source of our happiness and rest which is in Jesus Christ. It is not even a fight for greater spiritual gifts or favors for even this is imperfect and does not show that the soul is willing to love the Lover Himself for Who He is! Will we be able to say I have fought the “good fight” or be accused of fighting for selfish cause? This supposed “gain” of anything less than Christ Who is our ALL. 

St. Paul journeyed many lands all for the love of God because in union with Christ he followed the course plotted out for him. This is where true joy stems from knowing that we keep the course. It is not in the latest gift or favor or experience for such are sometimes given to those who are truly weak in Love and need a “boost” from the Divine to carry onward to spiritual marriage. He first journeyed within before he journeyed the world and battled himself in his “blindness” that he may be relieved of his carnal sight in exchange for the inner eyes of an eagle. St. Paul helped to flourish the Faith and we will have to fight the “good fight” not only to maintain It, but then after chastisement, to further increase it in the world. Therefore, start now & be bold have no fear but spread your wings. St. Paul said “my course” and this of course, ought to be interpreted as finishing the course God has willed for us. In a self -centered and self- absorbed modern world how many finish their own course and not Gods course for them! They only find out at deaths door that they shall plummet off the cliff as a lemming into the Abyss beneath but all the while thinking themselves to be an eagle. Man alone is wretched and in need of the Divine Wind to keep the eagle flying in the blue skies above and yet do we thank God for this every day? Will you now start to be more serious in your interior journey by taking more serious this proper understanding of “my course? Do ye seek to please yourself or satisfy the Immaculate & Sacred Hearts?
Verily, will we be able to say I have kept the Faith? Since Vatican II there is a new modernist faith. Can those following Vatican II objectively say they are keeping the Faith? Answer, In the Negative and we can only pray for invincible ignorance to excuse those following blindly the prelates and Popes since Vatican II. Keeping the Faith to St. Paul fueled his heart and soul; it was worth more than even his own life. It caused him many afflictions and sufferings of which he was most grateful for. And yet how many of us complain and murmur when we are given a little cross to carry for the day. How many complain when what God allows interferes with our own selfish will and desires. Complaining cost the Israelites to continue on in circles prolonging their reach to the Promised Land. The Promised Land is spiritual marriage with Our Lord in seventh floor of the Fortress of the Soul in this life and ultimately the Beatific Vision in the next. God will want to see who will “keep this faith” unto the very end when all hell breaks loose on earth but will we not have the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts to carry us thru? Can we say I battled and fought; I finished His Will and kept the Faith? This is what St. Paul would ask every Catholic believer this day. Do I love myself that much so as to deny the ancient Faith of all times in order to fit in with the Vatican II Modernist’s of this “passing day”. Nay, in this interior Way even in the open blue skies in spiritual marriage with Our Lord there is always more we can expect. Therefore, let us close our eyes and envision ourselves at the end of this cliff as a little eagle and spread our wings wide and then open our eyes! Fear or Faith; fright or flight what shall it be? Self or His Sacred Heart, our Source and End. If you are only willing to give God 90% then you should not expect to fly off of the cliff. For the 10 percent of self you will retain is enough to cause you to plummet. It is all or nothing good friends. #EagleoftheFortress.

“Fight the Good Fight”

Fight onward O’ Soldiers of Christ
In this darkness of night
For a battle is not won until
All the enemies have perished out of sight
Press onward in loves holy course
In the Catholic faith which takes us into flight
Be willing to say as testimony in loves confession
I am ready to bleed and lay down my life
Have clear vision in grace to take a stand
For truth is truth it is either black or white
Will ye stand on the edge of cliffs in fear
Or will ye leap and rest upon the divine Wind
So that ye may reach His Heart in the unknown heights
To whom do you love and what will ye die for
Is not eternity enough of reward
To fight the Good Fight?

1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the good fight of faith: lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses.

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